Car ride pt 2

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The car pulled up to the manor and Bruce let Dick out. He stared at the mansion in complete awe. Its designs were so intricate and different. "This is where you live Mr Bruce?" he asked with a small smile. "It's where we live Dickie," Bruce corrected picking up the little boy. He sure was short for his age. He opened the door and Alfred greeted them. He felt Dick tense up and felt a little worried. What if he was terrified of Alfred? "Hello Master Bruce, this must be Master Richard?" he greeted. Dick hid his face and Bruce felt him begin to tremble. "Is something the matter Master Richard?" he asked worriedly. 

"You look like Mr Wilson sir," Dick replied.

The men's eyes widened with worry and fear. Wilson? Slade Wilson? It couldn't be. "Slade Wilson?" Bruce asked very seriously. 

"Y-yes. He hurt me a lot and and he looks like him." 

"Well my name's Alfred and I'm nothing like him. He's a bad bad man and I'm not bad," Alfred told him with a small smile. "You promise you're a good man?" Dick asked, his eyes darting over to him. "I promise, now do you want some cookies?" he asked. Dick looked to Bruce who nodded and set him down. He took Alfred's hand and was led to the kitchen. Even though he hated to think it, maybe Dick wasn't better off with him. Maybe he should go somewhere else.

Sorry it's so short I'm figuring stuff out.

This story is used in the "I don't know fam" book so if you're interested, check it out over there

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