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"Starved or not. Caged or not. A tiger is still a tiger."

KTM Enterprises, Seoul

Stridently whistling to himself, disturbing the pacific worktime of his employees, Woo-Shik noisily dragged his feet along the marbled floor as he made his way to the CEO's office. 

The receptionist timidly pushed a single strand behind her ear anticipating his presence for him to shower her with his compliments. Nonetheless, much to her shock, the male purely passed by her desk sending her one of the broadest smiles on his way.

Woo-Shik didn't feel essential to flirt with any other woman now when his heart was already reserved by someone.

Beaming ear to ear, Woo-Shik ran his fingers through his hair, conscious of the susurrant taking place behind his presence. Not that he cared about it much. Because all his care was now jammed on that certain someone who even despised seeing his face. 

"Till when are you going to run away from me kitten? One day you'll have to come in my arms. Just wait and watch."

With the widespread smile still surfacing on his appearance memorizing his encounter with his kitten, Woo-Shik ambled into Taemin's office, occupied by daydreaming. 

Not ever even in his dreams, he had supposed that a player like him would fall for a girl so wild just like a kitten, that too in just one meeting. 

But that's what love is. It can turn even a thug into a saint. 

Yet, even love has a dark side to it. If it has the power to turn something evil into good, it can also turn something monstrous into evil.

Woo-Shik's grin vanished from his face as his eyes descended on the figure seated behind the large glass table. 

A frown automatically climbed on his face as he tried to grasp the sudden reason behind Taemin's presence in the office today as ever since Kizzie's arrival in Korea, Taemin had made her his top priority and overlooked all the matters related to his company. 

But seeing him sitting there lost in his world, Woo-Shik for a moment couldn't apprehend his friend's intention behind being in his own office until the other day's incident, or more like 'catastrophe', struck his mind. 

Recalling that day Woo-Shik was forced to fist his palm, while his gleeful expression turned into a grim one, as he beheld his friend's state.

Wearily lying on the large revolving chair clad in one of his work suits, Taemin had his palm tightly scrunched into stiff fists. And Woo-Shik feared that he might hurt himself as per the might he was tightening his palms. 

Taemin's hair looked dishevelled more than his entire being while his dark eyes were also no good. Dark circles encircled his reddened eyes that were appearing yet so dull that for a minute Woo-Shik wanted to bawl his own eyes out seeing his friend's condition.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts the former male gulped a deep breath before dragging his feet toward his chap with the sole intent of improving his worsened state. 

"Ahem. I didn't expect to see you today here at all, V. What happened that you thought of blessing my eyes with your charismatic presence instead of eye fucking your angel in the college, huh?" 

The male uttered with a playful smirk on his face expecting Taemin to lash out at him and chuck him out of the office while seething with rage instead of sitting on his chair like a corpse.

But that leer disappeared from Woo-Shik's appearance when much to his dismay, Taemin continued to stay seated in his seat. 

The latter didn't even move his iris a bit to acknowledge the other male's presence and glared at him like usual for speaking about his angel like that. And that only worsened Woo-Shik's sentiments. 

He felt angry at himself for hauling Taemin to the auditorium but the fury that he felt at Kizzie for hurting Taemin to this extent was more profound.

"I guess you're finally done with the fixation with your angel. Good for you, I'm glad that you're finally done with her now." 

Slapping his hand on Taemin's shoulder Woo-Shik voiced out in a monotone and stared out of the window until a chuckling sound entered his ears. 

With a crease on his forehead, Woo-Shik turned around and his eyes automatically darted towards Taemin's back which vibrated each time he laughed.

"You think I'm done with my angel, huh." 

His chuckles suddenly turned into laughter but what scared Woo-Shik the most was the crazy look in his eyes. His reddened eyes made him appear like an entire maniac. 

And if it was someone else in Woo-Shik's shoes that person would've made a run for the door this instant. Instead, Woo-Shik stood still waiting for Taemin to advance.

Another laughing sound erupted out of Taemin's throat as he slowly made his way towards his pal. "I thought you knew me, but how could you be so damn wrong, Ed. How can you even let such a thought enter your mind that I can ever forget my angel in this life of mine." 

Woo-Shik's forehead wrinkled with concern for his friend as he grasped his words because the man standing in front of him seemed nothing like the exhausted and lost man from earlier.

