Angsty story for an angsty boi

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You know how Dick had that mullet at one point? I saw an opportunity to make it an angsty moment and I know it doesn't really line up with the story line in the comics but when have fanfics ever done that? I am sorry for my disappearance I'm really trying to do these and get them out but I'm pretty much dying from my revision. Maybe in summer I'll do like three a day or something haha.


Thunder rolled bringing Dick's wandering attention back to the task at hand. He had been staring into the mirror for a while now, staring at his sharp blue eyes, staring at his long raven black locks, staring at those bags under his eyes that he was sure weren't there before Bruce went missing. He'd been Batman for about four months now and it had drained him a lot more than he had thought. Of course not that many people knew about how much this was killing him; he tried to keep it that way.

Clark and Alfred knew, how couldn't they? They were the ones who knew him best. The ones that saw him before and after everything that had happened in his life. Dick assumed that they knew as soon as he took the mantle of Batman but they didn't talk to him about it much. Not as much as he'd like.

He sighed to himself then noticed the scissors from the first aid kit paired with Jason's electronic clippers laying on the sink. A thought popped into his head as he stared at them for a few minutes too long. Why had he come here anyway? Now he remembered that he was looking over himself before patrol. He had been checking for any cuts that needed to be re-bandaged or off pains that he should take note of, a trick he learnt from his mentor when he was younger. It helped determine what was new from patrol and what wasn't.

Then he caught sight of himself in the mirror and thought about how he had to be Batman, he had to be Bruce. He remembered thinking he didn't look anything like Bruce and, if things were to stay the way they were, he needed to change to be like him. His long black hair would never make him look professional not to mention the way he fought. It was too acrobatic to belong to the Dark Knight. They both had to change completely tonight if he was ever going to keep the act up that Bruce was there with them and Batman was patrolling the streets to keep the citizens safe.

Dick's hand reached for the scissors first and he swept his hair over his shoulder, placing a thick strand inbetween the blades. He thought his action through very carefully knowing once it's off it's off. "You have to be Batman, Dick. There's no other way," he muttered under his breath. He started to close them, letting a large chunk of hair fall to the sink. "Do this for Damian. He needs you."

Said boy was sitting in the cave, waiting impatiently for Grayson to join him on patrol. It was only a short one tonight on the League's strict orders as well as Pennyworth's suggestion. Although he was angry that they assumed he couldn't be out without Grayson beside him, he wanted to follow it if it meant his mentor actually got some rest for once. He hadn't been his usual bright self and Damian noticed the hesitance to preform the occasional flip that normally would've come naturally.

He then heard the older's footsteps coming down the stairs. "I see you've finally-." Damian couldn't finish his sentence. He simply stared at the place he'd normally see Grayson's long hair but found it had been cut off. He was now sporting a haircut similar to what Father's used to have only curlier. The mere sight of it caught him off guard. He knew Grayson. He knew that this meant something more than just a scenery change. Everything he did there was something to it, big or small.

"Something wrong Dami?" Grayson asked noticing the younger's silence. His blue eyes darted to look anywhere but Damian's eyes. That only made things worse. Yes, something was wrong. Very wrong. "Your hair. It's been cut." he managed to say. The older shifted uncomfortably then continued to walk past him, keeping eye contact to a minimal. "I wanted to change it up a bit. Lots of people do. You should be glad I didn't go with an emo fringe," he answered. He put on a forced smile that Damian could spot a mile away. "Now let's go bust some perps!" he added with fake jolliness. Damian nodded and got into the Batmobile with him.

They drove down into Gotham and found a good vantage point on top of a building. "You cut it," Robin repeated. His voice was sterner than before, hardened by his want for answers. Batman was quiet for a few moments as he stared out onto the city, taking in the bright lights. "The others will find out and they won't be as logical as me. I suggest you tell me before facts are contaminated by emotions," he added. He turned to Batman and awaited the answer he was sure to get. He was determined to get it.

"I've already told you why." Robin scowled and huffed silently. "I am not an ignorant child. I know this is not a "just because I wanted to" moment. Nothing you do is spur of the moment. There are always hints in your behaviour before the event happens." he said. "I just need to find the ones that lead to this moment. Unless this is a behaviour before another event."

Frustration was clear in his voice yet Batman didn't respond the way Robin had hoped, the way he wanted, the way he needed. "Robin, leave this alone. I'm an adult that thinks," Batman paused, knowing his mistake, "that knows what they want." Robin was startled by his tone. It didn't belong to Grayson but not Nightwing either. It belonged to Batman. To Bruce. He wasn't supposed to be Batman. He was never supposed to be Batman. "Grayson." Robin started, wanting to pursue this further but Batman raised a hand to him. "Later, Robin, later."

They had to work hard that night. There was theft after theft and gang fight after gang fight. The pair hadn't been at their best which raised the tension between them. The car ride home was silent as Robin tried to clean up his wounds. He hissed in pain as he took off his glove to reveal a deep cut. He noticed Batman's grimace out of the corner of his eye, knowing the worry was clear on his face. "How bad are your injuries?" he asked, staring at the road intently. Robin guessed his knuckles were white underneath his gloves by the way his hands gripped onto the wheel for dear life. "I'll need stitches in my arm. I need to do a more extensive check once we return."

There was complete silence. Normally Batman out on his music that Robin despised with a burning passion but there was no sound other than their collective rapid breathing. "How are yours?" Robin asked. He did a quick once over with his eyes and noticed the red stain. "I need stitches too and I'm sure I have a bruised rib." Silence again.

