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Today had been stressful but Dick knew exactly who to go to. He walked through security as he always did and handed over all his weapons. He didn't need them around the supposed villainess in Arkham. A security guard smiled at him and lead him to the cell. "This is the second time this week Nightwing. I hope you're not trying to seduce the prisoner," they joked.

"As much as I would love that, I'm afraid I'm already taken," he replied with a laugh. They stopped and let him into the cell. "An hour at the most. She got in trouble earlier in the crafts room." He nodded and walked into the cell with a smile. 

"Hey Harls," he greeted. Harley Quinn looked up at him and a smile grew. 

"Why if it isn't Nightwig? How the hell are ya?" she asked, hugging him. 

"Stressed as per usual. I brought the nail polish you asked for," he answered, showing her the case. "Aww I knew I could count on ya. Better than that Batsy and the runt. That kid coulda killed me last week," she ranted. 

"He's a reformed assassin, give him a break." She huffed and took the case off him. 

Nightwing sat down on the floor and looked at a pile of writing. "Are you writing fanfiction in here?" he teased. 

"They're love letters thank you very much. I thought red would appreciate the sentiment of them," Harley retorted. She searched through the bottles, holding some up to see how close it was to the blue of the Nightwing logo. "This one is just a birthday present list," he stated. He had to put it down after reading something he wished he hadn't. Girls were weird. Well, Harley was weird. "I doubt you came to judge me on my great love letter writing skills. Tell me Nightwig, what's bothering ya?" she asked after finding the perfect blue. 

"You know me so well Harley," he said with a laugh but it wasn't quite there. The antihero, a role she took on after leaving Joker, gave him a somewhat concerned look and got to work painting his fingernails. "Problems with family got ya down?" she asked.

"No, it's just. Do you ever get sick of being the persona you created for yourself?" he asked. She glanced up at him for a second. "Finally tired of playing dress up?" He shook his head.

"I meant personality Harls. I'm the one everyone depends on. I feel like the entire world is on my shoulders and I just have to smile and bear it." She swiped some nail polish on his nails in thought. It was a weird relationship they had. They could beat each other to a pulp then come back the next day and have a friendly chat. After all she did to him as a kid you'd think he'd be wary of her yet he wasn't. He seemed to be the only hero other than Flash who cared about the people he put away. Harley always thought that he was too kind-hearted to be any different. He was the ray of sunshine in that bleak family of his. "Do they know ya feel like this?" she asked finally. Again, he shook his head. "That's why I'm here. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown at home. You're good at making me smile again," he said. A spark of happiness lit in Harley at the sentence. He cared about her. Not many people did these days. "Thanks, Nightwig but speaking to them about it will help. Take a therapists advice on this one," Harley responded.

"I plan to. Now tell me what happened in the crafts room."

"Well, some punk ass bitch used up all the red-"

After an hour, Nightwing was forced to leave but not without sneaking the love letters out with him. What could he say, he was a sucker for star crossed lovers. He drove to the safehouse where Ivy and Harley lived. The tracker on his motorcycle was off just in case Batman decided to abuse the trust he had with the couple. He knocked on the door, love letters in hand. "What brings you here?" Ivy asked, opening the door. 

"Delivery from Arkham," he replied. He gave her the letters and felt a sense of warmth when Ivy smiled at them lovingly. "I don't say this often but thank you. I needed this."

"Yeah well, it's my job to help people. Evil or not," he joked. She chuckled softly and placed the papers on the table beside her. "I suppose your mind was troubled."

"What makes you say that?"

"You normally visit once a week. Twice means something's wrong with someone's personal life," she explained. "I'm sure Harley will fill you in. I'm guessing you're breaking her out for her birthday tomorrow?" Ivy got into a fighting stance, making him laugh a little. "I won't stop you, for a while at least. Tell you what, give me heads up when you break her out and I'll give you an hour's head start."

"Playing games are we?" Ivy asked.

"You could say that. Have a nice night Ivy," he said, returning to his motorcycle. 

"Survive tonight and it'll be an alright night," she responded, waving him off.

Although Nightwing was an inconvenience at times, he had a heart of gold. No one else would give her the time of the day as he did. Even when they were fighting there was a somewhat friendliness to his punches. As weird as it was, she liked it. More heroes should be like Nightwing in her opinion. Maybe if they were, there wouldn't be as many criminals hell-bent on wiping out the Batfamily.

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