Recognizing the look on his friend's face Taemin snickered once more and rested his palm on Woo-Shik's shoulder before proclaiming. 

"You thought that I would admit my defeat now as my dear father-in-law has brought my angel's so-called boyfriend to keep her apart from me, right? But what you don't know Ed, is that it only enhanced my hunger for my baby. The love that I wanted her to feel now has turned into something more sinful. Something that doesn't want me to make her love me. But become her entire life."

Woo-Shik's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he breathed Taemin's words. His shock earned him a massive grin from his friend who leant on his desk and resumed in his completely hoarse voice. 

"At first, I wanted her to love me but nah, not anymore. I don't want my angel to love me. I want to become her fucking life. The damn reason she exists. The air she breathes. Her need. The only fucking thing she talks about. I'll become her everything. And then Mr Jeon will know that no matter how many obstacles he puts in my path, the victory in the future will be mine. My angel will only love me. Just me." 

The prior heaved a deep breath hearing the maddened claims of his mate but frowned when he wondered why Taemin was staying away from Kizzie if he wanted her so badly and increasing Dylan's chances. 

"Then why are you here today instead of being with her?"

Hearing Woo-Shik, Taemin smirked and with his enflamed eyes and tousled state he looked nothing like a noble person. While his next words only acted as fuel on the fire of curiosity inside Woo-Shik. 

"Patience, Ed, Patience. You'll be knowing it soon." 

Not even a second had passed when a knock was heard on the door of Taemin's cabin which only enhanced his smirk while Woo-Shik grimaced seeing Mr Byun's perspiring self. But his eyes turned wide afterwards when he heard his words. 

"Mr Jeon is here to see you, Mr Kim."


As Taemin and Woo-Shik sauntered into the room all the board members stood upright and started to bow showing their respect to the varmint advancing towards his throne. 

But two people didn't feel the need to or particularly shunned to see his face at this very hour. And these two people were none other than Jeon Jungkook and the future heir of the Wangs, Dylan Wang.

The more Dylan's eyes gawked at Taemin, the more he felt himself simmering inside. After all, his perspective about the man was true. 

Despite his handsome face, everything about him screamed evil. From his head to toe. From his redden dimmed eyes to the way he had just walked into the room so powerfully. 

Dylan scoffed internally at the thought of Kizzie even sitting beside someone like Taemin because as per him his sugarpie wouldn't even dare to look such a man in the eye, liking him is far away.

But what Dylan didn't know was that his sugarpie didn't only like the beast but cherished his every bit with each bit of her heart.

Accessing his seat on the centremost chair with his secretary Mr Byun on his left and Woo-Shik on the right, Taemin sat with his legs crossed, like a King looking down at his people. 

"What a pleasant surprise Mr Jeon. I didn't expect to have you here today out of all people in the world." Lie. A whole lie. 

Jeon Jungkook fed on dominance and Taemin knew that he wouldn't leave a single opportunity to dominate him. And now as Dylan was here how could he waste such a chance? But there was also another reason why Jungkook was here today.

The mentioned man smiled cynically leaning back in his chair. If Taemin was the King then Jungkook was also no less than a King himself and the fierceness in his eyes verified it. 

"Indeed, it is a surprise, Mr Kim. After all, you're not the only one who can do that. I also hold the power to surprise the ones I want at the correct time." 

While smirking, Jungkook spoke forcing a sardonic smile to ascend on Taemin's face having his statement backfired on him.

"But today I'm not here with the intention of surprising you Mr Kim." 

Jungkook gestured to Dylan with two of his fingers while Taemin tried so hard to not acknowledge the presence of the other male, but once his eyes again acquired the sight of his face, immense rage rushed inside his veins. 

Taemin rolled his palms scrunching his eyes, though, his eyes opened wide hearing Woo-Shik's voice. "What the fuck man."

There was an empty cheque kept on the table in front of Taemin signed by Jungkook. Seeing that, Taemin frowned and darted his eyes toward the man whose sign was done on the piece of paper. 

"Fill the amount of your wish and transfer the 46% shares of my company you own to me." 

Jungkook knew that there was no shortage of money for the man seated on the centre chair. But he also knew the power money held. And this was his time to test its power.

Taemin smiled a bitter smile to himself as he peered at the empty cheque in front of him. There was no doubt in his mind that Jungkook wasn't here just to buy the shares. But he also wanted to buy Taemin's love for Kizzie. And that angered him a lot. 

