You don't?!?

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It was a normal night for the Young Justice team. They were sitting around the cave doing nothing in particular when they got a call from Robin. It was a video message and part of them dreaded seeing what was happening as Robin was on patrol in Gotham without Batman.

Wally accepted the message and Robin popped up on the TV screen. He looked a little tired, well really tired and it was certainly not from fighting due to his forehead not being even the tiniest bit sweaty. He smiled weakly at them keeping an eye on something out of shot. "Hi guys, just wondering if you'd like a night out. I've got some gang members here and I want this wrapped up so I can get some sleep. You in?" he asked. Wally jumped up with a smile and a squeal. 

"Of course! We'll be there soon Rob," he replied excitedly. Robin laughed at him. 

"You sound like an excited school girl. Anyways, I expect you here really soon, they might notice me up here which I highly doubt." Then the video ended. M'gann smiled to herself. "It was nice of Robin to ask us all out, don't you think?" she asked happily. Artemis nodded and cracked her fingers. "It's a blessing considering I was about to be bored to death," the archer replied. They all got into their gear and went to the coordinates that Robin had sent them, all eager to punch some major bad guy butt.

They got there 20 minutes after the video message and it seemed that Robin hadn't waited. He was already hiding behind some boxes, scanning the scene. "Thanks for waiting" Kid Flash said through the mind-link. Robin looked up to their spot and quickly shot his grappling hook over to them. "Sorry, they were acting weird," he told them.

"Weird? You're in Gotham everyone, acts weird," Kid Flash protested. Robin rolled his eyes. 

"They're moving up to the roof, we'll be able to get most of them there. Be very careful. I've dealt with these guys before and they are really good shots," he warned. They nodded and moved to the roof. 

Robin landed the first punch and chaos followed. They were all dodging bullets while having to dodge fists. "This is the hardest fight I've ever been in," M'gann said tiredly. Robin glanced over to her as a gunman began to aim. Luckily, he pushed her out the way in time and she wasn't shot. Be he was. M'gann watched in horror as he was forced back by the bullet hitting him, almost falling off the roof entirely. "Robin!" she screamed. The team had finished up the fight when Kid Flash turned to see his friend get up with surprising ease considering he was just shot.

"It's fine M'gann. I have a bullet proof vest on," he reassured her.

"You wear a bullet proof vest?" Aqualad asked. Robin shot him a confused look. 

"You don't?" he asked with concern. They shook their heads. "We deal with people who have guns all the time and you're telling me this now! You guys could've died! As soon as we get back I'm getting you all to wear bullet proof vests, apart from you Supey since you're immune to bullets. Although a kyrptonite bullet would kill you. Second thought you're included," Robin said sternly. "Wait, do any of the Justice League wear vests apart from Batman?" 

"I know Flash doesn't and neither does Green Arrow. Spe- I mean Red Arrow didn't need one," Kid Flash answered. Robin seemed awestruck by this. "New plan, Batman and I are spending some money on bullet proof vests because that is just plain dangerous. No wonder they've been shot so many times, kinda makes sense once you think about."

He began thinking silently to himself when he realized the team was still there. "Oh thanks guys, you can go home now. I'm calling it-" Suddenly an alarm rang in the distance. "Quits..." He groaned and began to set off in that direction. "Do you want any help?" M'gann asked aloud since telepathic communication wasn't necessary. "A little. I don't think I've slept well in ages. Lucky for me, my school breaks up soon for summer tomorrow." he rambled, stretching a little. They smiled fondly at him. Tonight was going to be a long night for them.

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