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Hello! I forgot to say in the other author's note, THANK YOU!!!! Soo many reads and votes Jesus guys. Also I was reading Robin fanfic and everyone disclaims they don't own YJ or DC and I sat there like "Shit I haven't said I don't own it." I don't own these characters!!!! Now here's Robin being embarrassed in front of the Teen Titans.

After weeks and weeks of begging, the team got Robin to sing with them for a band night at a local cafe. Obviously they were called "The Teen Titans" and were received really well. They played Ribcage, Oh Ms Believer, Anathema, Ruby, Slowtown and This is Gospel, finishing with Famous Last Words. When they were done, a boy a little older than Robin walked up to them. He had bright blue hair and dull brown eyes. "You guys were great tonight, especially you Robin," he said, winking at the boy wonder. They said thank you and almost laughed when they saw Robin blush. "So Robin, you got a partner?" he asked. 'Wow this kid was brave' Cyborg thought. 

"E-erm n-no," Robin answer. 

"Well I can change that, here's my number," he replied, handing over a piece of paper. Robin blushed even harder and the boy went off laughing.

They stared at Robin who was still blushing. "What are you staring at?" he asked. 

"Dude you stuttered and you blushed! You liked him!" Beast Boy exclaimed. 

"BB not here, don't go shouting that out," Robin replied nervously glancing around. 

"Will you call him?" Starfire asked. There goes her crush on Robin. 

"No, he's not my type," he answered before putting a hand over his mouth. 'Crap' he thought.

"Why are you so embarrassed Rob? You like boys, so what?" Cyborg said. 

"I can't have it getting out. There are a lot of people against bisexuals, I'll be hated and there'll be public outrage," Robin explained. They sighed and nodded. It was true. Heroes couldn't be anything else but straight or else they'd get serious backlash from the public. "I'm going on patrol, you guys get home safe," Robin told them.

"Robin, we still see you as our leader," Raven stated. 

"I know," he replied uncertainly. 

"No you don't, I had to remind you." He nodded then walked out. 

"So bisexual means he likes girls as well yes?" Starfire asked, hopefully. They nodded and she smiled. Crush renewed.

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