I made a thing pt 3

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It had been a boring night at the Watchtower. Flash was monitoring various areas as was Wonder Woman. "This is so boring," Flash whined. Being the literal embodiment of a child in an adult's body, he couldn't sit this still for so long. Each minute felt like a century and nothing was even happening. "You're such a child," she complained. 

"Nothing has happened and it's been like twenty minutes," he continued. Wonder Woman rolled her eyes and smiled. "You sound like Dick when he was younger," she reminisced. 'How long has it been since I've seen him. Maybe I should see him more. Bruce isn't exactly the parent of the year,' she thought to herself. "That's because he was a hyper active seven-year-old," he replied.

"How is the kid anyway? Isn't he alone this month?" he added.

"What? I wasn't told he was alone," she asked. 

"Well Bruce is away on a mission for the next couple of weeks and Alfred is visiting family in England for the month. Something about a big reunion," Flash explained. 

"Really? I should check on him after his mission tonight, I haven't seen him in so long."

"I'll join you."

They got an emergency signal. It came from Robin and they held their breaths as the message came through. 'One injured, possibly others hurt. Come soon,' it said. "Let's go." Wonder Woman said getting up. "Right there with you. I'll get Dinah," Flash suggested before running away. Wonder Woman nodded and ran to the Invisible Jet. She then put in the coordinates and sat there hoping the kids would be okay. Flash came through the doors with Black Canary and they set off. Flash ran into the building, knocking out a few men here and there, to find the team. Wonder Woman tried to contact Robin again but found that his line was down. Then she contacted Kid Flash. "Wonder Woman to Kid Flash, come in," she said down the com link. 

"Kid Flash here, where are you guys?" he asked. He sounded worried and that worry passed onto her. Black Canary was preparing the medical bay on the ship, ready for the injured. "Outside. Flash is on his way to lead you out. Can you tell me who's injured?" she asked sternly. 

"Robin but that's not the worst of our problems. This guy who called himself the savoir of the world knows his name, his real name," he answered. 

"They want to sacrifice him or something." Wonder Woman's eyes widened but she kept her voice calm. "We'll get Martian Manhunter to make them forget his name. What's his state?" she asked. "He's passed out with multiple wounds. They don't seem too deep but there are lots of them," he replied. "He couldn't stand before but he was still alert enough to hack the camera's."

"Alright, Flash will be there soon so hold on tight. Be ready when he gets there."

Five minutes passed when the team finally joined them. Robin was in Superboy's arms, his head leaning against the clone's chest. She ran towards them and took Robin from Superboy's arms. "Do you know his ID?" she asked. They nodded. "I trust you won't tell anyone else it," she said. They nodded and she smiled. "Well then when he wakes up, I'm sure he'll introduce you to Dick Grayson," she added walking back to the jet. Robin's wounds weren't severe and he was mostly exhausted. Once he'd been checked over, they found no life threatening wound and he was left to sleep.

A day later, Robin entered the cave with a usual smile on his face. His face had been badly bruised and his torso littered with small cuts accompanied by bruising but other than that he was alright. "ROBIN:BO1," the computer announced. M'gann greeted him with a hug as did Wally. "Nice to see you too," he said, laughing a little. Then they noticed he wasn't wearing his sunglasses. The normally covered eyes were now uncovered and they finally got to see Dick Grayson. His eyes were a beautiful vibrant blue which contrasted with his black hair. "Rob-I mean Richard, you're feeling better I assume?" Kaldur asked. Dick nodded. 

"Tante Diana came round to look after me. I guess you guys want to ask some questions," he replied scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. They all nodded except for Wally and Conner. 

They walked to the main room and he sat down, waiting for their questions. M'gann was still staring at his blue eyes whilst Artemis and Kaldur were trying to voice their questions. "So, how did you become Robin?" Kaldur asked. 

"After the death of my family, I was sent to a Juvenile Detention center due to the orphanages being filled. Bruce had seen the deaths and how I was being treated by the system. He decided to foster me and, me being the kid I was, I found out he was Batman and insisted to work with him to find the man who killed my family."

"Were you always so talkative?" M'gann asked. Dick chuckled softly. 

"I was actually mute for a while." Artemis didn't believe him being a mute, the kid was famous for mouthing off to villains. "You were a mute? Sure," she replied sarcastically. 

"I did watch my entire family fall to their deaths, can you blame me?" he replied, a little seriously. "Plus, I knew I could've saved them. I didn't see the point in talking after I spent a night in clothes soaked with their blood."

"That's awful. How old were you?" Kaldur asked. 

"Seven. I was Boy Wonder a week later. I spoke again after a month," he answered. M'gann hugged him tightly. He'd been so young when he lost his parents yet he smiled everyday and joked. He smiled at her and didn't realize he was tearing up. "I'm so sorry. How do you do it?" Artemis asked. "How can you be so happy all the time?" M'gann let go and wiped a tear that had escaped away. "I got traught. I've seen how life can hurt you. I guess that makes me appreciate it more and want to embrace it," he tried to explain. "It's hard to know I won't see them again but I have a new family now." This made them all grin and have a new appreciation for him.

"You really are a Boy Wonder," Artemis muttered happily. He smiled at her and life carried on. Only now they could see him without those sunglasses all the time.

Should I do a sleepover at Wayne manor? I might. Bye.

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