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CloeTheTealSnake suggested a part two and a ran with it 

Dick felt a little queasy returning home after so long. He'd let his grief get the better of him and avoided them for months. In all seriousness, he had no idea how long it had actually been. Time had escaped him for the better half of his grief. After patching things up with Artemis and Barry, he had promised to visit his family. It had been a few days after he talked to them. He'd been asleep for some of that time, the other time he was out beating the living crap out of criminals. To say he hadn't moved on from Wally's death would be a massive understatement. Eventually, after a lot of encouragement from Barry, he walked over to the nearest Zetatube and entered the Batcave's code.

He arrived just as Tim and Bruce were just starting their research on a new case. They didn't notice him at first, probably because they weren't expecting him. Dick decided to keep his visit as a surprise in order to brighten their day and totally not because he could back out at any time without them even knowing he was supposed to visit. Yep. Definitely not that. "No warm welcome then?" he asked, gaining their attention. Tim grinned instantly at the sight of his older brother and Bruce offered a small smile. The younger of the pair jumped up and ran into Dick's arms for a hug. He clung on tightly, relishing the warmth from the contact. Everyone knew that Dick gave the best hugs. If you said different, you were lying or you've never had a hug from him. "That's more like it," Dick giggled, gladly hugging Tim back. "How's life been Timmy?" he added. They pulled away and it took Tim a second to compose himself. After worrying for months, Dick had actually visited them out of his own free will. It felt more dreamlike than he had thought. "Boring without your stupid puns," he finally answered. 

"Aww, you missed me?" Dick gushed.

"Don't let it go to your head," Tim responded, gently elbowing his brother in the side. He got a laugh out of Dick yet he noticed it wasn't all there. Something about it sounded hollow. He guessed losing your best friend did that.

Bruce got up and gave his ward a quick hug. He wasn't a man of emotion but he did miss the random hugs he received. Of course, only he knew that. He had an image to uphold after all. "What're you guys up to?" Dick asked, taking a peek at the many screens of the computer.

"Just some last minute research on a drug ring, nothing big. Bruce is gonna break it up tonight," Tim explained. "Are you not joining him? I would've thought you'd be itching to get this sorta action." Tim shook his head. 

"I'm spending the night at the mountain since M'gann wants us to bond more." Sounded like M'gann alright. She probably would've wanted the younger members not to dwell on what happened only a matter of months ago. "Well Bludhaven has been boring recently, why don't I join one of you tonight?" Dick asked.

Alright this is gonna be interactive. Should Dick go with Tim or Bruce? Either one will lead to some angst but end with fluff. I'll eventually do both but the most voted one will be done first

The Bruce part along with all my new work will be over here

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