Don't hurt me

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Hello darlings! I'm back after my little break and I got some hot spicy angst for you.

Dick is 11 and Jason is 16ish, he's already been resurrected. (Is that the correct term?)

I'm writing this on my tablet so I have no idea if the format will work out 😂

In the immortal words of Mario, here we go!


Tim knocked harshly on Dick's door with frustration. He had to get him out his room or else Jason would get even more pissed. "Dick just come out already!" he shouted, pulling on the locked door. Unfortunately, Tim couldn't break down his door because they had gone through eight in the last month. The family wasn't well acquainted with privacy. "Richard Grayson, come out!" 

"I'm gay!" he yelled back through the door. 

"Not what I meant but I appreciate the fact you told me," Tim responded. "What's with you anyway? You always like going out on patrol," he added, slowly getting more worried. 

"When I'm with you or Barbara or Bruce, hell even Damian! Not Jason. I don't like going with Jason," Dick explained, sitting with his back pressed against the door. 

"Why not? I thought you liked Jason," he asked in confusion. 

"I do! I swear I do." There was a long pause. 


"But he gets scary on patrol. He doesn't acknowledge me half the time then tries this thing called banter but it's really just him being mean to me." Tim sighed and sat down outside the door. "I can't stop him from being mean to you and I can't let you not do patrol with Jason. What I can, and will do, is sing that song you hate until you come out." Dick cringed at the threat. 

"You wouldn't dare," he said. He heard a few taps on a screen then that dreaded song played. "SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS-" (my attempt at an Eddsworld reference.) 

"Okay I'll come out!" he said. The sound of several locks being unlocked sounded and the door opened. "Jeez, how many locks do you need?" Tim asked. He was slightly surprised to see that Dick was already in his Robin suit. Dick knew he had to go but he wanted to put it off as long as possible. "I live in a house where we break a door down if someone hasn't seen you for four hours at a time. It makes sense for me to have that many locks." Tim nodded in understanding and sighed at Dick's expression. "It won't be that bad, I promise. Jason has just been a bit...different since it happened." They both remembered the awful memory of losing Jason only to have him return a couple of years later with a new look and a new hatred for the Joker and Batman alike. "I know. I just need to crack him, don't I?" Dick suggested. The older smiled and nodded.

Good old time skip here

Red Hood scowled as he sat on the edge of a rooftop. He always took a small amount of time out to just sit and listen to the city. Night dominated Gotham in the worse way. It struck fear into ever citizen and covered the evilest of deeds. However, his silent time left Robin in an awkward position. He stood there and rocked on his feet. "Soooo, is there somewhere we need to be?" Robin asked awkwardly. Red Hood glared at him, making him flinch slightly, and pointed to a building in the near distance. "There. A small drugs gang is threatening businesses. We just need to round them up and snuff them out," he explained. He cocked his gun, smiling at the sound. If he had a favourite sound, it would be that...or the sound of breaking Damian's nose. "Those are rubber bullets right?" Robin asked. 

"Are you a wimp in a suit?" Red Hood retorted. "Yes they are," he added after a strange look from Robin and a long sigh. "Oh. Good! I'm glad you're using those instead of your regular ones," he congratulated, trying to lighten the mood. Red Hood rolled his eyes and jumped down. "Gag me with a sock and call me Nancy, tonight is going to be a long night," he muttered as Robin followed him.

They entered the building flawlessly and caught the thugs in a meeting with another gang. They stayed quiet, keeping in the shadows. "Isn't that their rival gang?" Robin whispered. Red Hood stared at the group then nodded. They seemed pretty chummy to him. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks as he heard the lock of the main doors. "This is an assassination attempt. By which side, I can't tell," he whispered.

"What do we do?" Robin asked. "If we don't move then they'll start shooting." There was some pondering silence. "Let 'em." Robin stifled a shocked gasp. 

"You're joking, right? This is just your dark humour," he asked, not believing the words coming from his brother's mouth. Maybe death had changed him a lot more than Robin previously thought. "I'm serious. It's the easiest way out. They're criminals anyways." Robin growled a little and put a finger on Red Hood's chest. "These people have families that care about them even though they do this. We're ending this now."

