8th day of Christmas

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Gonna have a lil break from Birdflash as I know some may not like it and I'm gonna have a more serious one. Reverse Batfamily, so Dick is like 9, Damian and Tim are 18 n 17 and Jason is 16. Sounds good to me. Enjoy


Damian was typing away on the Bat-computer with his brothers working around him. Dick had disappeared with Bruce earlier to do a small mission with the League as he was, apart from Tim, the only one who enjoyed being with League members. It was unusually peaceful until Bruce and Dick returned. Dick was clearly upset and Bruce was unreadable. He seemed to be a mix of sad and disappointed. "But you have to let me go! I need to!" he whined, running a little to keep up with Bruce's fast walking pace. "You can't, I'm sorry." Bruce sounded genuinely sorry for not letting him do whatever it was he wanted to. "What's wrong?" Tim asked worriedly. 

"He won't let me see my parents because of the weather!" Dick ranted. He scowled at Bruce and folded his arms. "That's perfectly fair. Why are you so angry at Father?" Damian questioned. He received a glare from Dick. "I'm angry because he won't let me see them! You guys wouldn't understand!" he yelled. 

"There isn't much to understand Grayson. Your parents are in the ground, they're not waiting there. There's nothing more and nothing less to it." 

That got Damian a sharp dig from Jason and a glare from everyone else. "Of course we understand." Tim insisted.

"Oh yeah? You didn't see your parents die! Only Bruce did and I thought at least I could trust him but I can't! And my parents are waiting there!" He sprinted off as tears fell down his face. The Batcave plunged into an intense quiet. "You should let him go. He thinks his parents aren't just gone forever," Tim announced. 

"As much as I hate it, Demon Spawn is right," Jason replied, gagging a little on agreeing with the troll for once. "The weather is awful, the limo would get stuck in traffic and walking there would be just as tough." Tim sighed in frustration. 

"Who cares if it's tough? It's not your parents in that grave, it's Dick's and if he wants to go then let him," he argued.

"That's enough Tim. He's staying here as much as I hate it and I want to hear no more about it." Bruce said, leaving the room rubbing his temples. "This is messed up," Tim muttered.

Dick ran straight to his room and yelled into his pillow. Why couldn't he just go? What's wrong with him going? His parents were waiting there to see him, didn't they get that? Was  Damian right when he said they weren't there? He groaned in anger and hit his bed. He lay back and stared at the ceiling as the anger turned to despair. There was a knock at the door and a voice he recognized as Tim's voice asked to come in. "Go away Tim," he ordered. His tone was low and unlike any tone Tim had heard him talk in before. "Dickie I know-"

"You don't know Tim. Now go away." 

"Dickie please." He was answered with the sound of a heavy book hitting the door so hard that it could've gone through if the door wasn't so well made. With a heavy sigh, he left Dick to his own devices and lay in his room.

It was around lunch time when Dick got a splendid idea. If Bruce wasn't going to let him go then he could just go by himself and come back later. Of course, if he went out during the day, Bruce would just find him and bring him back. He thought carefully and came up with a time zone where he could get away with it. Bruce and his brothers had patrol at 11 pm so by 1 am they should be on the other side of town, away from the graveyard. As long as he only spent 2-3 hours there, he wouldn't get caught. Both parties would be happy in theory. He smiled and began drawing out a plan. He'd still have to act upset by Bruce's decision but he was a pretty good liar and as long as he didn't go out of his room, no one would ever know.

Throughout the evening he received a few knocks on the door and he refused to even open the door slightly to receive food. Sure he was hungry but he could always steal an apple on the way in or get something from Barbara if she was out on patrol. She always had food on her. He looked over at the time and noticed it was nearly 1 am. Silently, he put on a coat and scarf. He put on some shoes that would survive a couple of hours in the snow and walked over to the window. He opened it, letting in a breeze of freezing cold air and shuddered. That didn't stop his determination though as he grabbed the pipe, closed his windows and slid down. He ran across the snow filled garden and escaped to the graveyard over the hedge. "This is such a great plan," he muttered to himself.

