Chapter 11

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(Your POV)

You yawned and rubbed your eyes, the pain in your head reminding you of your concussion. You then remembered about Shuichi and checked to see if he was still here. You weren't sure if you were surprised or not, but you found him sitting in the guest room on his phone. However, he noticed you enter.

"Oh, you're awake," Shuichi commented.

"Yep," You chuckled.

"How bad does your head hurt?" Shuichi asked.

"I mean, it feels bad but I've had worse," You shrugged.

"Well... at least it's not the worst, then," Shuichi tried to comfort you a little. Then, his stomach growled.

"Sheesh dude, you better eat something! Well, I'll make something... what do you want?" You giggled.

"No, you should rest your head... I can make a sandwich or something..." Shuichi shook his head.

"B-but-" You began to protest, but Shuichi's almost stern glare made you shut up, "Alright, fine..."

"Oh... do you want a sandwich too?" Shuichi offered, his gaze softening again.

"Sure, I guess," You sighed, ignoring the lowkey mood swing and going back to your room while Shuichi went to the kitchen. You could hear him opening and closing cabinets trying to figure out your kitchen's setup, making you chuckle to yourself but you knew he'd figure it out eventually.

You played on your phone while you waited, and a few minutes later Shuichi knocked on the door. "Yeah?" You called out.

"Um... th-the sandwich is done..." Shuichi announced shyly through the door.

"Kay, just leave it in the kitchen. I'll be there in a couple minutes," You instructed, finishing what you were doing on your phone before going out to the kitchen and eating a (type) sandwich.

"Hey Shuichi, has anyone said anything about your house?" You asked.

"Ah, nope... I dunno if they're just waiting to tell me in person or if they're still investigating..." Shuichi sighed, "And I don't even know if they're still running since Shaun definitely got fired for committing murder... I heard his trial happened this morning and he got 40 years in prison..."

"Serves him right!" You declared.

"Yeah..." Shuichi agreed.

"Is something wrong? You seem kinda quiet," You inquired.

"Ah, s-sorry, it's- it's nothing," Shuichi stammered awkwardly, trying to hide behind his bangs but to no avail. You could see a small blush spread on his cheeks, and he looked absolutely adorable.

"Really? Cuz it doesn't look like nothing to me," You teased with a smirk, causing the shy detective to blush even more and look away in embarrassment.

You approached the male until you were very close to him, chuckling at his very flustered expression. "Sooooo, whatcha thinkin' of~?" You purred.

"...Y-y-you..." Shuichi barely managed to say it, his face burning red.

"Awwwe, that's adorable~!" You giggled, toying with his hair.

Shuichi made a small noise in embarrassment, and you kissed him on the cheek. "Hmmm, maybe it's wrong buuuuut... I wuv chu~"

You watched in amusement as Shuichi squeaked softly at those words, and he suddenly hugged you. "I-I... l-love you t-t-too..."

You smiled and hugged him back, rubbing his back a little.

"I just want you to know... I won't make you do anything if it's too uncomfortable, alright?" You spoke softly.

"Th-thank you," Shuichi buried his face in your shoulder, which you found to be adorable as FUCK. You played with his soft hair, smiling in satisfaction as he relaxed. He stayed like that for a while until he lifted his head, kissing you on the lips slowly.

You made a small noise in surprise but you kissed back after the initial shock. It was slow and sweet, his lips feeling perfect with yours. However, it seemed to be over all too soon, the kiss being broken for air. You and Shuichi were both blushing and panting a bit.

"That... was magical," You commented in shock.

"Y-yeah... it was," Shuichi agreed.

The moment was broken with Shuichi's phone ringing. "Ah, s-sorry!!"

You laughed loudly, finding it hilarious. "It's fine, go answer it."

Shuichi nodded and stood up, answering the call, "Hello?"

(Shuichi's POV)

My brain was still a little fuzzy from what just happened, but I forced myself to focus on what Lestrade was saying.

"Woah dude, you sound like you were at the bar or something. Are you okay?" Lestrade asked.

"S-sorry, I'm fine!" I assured.

Lestrade laughed, "Alright, alright. Okay, but there's some good news and then some new I dunno how you're gonna react. Which first?"

"The good."

"Okay, sooo. The good news is your house is totally safe and there's no bombs or traps or anything! We tested the whole thing three times!" Lestrade boasted.

"That's good," I smiled.

"That's why it's called good news. Now for the mystery news, weeeeeeell... since Shaun kinda got fired the position of managing the entire police station became open and you just got promoted to fill that role," Lestrade informed.

"W-wait, what?!" I stammered, how would I even handle so much responsibility?!

"Ahaha, yep! Nobody really had any say... since you're the last Saihara around it just got handed to you," Lestrade explained.

"B-but wait... how am I gonna manage all that?!"

"Hey dude, chill! I can help you out!" Lestrade assured.

"Y-you will...?" I was honestly surprised at that suggestion.

"Sure, why not?  I got nothing better to do and at least you're not like Shaun!" Lestrade chuckled.

"True..." I chuckled as well.

There was some background talking, and Lestrade gasped, "Sorry, gotta go! Bye!"

Lestrade suddenly hang up, not in his character. Well, he seemed pretty excited. They're probably throwing a surprise party for my promotion or something... I'll try to act surprised.

"What was that call about?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well... my house is safe and I've been promoted to ah... sort of sheriff, but for detectives... there's no official name for it since my uncle just made it up when he was alive..." I explained.

"Wait, really?! That's awesome!" (Y/N) cheered.

Word count: 1014

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