This next to silent outburst earned a harsh slap on the back of his head. He managed to breathe through a yelp, making it quiet and indistinguishable from the sounds of the city. "Don't talk to me like I'm the sidekick. If anything you're the sidekick and a lousy one at that." he scolded. Robin nodded quickly and rubbed the back of his head. "Yes, sir-I mean Red Hood." It just felt right to call him sir but he caught himself too late. Call it old training. (*cough cough* hint to my other book *cough cough* go read if you like my angst stuff *cough cough*) "Rob-" Robin turned and moved to some other boxes away from him, interrupting the older's attempt at an apology. Robin watched the scene unfold and raised a suspicious eyebrow. The men weren't talking now. They had gone quiet and began to act as though they were listening in. "You don't think those Bat Kids are here, do ya?" One asked nervously. 

"I dunno. Let's hope not." Another answered. At the sight of his gun being drawn, Red Hood got up and began to fire. "You're supposed to give a signal!" Robin exclaimed, jumping into action. As the physical fight proceeded, so did the verbal. "You must've seen his gun," Red Hood shot back coincidentally shooting back at a thug. "But I need a sign to go on! Batman trained us to work like that!" 

"Well sorry!" he said, giving a whiny tone to the 'sorry' part. 

Robin rolled his eyes and flipped over to punch a guy heading for Red Hood. "You don't have to be so rebellious all the time!" he stated. The older groaned and shot his last bullet. 

"You're such a suck up! When I was Robin-"

"Well, you aren't Robin now! I hold that title!" Robin yelled, punching a crook so hard that his four front teeth were ripped out of his gums. "Oh, and you're doing a great job of it! You're just some shitty replacement," Red Hood said. The physical fight had ended yet the verbal one lingered on as they both stood panting, facing away from one another. "I'm not a shitty replacement. I will never be you but I'll do it my way," Robin said. He began to walk away from Red Hood, leaving him in the near silent building. The older was about to say something when there was a loud yelp. He looked up to see a man with a strong muscular build holding Robin tightly, a gun pointed to the boy's head. "Get your hands off him!" Red Hood ordered, picking a gun up and aiming it at them. Robin squirmed but suddenly stopped when the gun pressed into his temple. "No way! Do you know how valuable this kid is to the Joker!?" The question made Red Hood grow pale in the face and made his stomach churn. "H-Hood please." He couldn't finish his sentence as the man tightened around his neck. "One last chance to let him go. Got it?" Red Hood announced, aiming his gun. "Fat chance. Move any closer and I'll do the Joker's job for him. Wouldn't it be so pathetic to die at my hands rather than his?" he joked. The hero growled at this and looked sympathetically to Robin. "This is going to hurt buddy but its the only way to get you out of this." Robin shook his head in fright. 


A gun was fired.

The man lay on the floor, bleeding out. Robin lay on the floor, bleeding out. He sat up and sobbed in pain, clutching his side. "Hold on Robin okay? We're just gonna patch you up," Red Hood told him. Robin cried loudly and stared at his older brother, waiting for any reassurance. "I don't wanna die, please don't let me die," Robin begged. Red Hood took off his helmet and stared at him. Was this what he looked like when he was about to die? "You won't. I didn't shoot anything fatal and it was a clean shot," he explained, stroking Robin's hair. He smiled back then turned his head. His aggressor was running as fast as he could out of the building, causing him to slightly grin. "You scared him off," he chuckled. Red Hood finished wrapping him up and pulled him into a hug. "I know I've been a total douche to you after I died and came back. You were so nice to me and I guess I responded by being a douche." Robin giggled a little. 

"You were a mega douche. Also, you used were, I am nice to you," he joked.

"Shut it you." Red Hood replied as lovingly as he could. 

"Who's going to tell Batman you shot me?" Robin asked. 

"Let's keep this our secret." Robin nodded.

"That's too late! Look at him! He's covered in blood!" Red Robin screamed. Robin looked up to Red Hood, "We weren't going to get away with it anyway." Red Hood tutted.

"Spoken like a true suck up."

This took longer than expected because I was watching Supernatural. Enjoy it at half one in the morning bitches.

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