Around 4 am, the Batfamily came back home from a long night's work of patrolling the streets of Gotham. "Can one of you check on Dick?" Batman asked as he and Red Robin began to type up the mission reports. "I'll do it on my way to bed. Grayson has probably tired himself out from being such a child all day," Damian announced, taking off his mask and getting changed. There was a small growl from Tim and a soft mumble of "Don't say that." Damian dismissed him and walked upstairs to Dick's bedroom. He got to Dick's room and opened his door as quietly as he could. Light from the hallway created a block of light separate to the dark room. Damian took a step back in shock as Dick's bed was untouched. He ran in and his eyes darted around the room. There was no sign of Dick and some of his clothes were missing. Instinct led him to the window, where he could clearly see a few small footsteps in the snow that hadn't been covered up if he looked hard enough. "For fuck's sake Grayson," he muttered.

Damian ran back to the cave and told the others about the disappearance of their youngest. "It's freezing out there! He's gotta be at least suffering from mild frostbite if we're lucky!" Jason exclaimed. "You couldn't just spare a couple of hours to take him there could you Bruce!" Tim yelled, changing out of his suit and into warm clothes. "Where are you going?" Jason asked. 

"The Grayson's grave dumbass. He's obviously gone there. That stupid kid could get himself killed," Damian answered. 

"Don't call him stupid. It's Bruce's fault this happened. I'm going to that graveyard and finding him. Join if you could give a shit about that kid." They were shocked by his use of curse words but then it made sense. He cared about Dick a lot and after all, he was right. He stormed out and ran to the graveyard as fast as he could run. The rest soon joined after getting warm clothes on and bringing blankets for Dick.

Tim weaved through the graves, searching for Dick. He eventually saw a lump of darkness in the outline of a body. "Dick!" he yelled. The outline moved slightly in response. He ran up to it and gasped. There was Dick's small figure, shivering, his eyes closed and tear tracks marking his face. His lips had a tint of blue to them and he had curled up into himself. "Dick? Dickie, can you hear me?" Tim asked, shaking him slightly. Dick groaned but didn't open his eyes. He took this as a good sign and picked up him, hugging him so he could steal some of Tim's body heat. The boy was freezing to the touch which just freaked Tim out more. "Dickie, can you open your eyes for me?" Tim asked. Snow stuck to Dick's hair and eyelashes, making him look more deathly than Tim would like. "Tim! Where are you?" Bruce yelled. 

"I'm over here!" he proclaimed, running towards Bruce's voice. When he reached him, he and his brothers took in a sharp breath of air at the sight of Dick. "Why didn't you just let him go?" Tim asked, his voice cracking a bit. "I-I thought it would be for the best. Let's get him inside, the limo's not too far away," he answered, taking Dick off Tim and wrapping him in blankets. Dick groaned in his sleep and moved closer to Bruce. "We've got you now Dickie."

Dick woke up in the arms of Bruce as he was setting him on the couch. His head hurt and he felt cold in his hands and feet. He looked up at his worried family in confusion then remembered his plan. He must've lost track of time and fell unconscious due to the cold. "Are you alright Dickie-bird?" Jason asked, kneeling in front of him. Dick rubbed his head and nodded. 

"My head hurts. How long have I been out?" he asked.

"We don't know. What you did was-"

"I get it. You're gonna give me the 'what you did was very dangerous and you should never do it again' lecture. I'm dumb for even going," Dick interrupted, staring at the floor. "They aren't anything more than bodies in the ground. You said it yourself, Damian. They're not waiting." His voice was broken, much like when he first came to the manor and tears trickled down his face. All eyes went to Damian who looked a little shocked at the effect his words had. He didn't see what was wrong with them but he could understand why they hurt Dick. He was just a kid and thinking his parents weren't completely gone probably helped him. Dick hadn't just lost his parents, he'd lost his whole self as well. "Grayson, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just stating a scientific fact." 

"Great apology Demon Spawn." Jason spat. Dick wiped his tears away and slipped off the couch. "I'm going to bed. I'm guessing I'll be grounded for a month for this stunt." Bruce sighed and picked the boy up. "Two days for worrying us so much and don't get too caught up in what Damian said. People believe different things," he replied. Dick smiled dismissively. "They weren't waiting there. Do you think they got to Heaven alright?" he asked. Bruce chuckled as he took him to bed, "I'm sure they did Dickie."

Whilst Dick was being put to bed, Tim started a fight with Damian which resulted in a broken lamp and black eyes for the pair of them. Let's just say Damian was lucky that he was family or that could've gone a lot worse.

Shit that was soooo long I think it drained all my energy. I'll correct any spelling mistakes tomorrow so just point em out if you see em. Peace out

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