Teaching pt 2

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Next was Kaldur's lesson. "Richard, when you say water combat what do you mean?" Kaldur asked as Dick got changed into his Robin suit. "I mean how to fight under water," he answered. "Bruce said I should work on it in case something happens," he added. He put his mask on and walked to the pool side. Kaldur dived in the pool with Robin following soon after. "Why do you call him Bruce, not father?" Kaldur asked. Dick stayed silent. 

"Richard, is there something wrong?" he asked worrying for the boy he'd come to love as a brother. "I call him Tati when I'm sad and stuff like that but not regularly," he finally answered. Kaldur could tell he was holding him back. "Tati is Romanian for Dad correct?" Robin nodded. "So how come you don't call him that regularly?" 

"Maybe ask me later. I don't want to tell you right now." Robin replied. He nodded, respecting his friends boundaries.

They dived deeper into the water and Robin put a small device that would help him breathe in his mouth. Robin nodded for him to start. Kaldur swam towards him and tried to kick Robin but he swam up out of the way then tried to punch him. He smiled and got Robin in a head lock which he somehow weaseled out of. Robin kicked him in the stomach and grinned when Kaldur went back. Robin pointed upwards and they resurfaced. "How did I do?" he asked him excitedly. "Very well. I have to ask whether you need such training," Kaldur replied. 

"That was a warm up, I need to do that without this," he said throwing his device to the side. "Are you sure? Bruce may be pushing you to far," Kaldur responded. How could Bruce expect so much from him? "Bruce? He doesn't want me to do it without my breathing device, I do," he said in a duh tone. Kaldur sighed. "Alright, but know your limits," he cautioned. Robin rolled eyes and dived back down. 'Is he really human?' he thought to himself as he joined him.

M'gann came in half an hour later to see Robin sitting on the pool side smiling as he explained physics to Kaldur. "The cake's ready Dick, go get changed you're soaking wet," she announced. Robin jumped up and ran to get changed. "Have fun with him?" she asked Kaldur as he got out the pool. "Yes but I do worry about him sometimes," he answered. M'gann raised a questioning eyebrow. "He hides secrets even now. It seems he's so used to it." She knew instantly why he was so worried. She got worried too at points. "That's Dick for you, he'll open up in time. He hasn't even known us a year yet," she reminded him. 

"I understand. I'll pick him up on it later."

Once they ate lunch it was Connor's turn to teach a lesson. Fighting was really the only thing he was happy teaching. What else would he teach? Dick had smiled all day which made them think it was perfect. Until Connor got a little angry...

Omg cliffhanger

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