*internal screaming*

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Okay so I have a lot of reads on the shit I do. Like a lot. You guys have given me something to brag about and probably got me into the college I wanted. So *pounds chest* thanks g.

You want Bruce and awkward moments with Birdflash? That's what you're getting.

Bruce was sitting happily in his study when he heard Wally and Dick shouting upstairs. He sighed worriedly as Dick sounded close to tears. "What is it this time?" he thought as he tuned into the argument. "You were flirting with that girl!" Dick shouted.

"I was not! I was just complimenting her!" Wally defended. 

"Oh yeah complimenting her tits! Look if I'm not enough for you go have your way with her!" Then there was a sudden silence. He couldn't help but think Dick had finally killed Wally. He decided to go upstairs since the prolonged silence worried him. Bruce crept so the couple didn't hear him and peered inside the room. 

Dick had his arms around Wally's neck as the other kissed him passionately. Wally wore a smirk as he did this and had his arms around Dick's waist, travelling up and down. He darted straight to his washroom and started to spray water into his eyes as though that would wash his brain clean of the image. Dick heard noises and quickly broke the kiss. "Did you hear something?" he asked in a hushed tone. Wally shook his head and went to kiss Dick again. "Let me go check first then we can have fun," Dick bargained. 

"Fine." He got off of the younger and let him walk out the door. Bruce was hurriedly walking out his washroom with a wet face and hair. "What happened to you?" he chuckled. 

"Nothing I'm just going to go to the Watchtower for a bit." Bruce replied, quickly running down to the cave. Wally walked up behind Dick and wrapped his arms around his waist. "What was that all about?" he asked. 

"No idea but I think we successfully pushed Bruce and Alfred out of the house. You know what that means?" Wally began to grin. 

"Mario Kart on the big TV?" he asked with a smile. He nodded and they ran downstairs.

At the Watchtower

Flash was tapping his foot rapidly as he caught sight of Batman. He looked messy and sort of traumatized. "What happened to you?" Wonder Woman asked. 

"I just saw Dick and Wally kissing..." he replied in a broken voice. 

"Was Wally on top?" Flash asked. Batman nodded confusedly. "Yes! I told you my boy was dom! Pay up Ollie and you too Clark!" he exclaimed. The two heroes handed over ten dollars each with grumbles. "Did you make a bet on my son being submissive?" Batman asked. 

"We have nothing better to do," Green Arrow answered. 

"But...but you can't do that! He's basically your nephew!"

"And Wally is my nephew, what's your point?" Flash replied. Batman just stared blankly at them. "I'm finding J'onn, maybe he can erase this from my mind."

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