Batman bit his lip, thinking of what to say. He knew that Robin would bring up his previous question at some point, he just didn't know when. That was the hard part. "Any plans for tonight?"

"It's midnight Grayson; I won't be going out anywhere if that's what you're asking." He earned the softest of chuckles from the older but it wasn't enough to relieve them of the tension. "I would've thought Jon would be out at this time. When I was younger I would jump at any chance I got to see my friends. I would practically run out the cave when I had permission," he said. His tone wasn't happy but one that missed days like that.

In truth, he did. Sure back then everyone assumed he'd be Batman but there were perks to it. He was the youngest so everyone tried their best to protect him and put him first. Bruce used to put him first too until things changed. Things went downhill so quickly that the next thing he knew was that he was leading a team in Jump City at sixteen. "Father told me you were always anxious to be with your friends. Always caught up in some drama or other with them," Robin commented, looking out the window. Batman shrugged as they pulled into the cave. "I had time for those dramas back then," he responded. "Why don't you have time now?"

"Because I have a job to do. I have to look after you, try to find Bruce, make up for what Bruce has left behind. If it means I have to avoid things like that, I'll do it."

After they were all bandaged up, Grayson went to bed. He didn't quip or make fun of something only he found funny. Not even a complaint on getting hurt; just a thanking nod to Pennyworth and a goodnight to them both. "That's odd," Damian muttered, earning a nod to from the butler. "Pennyworth, have you seen such behaviour previously? I can't decide if this is an event or behaviour leading up to one." Pennyworth had known Grayson since he was just a child and Damian hoped he knew how to end it. "I've seen similar Master Damian. A major change made him go to Jump City." Damian tensed up at the thought of Grayson leaving him but this was quelled by the butler's hand on his shoulder. "Sir, he will not be running away. He cares too deeply for you. Master Dick is dealing with much more than he is letting on and it's showing," he added. The younger nodded and sighed, wondering how he could help. "Perhaps you can help him through this time of intensity. God knows he needs it," Pennyworth told him, lighting a fire of determination in Damian.

Damian nodded and marched to Grayson's room. It was next to Father's room which he found a little metaphorical. No matter how far Father pushed him away, he would still come back at some point or other to stand by his side. Father couldn't break him and Damian admired the patience inside him that he hadn't ever seen before.

"Grayson, I wish to speak with you." he announced once he had knocked on the door. There was some sniffles but an unsure voice told him to come in. He did so and found Grayson rapidly rubbing at his face. He wore that fake smile that made Damian's stomach churn. "What's on your mind?" he asked, patting a space next to him. Damian sighed and sat in the place Grayson had made for him. "You cut your hair because of Bruce, didn't you?" Damian asked. He fiddled with the sheets in nervousness. Grayson tensed a little, Damian saw it clear as day. "Why do you care so much about my hair?" he said in a half joking manour.

Damian's fists curled up in frustration and a scowl was planted firmly on his face. "It's not just your damn hair Richard! You hate being Batman; I can see that you've changed since you took up the mantle!" he shouted, starting to tear up. He couldn't bear seeing him like this anymore. "I-I do hate it," Grayson admitted. He brought his knees to his chest and out his head on them, covering his face with his arms. He was crying, Damian could tell. He knew.

He panicked when he heard the soft sobbing. Damian took after his father's inability to tackle emotions well. "Grayson?"

"I've been working my whole life to get out of his shadow, I ran away and became Nightwing for God's sake, yet here I am having to be exactly like him and I have to look after you now and it's all so much. I don't have Wally, I don't have my teams, I don't have anyone to vent to." he explained. "I'm alone all over again."

Damian could see how much this was affecting him now. Grayson was drowning in emotion and there was no lifeboat in sight. He was cracking.  "Look at me now, venting to a ten year old who's lost their dad. You must think I'm attention seeking after tonight."

"I think quite the opposite Grayson. You've done so much for me. You've been my father figure, my big brother and my partner. You deserve as much attention as you need." he responded. He was tearing up himself at the sight of his older brother struggling. He was always so strong.

Grayson looked up at him with tearful blue eyes. "I'm sorry to ask this Damian but can I have a hug?" Damian wanted to laugh at this. He was practically falling apart and he still didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. "Just this once." He wrapped his arms around the older and felt Grayson's tears wet his shirt.
"You shouldn't have left it so long. We're all struggling Grayson," Damian said. "I miss having a Dad, someone to look after me. I've already lost one now I'm losing another." Damian tensed up. Grayson was an orphan. He knew that. Sometimes he forgot but now he could tell. Family meant an awful lot to him and now it was falling apart; his world was falling apart. "I'm sorry you lost your father Grayson. I'm sorry that you don't have the father figure like I do through you. I know that you want to be looked after and protected so I will take that role if that's what you need to go back to normal."

Grayson chuckled and pulled away, putting a hand through Damian's hair. "My little protector huh?" he asked with a smile. A real one this time. "If that is what you need."

"As long as you don't get yourself hurt or killed, I'll let you do that." Damian gave him a small smile.

He didn't want to leave the older alone at a time like this so he went out of the room only to return in his pyjamas. He received a soft head tilt of confusion from Grayson. "You're not being left alone tonight."

"Dami, I have my nightmares when I'm like this." Damian frowned and got under the covers. "Nightmares or not, I'm staying." With a sigh, Grayson fell back onto the bed swiftly falling asleep. As soon as he did, Damian moved to snuggle up closer to him. He noticed how uneven the trim had been and rolled his eyes. "Shameful work Grayson."

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