Nightwing is awesome

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Nightwing was sat in the main room when Bart walked in with a frown. He looked teary eyed. "Something the matter Bart?" he asked. The boy jumped a little and nodded, nearly breaking down into tears. "Come here," he said patting the part of couch beside him. Bart sat down and looked at him. "I'm g-getting bu-bullied. I-I need y-your h-help." Bart said in a begging tone. Nightwing took off his mask and nodded with a smile. "W-why did you t-take your m-mask off?" 

"This is a Grayson matter. Now physical, verbal or cyber?" he asked as though it was nothing. 

"F-first two," Bart replied. Dick sighed and hugged him. 

"Why are they bullying you?"

"I'm a k-know it all I th-thought I could be like T-Tim and be pop-popular but people t-think I'm too cocky and s-some people who I beat in history class f-fought me." he answered.

"You know their names?" Bart nodded. "I want you to write them down for me. I'm sorting this out. Trust me it'll get better," he said giving the speedster a pen and paper. 

"H-how d-do you k-know?" Dick was quiet for a moment. 

"Believe it or not I was bullied to hell and back." Bart wrote the names then stared at Dick. 

"C-can you t-tell me?" he asked. Silence. 

"Well, I was born in the circus. Gotham, they don't take people like me nicely except for Bruce and Alfred. They cared and took me in after what happened, I'm sure the team's told you." Bart nodded. "When I got to school they would beat me up and, on the anniversary of their death, they printed off pictures of their bodies to put on my locker." Bart gasped.

"B-but h-how did i-it s-stop?" he asked. 

"I did something you should never do. I kept most of it quiet and never told anyone their names until the day I had a mental breakdown at school. I practically killed Dick Grayson off and moved to Jump City where I was always Robin." he explained. 

"Dick t-that's aw-awful," Bart said, hugging the older. Dick laughed a little. 

"That's Gotham. But I'm not letting you turn out like me. So when you go to school tomorrow it'll be okay," he assured him.

The next day

Nightwing walked into the school with Robin, Batgirl and Superboy. "Hello, we'd like to see these boys. They're in quite a lot of trouble," he said with a smile. 

"Of course Mr Nightwing. Would you like a room?" The receptionist asked. 

"No the hallway is great. Thanks for the offer though," he answered happily. The others were a little off put with how fake he sounded but kept it to themselves. The three boys trailed up to them and cowered a little. "Now kids, I'm sure you should know that bullying is not alright but it seems you've not been taught that. I'm giving you a chance to remember that. If I find out that you've been bullying Bart anymore, Tommy's Dad is going to jail for drug smuggling, Benny's Mum is going to be outed for her affair with the mayor and Lenny's parents are both going to jail for arson. Understand?" he asked still using his happy voice. "Oh and if you're not scared of me you have to worry about my friends." he added pointing to the others. They nodded, scared of him. "Great! Run along to class and play nice boys," he announced waving them off. 

The others stared at him. "What? I sorted it out," he said, walking out as though he hadn't just threatened those kids.

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