8:00 PM

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Seoul was beautiful at night.

Dani decided that Namsan Tower held her favorite view of the entire city. The silent lights of the city buildings which were sending beacons of light into the night. From this distance, Dani couldn't hear the sounds of the freeway or the late night city traffic; everything was blissfully quiet in the clear night. The only thing that would have made the metropolitan scene below look more gorgeous would be the ability to see the stars that twinkled beside the full moon, which speared a spotlight onto the city below.

Namjoon was quiet by her side as she gripped the top of a fence that was decorated with thousands of locks, with thrown away keys, that displayed the love of couples. She wondered how many of those couples were still in love, or if they had long ago abandoned the love that propelled them to do such a silly thing.

They had left Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok behind at Big Hit entertainment. While Dani's soul was weary from the emotional drain of her sister's death, her body now had the feeling to match. She had learned every second of the "Baepsae" dance - although, already she was forgetting most of it - and had gained the shimmering, happy memories of her time with the sunshine line of BTS.

And her phone was now equipped with Ibby's song and all of the BTS selfie's to go with it. Somehow, all seven of the members had gotten their hands on her phone and had decorated her storage with their smiling faces. All things considered, she certainly wasn't upset about the seven beautiful faces of BTS smiling at her through the glass of her phone screen. She only wished Ibby was there to see it, to see what it was that she was seeing.

"What are you thinking about?" Namjoon asked quietly, as if he was afraid to break the glass reverie of her thoughts.

Dani twisted together her fingers as she stared across the skyline. The light wind ruffled her hair. "Can I tell you a story?"

Namjoon's eyes burned through her, even as she refused to look at him. "A story?"

She chuckled halfheartedly. "It's the story of two sisters, who were so blinded by their love for one another, that they almost forgot the world existed."

He said nothing, but rested his arms beside hers, a silent and reassuring companion.

"I didn't have the best life while I was growing up," Dani began. She was surprised to find her voice steady as she gave life to her tale. "My parents were either working or fighting all the time, which left me to taking care of Ibby. Can you imagine that? A four-year-old girl was taking care of a baby, all because the adults in their lives couldn't pull themselves together." Dani shook her head with a scoff.

"The second I turned eighteen years old, I moved out of our trailer home and brought Ibby with me. There was no way I was going to let her continue to stay in that fractured house without support, especially at fourteen years old. I cut myself off from my parents and moved her across the state with me, to the city my university was located in. I enrolled her in the nearby high school. I went to school part-time while working a full-time job, just to keep us afloat. We didn't have much. We got all of our furniture from used stores, my monthly paycheck gave us barely enough to pay the rent and to buy us food. We weren't living luxuriously, by any means.

"She was sixteen when everything went horribly, horribly wrong," Dani said. "As the year passed, she kept complaining of a persistent migraine and of blurry vision. I passed it off as dramatics over painful allergies; after all, teenagers always have a taste for being overdramatic, no? But I was proven horribly wrong when she fainted and cracked her head open at school." She wiped away a stray tear, over the frustration of her stupidity. "I hadn't wanted to take Ibby to see a doctor - we had no money, how could I have afforded that? But my persistence in waiting cost Ibby time. Too much time.

"She had a stage four malignant brain tumor growing on her brain stem. She was seventeen years old when the doctor's diagnosed her and claimed that she had, at most, six months left to live. They could make her comfortable, but that was all they could do because the location of the tumor made it inoperable and untreatable.

"That was when she found BTS. The day she was diagnosed, she threw herself into finding someone she could love and support with all that she had left to give to the world. She found that shimmering passion in your group. To try to pull you away from your shows, your music, anything was to engage in a battle with her. You are - were - her everything and there was nothing I could do to change that."

Namjoon was still by her side, always quietly listening and soaking in what it was that Dani had to say. She was grateful that someone would know the truth about Ibby.

"In America, we have this program called Make-A-Wish. It's a charity program that helps children with life-threatening conditions live out their most desired wish. Most kids use their wish on a trip to one of the Disney theme parks, but Ibby wasn't like that. While our life was difficult and didn't offer up many opportunities to do things or take trips, she knew that she wanted this one wish to be special."