Nonetheless, the smile on his face hid his emotions well and no one had anticipated when he rose from his chair and tore the cheque into scraps.

Dylan's blood boiled seeing the insulting act of Taemin while Jungkook stayed coolly seated in his seat viewing Taemin as he sat on the table in front of him. Where Woo-Shik observed everything with a smirk on his face only wishing for a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

"I apologize Mr Jeon but I can't fulfil this wish of yours. Especially not when I am as much interested in your company as much as I am in a certain someone from your family." 

No matter how much Jungkook wanted to slap that fucking smirk away from Taemin's face, for the first time in his life he felt so helpless. Instead, he handled his anger by digging his nails into his palm. 

Converse to this, Dylan was not so calm after apprehending the hidden meaning behind Taemin's statement. And the moment he did, he mounted from his seat and lunged towards Taemin only to be stopped by the male himself. 

"You bast..." 

"Careful Mr Wang. You wouldn't want to threaten the tiger while standing in his den. That too while knowing the brutal consequences of your meagre action now. Would you?"

Clenching his jaw, Dylan squeezed his palms into fists as he again took his seat. Jungkook on the other hand had a mocking smirk on his appearance as he took in Taemin's already enraged state. And he only hoped for the worst to happen after he let out his last arrow. 

"Don't mind my son-in-law Mr Kim. You know how young blood is. And when it comes to Kizzie, don't even ask me. After all, he loves her so much." 

As Jungkook gently patted Dylan's head, Taemin sensed a pang in his own heart but didn't let his face display that emotion. 

Seeing Taemin's expressionless face, Jungkook smiled internally and continued, "Oh how could I forget such an important thing for which I was here? But thanks to Christ I remembered it on time. Honestly, Mr Kim, the real reason why we're here today is not for business. but for my daughter."

Now that got Taemin's entire attention. Kizzie's mere mention was enough to make him look like a lost puppy. His eyes shone like diamonds and Woo-Shik gulped seeing him like this. He wasn't ready to see his friend face another heartbreak and he was sure that whatever Jungkook was to say wouldn't leave a good impression on Taemin's already insane mind. 

And just as the words finally left Jungkook's throat Woo-Shik was forced to get out of his seat.

"About her engagement with Dylan."

Taemin swore he imagined himself holding a gun over Jungkook's dead body for a second just as the sentence was grasped by his ears. His legs felt weak. Not from pain. Not from fear. But with anger. His entire self was trembling with fury. And all the bounds to his patience were finally broken now. 

"Out. Now." Taemin yelled at the ground in his hoarse voice which made everyone flinch in their seats. But not a single person dared to move, afraid for an uncertain reason. 

"Take them all out, Mr Byun. Now."

Getting him, his secretary ushered every single being out of the board room except for Jungkook, Dylan, Woo-Shik and Taemin himself, before excusing himself too. 

"So, what were you saying, Mr Jeon? Engagement? My angel's engagement and that too with him." 

After throwing everyone out, Taemin vocalised as he rested his palms on the desk ahead and pointed a finger in Dylan's direction in a way it felt like he was almost disgusted.

Dylan raised his brow and in no time, he was standing in front of Taemin matching his stance with a smirk covering his face. "Why? Surprised? Don't tell me that you expected my Kiz will get engaged to someone like you. This mere thought makes me want to puke."

"Careful Mr Wang. Don't forget what I just said, or you will have to pay for the consequences. And trust me it's only for my baby's sake that I'm holding myself back this much or else it had been otherwise; I wouldn't have wasted a second to wipe your existence off my angel's life." 

With the amount of confidence Taemin had in those words, not only Dylan but Jungkook also felt somewhat affected by it.

"Your angel? You're too delusional, Mr Kim. Aren't you? Well, in that case, I think we should leave it to Kizzie to choose the one she wants. What do you say?" 

Bracing himself Dylan enunciated with his face containing a smirk while Taemin twinned his expression. "Absolutely Mr Wang. My angel has all the rights to choose her man after all this is the 21st century." 

Taemin smiled widely and a smirk climbed on Jungkook's face on its own as he heard him completing his remark. 

"I'm up for the game."


Jeon Mansion, Seoul

Humming a song to herself, the small girl neatly stuffed her books in her little school bag. A huge smile was stuck on her cute face as she did her task. 

