Run in with Joker aftermath

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Authors note: Heyo short time no see. So this is another Robin dribble so I don't know what you're expecting. I'm working on another chapter with him meeting the Justice League and some adventures with them so look out for that. Again I don't own Young Justice or DC. Now enjoy this probably boring story.


It was a quiet day at the mountain. Robin was on a mission with Batman and should be back soon. Wally sat upside down on the couch, his legs dangling over the edge. Artemis and M'gann gossiped about boys in the kitchen whilst Connor watched his favourite show, static. Kaldur was away in Atlantis for the weekend due to an issue there.

Wally let out a long annoying groan. "Where's Robin? He's taking forever!" He whined, pouting a little. Artemis rolled her eyes. "You know what Gotham's like," she replied. The redhead nodded but still continued to whine. "But he said he'd be back within an hour. It's been like five!" He exclaimed. "I hope nothing happened to him," M'gann said worriedly, her green eyes full of fear.

Suddenly, the announcement for Batman and Robin's arrival rang out throughout the cave and put M'ganns worries at rest. Without a moment of hesitation, Wally ran to greet his best friend only to be met by a horrible sight. A sight he'd seen a multiple times but still shocked him to his very core. Beside Batman was a bandaged and bruised Robin. Cuts and purple bruises littered the boy's face but somehow he still smiled like everything was fine.

"Hi Walls," he greeted happily. He and Batman walked over to him, Robin limping slightly. 

"What happened?" Wally asked in shock. 

"Joker. He needs an eye on him at all times and he is not to be left alone. Got it?" Batman asked. Wally was quick to nod. "I have a mission and will be back to pick him up tomorrow. Any problems contact me or the Watchtower." He began to leave until Robin stopped him. 

"B-be careful Batman," Robin called out, hugging his father figure. Batman hugged back, thinking back to when Robin would say that each night in his first two years of being Robin. He'd been so innocent back then. "I will be." And with that, he left.

Robin walked back to the main room with Wally keeping a careful eye on him. "So care to tell me what Batman meant by 'Joker'?" Wally asked, arms folded. The rest of the team's interest was now peaked and they listened for his response. Robin chuckled a little before promptly stopping thanks to pain. They studied his bandaged appearance for a moment. He looked particularly beat up this time. "You sound like an angry mother," he commented with a cheeky smile. M'gann sat next to him and studied the bandages. "Did he do this to you?" she asked, biting her bottom lip nervously. He nodded. "I'm fine though, don't worry. I just spent a little time with him," he replied when her eyes widened. "You should go change," Artemis suggested, planting herself on the couch opposite him. He nodded, taking the suggestion on board, and limped out.

"How many bandages can one person have?" M'gann sighed. It tore her up to see him look so damaged. His injuries were so very different from the ones he sustained on missions with them. He was only thirteen and gaining wounds like these just didn't sit well with her. It wasn't right no matter how much he tried to convince her. A thirteen-year-old should only be getting a broken arm at the most because they fell out a tree or something stupid like that,  not spending time with the Prince of Crime and having to be bandaged up so much that they look like an Egyptian mummy. "I wondered the same thing when I first saw him like that," Wally replied sighing a little. "He'd just been tortured by that stupid clown for the first time. Hit him with a crowbar and cut him up with a blunt knife for fun," he added, shivering at the memory. 

"That's awful," M'gann said sadly. 

"That's the job," Robin corrected.

Nobody had noticed him sneak back in. He was now wearing a long black pullover with grey jogging pants. Any bandages that could be seen before had been mostly covered up. As always, he wore dark sunglasses to cover his sapphire eyes. But there was something odd about his outfit. He was still wearing the gloves from his Robin suit. They couldn't help but raise a suspicious eyebrow at the choice. "What's with the gloves, Rob?" Wally asked. Robin looked away and shuffled nervously. "It's nothing. Forget about it," he answered all too quickly.

"Do you really think you can get away with not telling me what he did?" The ginger asked a little angry. "You don't need to know," was the reply.

"Yes, I do! You're practically my brother, I deserve to know." He shot an angry glance to Robin which hurt him. "I'm sick of being left in the dark all the time when it comes to this."

"Sometimes it's better to be left in the dark," Robin said with a sad smile.

"Please Rob."

Robin sighed and sat down on the couch. "Do you want it all?" he asked. Wally nodded, sitting beside him. M'gann held his hand for comfort and Artemis gave him a soft smile. Even Connor un-tensed for him. "We got a call about some Joker activity. We got to the sight but were knocked out. We woke up tied to chairs and Joker was laughing as always. He wanted payback for Batman ruining his latest plan. So he hurt me to get to him," he paused as he felt M'ganns hand tighten around his. She gave him a comforting smile so he continued. "He started hitting me with some crowbar that was laying around, rubbed salt into some of the cuts it made. Then he carved his name into my torso and put 'haha' around my forearms. But it wasn't enough for him. So he took out some fingernails, threw in a bit of water torture for variety I guess. Batman managed to escape soon after and get me out of there."

Somehow a tear had made its way down his cheek. "Other villains hurt you but none of them are like him. He does it with such joy. It's like it's all some silly game to him that I'll never win no matter how hard I try." More tears fell when he took off his gloves, revealing bloodied fingertips. "Dude I didn't mean to-"

"No, it feels good to get it off my chest. Believe it or not, Batman ain't exactly the best when it comes to feelings," he said in a partially jokey manner. "I know none of you really understand Gotham as I do but it's nice, you know? To have people you can talk to. Even if it's forced," he added, his smile returning to its natural place on his face.

Wally hugged him tightly, much to his surprise but he embraced it. Soon M'gann joined then Artemis and finally Connor. It felt like he was part of a family again. "Thanks," he whispered just loud enough for them to hear. Maybe he should speak out more if it meant moments like this.

I hope you liked this one!! You probably didn't tho 😂. Follow me if ya want if ya don't I won't force you. Have a lovely day!

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