Younger Justice part 2

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When Kaldur opened his eyes, he felt younger, full of energy and smaller. He got up and saw the room was bigger than it was just moments before. He looked around and saw his teammates but they were a lot younger. "Team?" he asked, his voice a little higher than normal. Artemis groaned and rubbed her head. Wally got up and stretched. "Well, that worked out," he announced jokingly. "Wally, I'm a child again! This isn't the time to joke!" Artemis yelled. Surprisingly their clothes had shrunk down with them. They didn't really question it (and neither should you.) "Wow, your voice somehow got even more annoying," Wally replied. M'gann shook her head and helped Connor up. Since he was grown and didn't age normally he wasn't too bothered by their new appearances. "What happened to us?" she asked. 

"Where's Robin?" 

They looked around and saw a sleeping three-year-old dressed in Robin's suit. Wally shook him a little, waking him successfully. "Are you okay?" Wally asked, helping him up. Robin nodded and hugged his arm upon noticing the others. "Someone's clingy," Artemis commented. Robin hid his face in Wally's arm, blushing deeply. "Does he not remember us?" M'gann asked, seeing no recognition in Robin's eyes when he looked at them. "Hmm, well I don't remember who that guy is but he looks familiar," Wally replied pointing to Connor. 

"Likewise. I only know M'gann, Kaldur and Robin," Connor said sternly. 

"But I remember all of you," M'gann said confused. 

"As do I," Kaldur replied with a nod in agreement coming from Artemis.

"Well I don't," Wally protested.

"Maybe we only remember those we had the closest bond to," Robin suggested quietly. 

"I think you might be on to something there Rob. We've known each other for a long time. You all remember Robin because he's helped you some way or another. But I don't remember that guy because I never got close to him apparently," Wally explained.

"But why doesn't Robin know us?" Artemis asked. Wally thought for a moment. 

"Maybe because you guys don't know his secret ID. Only I do," he answered. That seemed like a decent answer for them to work off. "I'll call the league. Wally, you try and get Robin to remember us. Connor try to remember Artemis and Wally," Kaldur ordered. They nodded as he went to contact the League.

M'gann approached Robin but he moved behind Wally instantly. "Come on Robin, it's me. You've got to remember who I am," she said trying to encourage him but he just looked at her as if he was about to burst into tears if she carried on talking. "M'gann, he was a really shy kid. I think that he got the trait back when he got young again. Maybe try to let him ask you things," Wally suggested. The Martian nodded and backed off. "Wally, they're making me nervous," Robin whispered, still hugging his friend's arm. "Robin these are your friends, don't be nervous," Wally replied. M'gann frowned as did Artemis. "I just want this to be over with," Artemis complained. 

"Me too, I feel like he's going to pull my arm off," Wally whined. Robin briefly whimpered and let go of his arm but stayed close to him. "I know, go get stuff that you did with Robin. Like pictures. Then maybe he'll remember," Wally suggested, rubbing his arm. Even though Robin was young, he still had his death grip. The girls nodded and ran off. Robin watched them leave then walked towards the box. "Wally, I don't like this. Not one bit. Something feels off and I think this Joker has a bad plan," he told him. 

"Well, Joker would've struck by now, right?" Wally said.

"No he seems cunning, he'll wait till the last moment," Robin replied sighing. "I hate being so shy. The others hate it as well." Wally hugged him and smiled. 

"You can't help being shy again. Anyway, this means you can be adorable again," Wally joked.

"I am not adorable! I'm manly," Robin retorted. 

"Very manly."

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