Finally, after 2 weeks, she was going to leave this hell hole called home. Not that Jiha was one of the children who loved going to school and studying. 

She was simply tired of sitting in the mansion and doing nothing. Yeah, even having nothing to do can make you exhausted sometimes and that's what she has been feeling for a few days.

Nevertheless, if her being sick brought her some cons, with no doubt, it also provided some pros for little Miss Kim. 

The amount of love and care she had received from the entire family in just these two weeks, she could bet she hadn't grossed even half of it in the time she had spent on this planet. 

From the family's youngest, Jeongguk to the family's oldest, Seokjin, everyone was ready to rush to hell if it would make her well again.

For the first time in her life, Jiha felt so ecstatic excluding the time she was puking her guts out and couldn't eat her favourites. 

Everything was so perfect for her in these two weeks apart from the confinement. Everything but the over-caring Jeongguk.

And now that she has been officially declared completely fine by her mother Rose and Aunt Yn, she'll be eventually able to attend school tomorrow. The girl was literally on the 9th cloud. 

However, was she the only one happy today?

The small head that peeped from the keyhole of Jiha's door, was another entity that was a little too ecstatic today. The reason was, of course, the healthy state of the girl inside the room. 

Jeongguk grinned as he rested the rear of his head on the door and closed his eyes in utter bliss. 

'Is this paradise I'm feeling Jesus? Did I finally reach heaven after those cruel two weeks?' 

The boy mumbled in his mind while a deep sigh escaped from his tiny lips.

It was the time when he would finally be free from the boredom in school, now that his favourite person would be in front of his eyes for the endless 6 hours. He'll be free from Jiha slamming her homework in his face to compensate for the time she wasn't able to go to that 'picnic' with Kizzie and Dahyun. 

And he'll be finally free from seeing his potato sack in pain. God. Only the boy knows how much he had to suffer seeing Jiha writhe in pain. And now that she was fine, no one could be happier than him.

"Jiha baby, you've got a call to attend from your friend." As Rose's voice echoed from the living room, Jiha hurried out of her room unaware of the boy who was still lying on her door with his eyes closed in ecstasy. 

And the instant Jiha opened the door, Jeongguk landed on the floor with a loud thump. 

"Did... did God just throw me out of paradise?" The boy yelled, lying straight on the ground, and earning a bothered look from the girl standing above him.

"Weirdo," Jiha muttered under her breath and without lending her hand to the boy crying in pain, rushed to the living room. 

"Felix. I missed you so much. Of course, I know you must've too. How could you even not miss your worldwide beauty, huh."

Listening to the familiar name that entered his ear, Jeongguk's eyes turned broad and not even a second later he was dashing downstairs to see Jiha adhered to the phone like a leech and beaming so widely that he almost got afraid for a flash that she would lose a tooth or two.

"This punk. How dare he call her?" While Jeongguk seethed inside, he couldn't help but reminisce the times he had scared this boy away. But the boy was anything but frightened.

As Jeongguk brewed plans in his mind to threaten Felix for another time, he witnessed a shy smile creeping onto Jiha's face that stretched his face into a disgusted look. 

"She never smiles at me like that. And she's smiling at some shit that jerk must be saying. Oh, he's so dead now." 

Stomping. Jeongguk snatched the device away from Jiha and harshly placed it on his ear growling straight at the phone. 

"Listen here you swine, I swear I will shove chopsticks up your nose if you dared to call this potato sack once again, you understand."

Slamming the device on the table, the 10-year-old turned to the girl staring at him with wide eyes, stunned at herself for being so speechless. 

She couldn't even get angry at Jeongguk for the bunch of hair she lost when he seized the phone from her. She could only stare at his small face that was puffed with anger and step backwards while he stepped towards her and yelled at her face. 

"And you, if I see you smiling at him like this again, I swear on our unborn children, I'll tie you with your hair to the tree in our garden, got it?"

Concluding his furious sentence, Jeongguk swerved and ambled mindlessly whilst Jiha ogled at his small back. 

"What... what's his deal?" She mumbled gawking at Jeongguk as he walked into the kitchen before turning her mourning towards her broken hair on the floor.

On the other hand, Jeongguk took a stop once he reached the kitchen and slowly took a huge gulp of water while rubbing his chest. 

'The things love makes us do.' 

The boy held and sighed another time to himself ruffling his hair. "God, why is love so complicated."

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