3rd day of Christmas

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Day 3 and I've already started to run out of ideas. Why did I do this??? Coz I'm a bitch that's why. Have Dick's first kidnapping experience. Enjoy.


As they were out on patrol, Dick jumped from building to building with an older girl called Barbara. She had been really kind to him even though he was only 10 and she was 14. It was probably because Bruce was friends with her Dad and they hung out a lot. The fact that she was Batgirl and he was Robin probably helped as well. If they weren't friends life would be a lot more awkward. As Batgirl was 14, Batman allowed her to do patrol with Robin alone for an hour.  This was one of those nights.

The streets were unusually deserted but they didn't mind. "How was school?" Robin asked, looking up to her with kind eyes. She was kinda like his big sister only less annoying and more friendly.  "Boring as ever. I'm knee deep in homework thanks to my maths teacher. He's such a dii-" she stopped herself quickly and faked a cough. 

"I can help you with it," he replied. 

"Sure you can and I'm smarter than Batman," she retorted sarcastically. 

"We both know only one of those statements is true." They laughed a little. Out the corner of his eye, Robin spotted a man with his hood up who kept looking up to them then telling someone on the phone something. He thought he was suspicious but he ignored the man. "What's wrong Rob?" Batgirl asked, looking around him. Robin shrugged as the man disappeared down an alleyway. "Thought I saw something. Don't worry about it." She should've worried about it. 

They landed in an alleyway and walked down the empty high street. From the alley where Robin had seen the man, a shout grabbed their attention. "Last one there is a rotten egg," Robin taunted, quickly running away. "Hey!" Batgirl exclaimed. She saw him go down the alley then heard a faint thump sound. "Robin?" she asked, catching up to him. Robin lay on the ground with Harley Quinn standing over him with a sickly sweet smile. "Harley," Batgirl spat. 

"Hiya Batbrat," she greeted happily, picking up a limp Robin. She put her hammer over her shoulder and grinned at Batgirl. "Put him down," Batgirl ordered, getting into a fighting stance. "I knew you'd say that. Boys!" Suddenly five muscular men jumped from the shadows with large crowbars. "I'd love to stay and chat but I have a bird to deliver," she added, running off. Before Batgirl could even think about going after her, she had to deal with the five men. "Batman's gonna kill me for this."

When she finally did beat all the men, she felt a dark presence behind her. "Batgirl, where's Robin?" Batman asked. 

"Erm well you see," she said, turning slowly. She was trying to think of a sensitive way to put it. "Harley kinda kidnapped him and he's probably with Joker..." Silence. 

"This isn't funny," he stated gruffly. 

"It's not supposed to be." It finally set in that she wasn't joking and Batman gave her a harsh Bat-glare. "You're supposed to look after him!" he yelled.

"It's not my fault he ran off! I had to deal with these guys as well!" She yelled back.

"You should've contacted me!"

"Oh sorry, I didn't fit that in around being punched in the face!" she growled. 

"You're right," Batman sighed. "The Batmobile is close by, we can track him from there." She nodded and walked back to it with him.

Robin woke up with the worst headache on earth. A gag was in his mouth and his limbs were tightly tied to a chair. His eyes darted around the room which only unnerved him more. Beside him were some tools he knew as typical torture weapons, in front was a camera and a bright light swung over him. "The little bird has woken up," Harley announced. He winced at her high pitched voice which aggravated his headache. "He's much smaller when you see him all tied up," Joker commented. Robin glared at both of them and wriggled in his bonds. "You won't be getting out of those any time soon so I'd save your strength," Harley told him, lightly slapping his face. He scowled at her. "Harley, go set up the camera." She nodded and went off to fiddle with the equipment. "You're gonna put on quite the show for us Baby Bird." He walked to his tools and began choosing which one he wanted first. 'Rahat,' Robin thought.

In the Batmobile, Batman began to search for Robin's tracker. "Does he know he has that?" Batgirl asked. "Do you?" Batman muttered.


"What?" Batman got back to typing, leaving Batgirl in a state of confusion. She looked out the window and saw a TV shop. They were all playing a football game when Joker's manic face suddenly appeared. "Batman, why is Joker on TV?" He looked up and saw the clown. He swiftly got up the video feed and began to trace it. "Hello Gotham, Joker here! In with me tonight is the ever so lovely Harley Quinn." He moved the camera to her as she did a sexy pose. "And The Boy Wonder himself, Robin!" The camera turned to Robin. The boy was wide-eyed and struggling against his bonds. "On tonight's program we're gonna see how strong our young hero really is!" Robin grimaced as he began to walk over and pick up a large knife. "I think we'll start with a small redesign of that chest of yours." He cut off Robin's tunic and put the knife to his lips in thought. "How about a few initials? What do you think Harley?"

"I think that's a fabulous idea, Mr J!"

Batman finally got a hit and put his foot down on the accelerator. "You've trained him to deal with pain right?" Batgirl asked. 

"Only a few cuts, nothing like what Joker will do to him." She panicked at the thought of Robin being hurt, really hurt. The video was still playing; it was the only sound in the vehicle. A scream quickly caught their attention. Robin had endured ten crudely cut J's when he screamed at one being cut into a muscle. "We're coming Dickie," she whispered, crying a little at the sight. They got to the building in ten minutes and got in within six. They found Joker laughing his head off as Harley pulled out one of Robin's nails. He screamed into the gag and cried. "Listen, Mr J, the little Bird's singin'!" she exclaimed through insane giggles. 

"Get away from him!" Batgirl yelled. The pair turned, Harley's smile falling. 

"Look who's come to ruin our fun. Let's get going," Joker announced.

"But Mr J I can ta-"

"We're going Harley!" he screamed. She nodded meekly and threw a bomb at Batman and Batgirl so they could make their getaway.

The Jokesters were gone in seconds, leaving a sobbing Robin still being filmed. "Robin!" Batgirl exclaimed, running towards him. Batman smashed the camera and rapidly untied Robin, hugging him once he was free. "B-Batman," Robin sobbed into his shoulder. 

"It's alright Robin, we're here," he replied, rubbing his back softly. 

"Dickie I'm so sorry. I let you out of my sight  and-"

"Th-this would've hap-happened anyways." Robin interrupted, managing a smile for her. 

"Let's get you home Baby Bird," she muttered. She tousled his hair lightly and he giggled slightly.

Erm I messed up this was supposed to be short and it's like 1000 still shit tho

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