Younger Justice Part 6 (Finale)

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Batman ran into the room where the team and their mentors sat. "M'gann, can you pilot the bio-ship?" he asked quickly. 

"Yes," she answered.

"Then I need you to pilot us there as fast as you can," Batman ordered. She nodded and they ran to the bio-ship. Seat belts wrapped around their waists and a few chairs were added for the mentors. "Batman, what's going on?" Wonder Woman asked seeing Batman's concerned look. "They're going to freeze Robin to death. Catwoman is currently fighting Ivy but they released the liquid nitrogen. We need to get there fast," Batman explained. 

"On it!" M'gann announced.

Inside Robin's cell

Robin heard hissing and turned. Something was coming out the walls but he couldn't see what. Then he saw ice forming on the walls. "Batman's so gonna kill me," he muttered banging on the door. That clearly wasn't working so he carefully ventured around the room. He felt the walls. "Yep definitely gonna die either way," he added. He felt tubes running along the walls which meant that substance at the end of the hall was coming his way anytime now. The hissing grew louder and he felt a pain in his leg. He yelled in pain and ran forward. The substance had burnt him but it hadn't felt hot, it was freezing. "Liquid nitrogen," he whispered. "Batman! Batman!" he yelled in vain. Tears were falling as the feeling of death came over him. He was freezing and tired. He sat in the middle of the room and cried, hoping and praying for someone to help him. Maybe he just wasn't worth it.

The room grew darker as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Outside his cell

Batman and Wonder Woman ran out the ship first and into the building. They searched it and found Catwoman fighting Poison Ivy. "Help Catwoman, while I get to the control panel," Batman ordered. Wonder Woman nodded and joined the fight, easily subduing Poison Ivy as Batman turned off the liquid nitrogen. "I've got Ivy. Get Robin," Wonder Woman told Batman after the others joined her. "I'm coming with you," Catwoman added. Batman just nodded and they ran to Robin's cell. Batman barged his shoulder into it and it broke open. "Must've been brittle from the ice," Batman commented as Catwoman ran in. She saw Robin lying on the floor unconscious and her heart rose to her throat. "Richard!" she yelled before picking him up bridal style. "Is he?" she asked as Batman felt for a pulse. He smiled genuinely. "We got here in time. His pulse is still strong," Batman answered. 

"Bruce, I'm so sorry it got this far you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt him," Catwoman quickly said. "I know. Let's get him to the mountain," he told her. She nodded and passed him over. "The formula to turn them back is already being emailed to you. Tell me how he is afterwards," Catwoman said before walking out. 

"Thank you, Selina." 

"No need. I'll visit Dick in a couple of days. See you then Bruce," she replied.

He smiled and joined the others who were tying up Ivy. "Is he alright?" Wonder Woman asked running up to Batman. He nodded. "I raised a strong kid," he replied. Wonder Woman smiled and ran her hand through Robin's hair. Robin's eyes opened a little and he smiled at them. "Thanks for coming, Tati," he said tiredly. "Hi mama Diana," he added. Wonder Woman smiled fondly at him. "Catwoman has sent us the formula to reverse the age change," Batman stated. "Great I'm tired of being six. My voice is higher than the Watchtower," Wally replied.

"Aww but you're so adorable," Robin said quietly.

"Hey, I'm manly!" Wally fired back. Robin giggled.

After a few hours, the team was back to normal and tired. Being young was exhausting. "Well I've got patrol so I'll see you guys later," Robin said waving goodbye. 

"He literally nearly died today and he's going out all night?" Wally asked. 

"It's the holidays, he'll be fine," Wonder Woman answered, leaving with Robin.

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