Teaching pt 4

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Hi.... so I was just so happy with the fact people were reading this I told my English teacher who encouraged me to get my writing out there. She was happy and then she was like oh I have to read it sometime! Then I was like fuck no srsly you can't. She can't see this. I'm just silently hoping she never asks me again 

"Spill!" Wally shouted. Connor sighed as everyone turned to him. 

"Connor got a little heated when he sparred with Dick," M'gann briefly explained. 

"What do you mean 'heated'?" Artemis asked, beginning to get heated herself. Nobody hurt Dick except her and maybe Wally. "I pressed down on his chest with my foot."

"When you say pressed, how hard? Was he able to breathe? How long?" Wally inquired angrily. "He was pressing hard enough for Richard's breath to be cut short. We got him off Richard after three minutes. When Connor was off him, he coughed a lot but was able to form sentences." Kaldur explained further. "You could've broke a rib! He's just a kid!" 

"Teen to be more specific," Dick corrected, walking in. How he just appeared out of nowhere will always be a mystery to them. Wally grabbed his upper arm with a worried frown and Dick rolled his eyes. He knew that look. That was the look he did when he wanted to see if he was alright. "Looks like when he fought me the first time," he answered. 

"Let me see," Wally begged more than ordered. Dick groaned in annoyance and pulled up his shirt.

A dark bruise shaped like a footprint was in the middle of his chest. "That's massive! No more lessons today, we're watching movies for the rest of the day," he announced. Again Dick groaned. "It's not even that bad," he muttered under his breath. "Yes it is, now sit down and relax if you even know how to," Artemis told him. Dick sat down next to Connor to show there was no hard feelings. "Friends?" Dick asked, looking up at him. A small smile spread into the clone's face. "Friends." 

They spent the whole day watching movies, mostly Disney since they were the only things M'gann liked. Dick fell asleep on Connor's shoulder halfway through, earning an "aww" from the girls and Wally. As they went to bed, Connor carried Dick to his room and put him on the bed. Wally watched him carefully and once they had a moment alone he struck. "I know where Dick keeps the Kryptonite, don't think I won't use it if you hurt him like that again. Got it?" he asked in a dangerously low voice. Connor nodded then hurried away. He wouldn't admit it but he was a little spooked by him.

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