Namjoon sucked in a painful breath, as if he could predict where the story was heading.

"She wanted to meet BTS."

The words hung in the air, a tantalizing promise and desire that never came to be. Neither of them said anything as Dani recollected herself and prepared to continue on with the tale.

"Ibby kept the Make-A-Wish request a secret from me. I knew that the program existed and that Ibby had been informed about it by her hospital social worker, but I never imagined that she would go ahead and submit a request to the charity without speaking to me first. But she did - it just goes to show how much I knew my sister in her final months. I found the letter in the mail three months after her diagnosis. It had been opened, but Ibby... Ibby was nowhere to be found," Dani gulped down the sobs that were threatening to overtake her body.

Namjoon shifted his hand to his pocket. "What... What did the letter say?"

Dani closed her eyes, blocking out the sight of the beautiful city below her. "They could not fulfill her wish."

She listened to the sound of the paper crinkling within Namjoon's pocket as he closed his fist over it. But, she refused to glance over at him. She refused to see the expression on his face. Dani wasn't ready to know what her story was doing to the idol.

"They asked that she choose a new one because they weren't able to make contact with Big Hit Entertainment," Dani ground out, angry tears pouring out of her eyes. "But Ibby never took well to being told 'no.' Especially when it came to her love for BTS. She had disappeared before I could get home from work and wasn't answering her phone... I spent a full day searching for her throughout the city before finally going to the police and reporting my younger sister missing.

"The police found Ibby a few days later, in the woods. With a noose and a note."

It was a note that Dani had read hundreds of times, a note that haunted her in her waking and sleeping dreams. It was the last words she would ever receive from her little sister.

"'Dani, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't be your source of strength any longer. But I'm running out of time and I can't... I just can't anymore. They refuse to help me meet my idols, and I don't want them to see me when I'm not me anymore. Well, I'm already not me anymore... Dani, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Goodbye.'"

Dani took in a shuddering breath, her shoulders wracking with undeniable pain and loss. Tears were blurring her vision and her knuckles were turning white as her palms were cut into by the locks. "You were all right to assume that this day wasn't just about Ibby. This day was about me. You see, in Ibby's last few months, BTS was the reason why she lived and BTS was the reason why she died."

Gathering together what meager strength Dani had left, she turned to Namjoon. And she hated what she had wrought upon him. His face had crumpled with the weight of hundreds of emotions. Grief, horror, shame - they were all there, and they were falling in on him and crushing him where he stood.

Silently, she reached her hand out and grabbed his wrist and gently tugged it out of her coat pocket. In his hand, there was a crumpled and worn letter.

"It's the letter from Make-A-Wish," Namjoon whispered. "It somehow made it into our fan mail and we found it before selecting a winner for the video contest."

Dani held the letter in her hands as if it was a revered object, as it was proof of her sister's last and dying wish.

Namjoon sniffed and wiped away tears of his own. "I'm so, so sorry Dani. No amount of words can properly show you just how sorry I am. I--"

Releasing her hold on the lock covered fence, Dani wrapped her arms around the idol's neck and embraced him. The letter brushed accusingly against his shoulder as she squeezed him tight. Namjoon's arms came up to return the hug as the last of his tears slipped onto the fabric of her jacket.

"If there is one thing Ibby has taught me," Dani murmured. "it is forgiveness."

Namjoon pulled her closer.

"I didn't fly halfway around the world to say goodbye to Ibby or to console myself. I came here for you, for all of you. You need to know that what happened isn't your fault. It was an accident that the letter was never found and that my sister passed before anything could be done to help her. It was Ibby's choice to leave us and move on. It was her choice to say goodbye." Dani paused, her voice caught in the back of her throat. "We forgive you, Namjoon. Ibby and I do. We forgive all of BTS and Big Hit Entertainment."



"Thank you."

Dani gave him one more squeeze before pulling back to meet his gaze. "You're welcome."


I have to say, I was not expecting this chapter to take the emotional route that it did. But I guess Dani felt that it was time that everyone knows what happened between her and Ibby in the past. I hope you guys didn't need too many tissues!

Thank you for reading and I'll see you with a new chapter next week! Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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