12th Day of Christmas

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So this is the start of twelve days of stories. I've planned this around a month in advance so hopefully, I can get through this without any mishaps. 

EDIT: I jinxed myself with that one. Basically what happened was number one just moved to the end and it was really odd because i hadn't done anything to make it like that but here we are with the first one being at the end

Edited 07/02/2024: format change and small additions

When Dick strolled into the Batcave that afternoon, he thought it would be just a regular day of planning a mission whilst providing top-quality puns. What he didn't expect was to be resuming his old role as a stripper whilst his brothers and parental guardian stalked the seedy club for a serial killer. Confused? Let's go back a few hours.

Dick entered the Batcave in the afternoon followed closely by Damian. Some people compared Damian to a lost puppy following Dick around everywhere they went. That was only partially true. Sure he followed Dick around (a lot) but that was because he was one of the people he hated the least. Bruce was already in the cave, typing away at a computer, with Tim doing some training exercises in the gym. The only person missing was Jason but they assumed he'd turn up sooner or later. 

"Afternoon B, any plans for today?" Dick asked cheerfully. Bruce nodded, avoiding eye contact with his ward. With hindsight, Dick realized why he couldn't spare a glance at him. 

"I presume you'll tell us everything when Todd arrives?" Damian added. He was anxious to get to work as always. 

"That is the more efficient way to go about things," he replied flatly. Dick didn't like the way he was talking. This could only mean the mission was dangerous or he was going to bench someone.

Soon Jason arrived and after retrieving Tim from the gym, it was time for Bruce to unfold his "master" plan. They sat around the room and prepared themselves for tonight. 

"We've had intel on a potential next location of a serial killer that has killed five people and attempted to murder several others."

"Sounds like a pretty shitty serial killer," Jason commented under his breath. It seemed serial killers these days weren't putting in the effort that they used to when he was Robin. That could be down to the new and improved police force but he liked to blame people getting lazy. After all, how hard could it be to kill someone when you could easily buy a gun and shoot away? His comment was rewarded with a sharp glare from Bruce before he continued. 

"We suspect he's going to strike tonight due to the pattern of killings he's made." Bruce put up a timeline of killings and he was right to suspect that the killer would attack tonight. Every four weeks on a Saturday there would be a murder or at least an attempt. 

"So, what's the MO on this guy?" Dick asked.

At that point, Bruce cringed. That was when they all knew something was up. Bruce never cringed. Or at least he never outwardly cringed. 

"All of his victims have been male strippers in the Eden Club. More specifically, they've always been the fourth act on a Saturday night," he explained. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary there. This was Gotham after all. 

"How are we catching him?" Tim questioned.

"He lures his victims to the alley with the promise of money for...sexual favours so to speak. We need someone to take him up on the offer then the rest of us will intercept him when it's safe to do so." He coughed a little bit as suspicion built.

"Bruce, who exactly is going to be bait?" Jason asked. Bruce's eyes flickered to Dick and within moments hysterical laughter filled the room.

"Since when you were a stripper?" Tim asked. He desperately tried to contain his laughter but he was failing miserably. 

"I worked hard on this body, somebody's gotta appreciate it. Not to mention how expensive college is," Dick defended. "And I only did it for a few months in some seedy club, nothing like the Eden. It was great money," he swiftly added.

"But you've been going to pole dancing classes for the last year," Damian corrected, bringing about another bout of laughter. 

"Those are specifically for gaining core strength and stopping stalking me, one stalker is enough for this family," Dick snapped.

"Oh my God, is Nightwing going to be a Saturday night special?" Jason wheezed.

"Is that why your Discowing suit was so revealing? A hero during the week but stripper on the weekend?" Tim added.

"I don't know why this is a surprise to you. Everyone knows strippers and I have something in common," Dick defended. "Rocking bods-"

"Daddy issues," Jason interrupted.

Quickly, Bruce took a minute to compose himself and then got the boys to calm down as he continued the mission brief. 

"Tim is going to be watching the entrance for the killer with Damian. As soon as I think you two can't work together, you're benched for the night. Jason and I will be in the club keeping an eye on the killer. When Dick is done with his...act, the killer will likely be quick to get him out of there. We'll follow them out and meet up with you two along the way. I'll give the signal when it's best to." Bruce finished. "Any questions?"

"Do I have to wear a thong? I'm out if I have to wear a thong. Feels like I'm being cut in half."

Skip forward a few hours of rehearsing a dance with one of the strippers at the club and now we're all caught up. Let's see how this goes.

It was just before Dick was due on when Robin spotted the serial killer entering the club. He had dark brown hair and a serious expression on his face. 

"He's here, get ready," Red Robin announced through the comms. Dick looked out from the backstage and saw the man take a seat in the front row. 

"I've got visual," he answered. He took a deep breath when he felt Bruce's hand on his shoulder. 

"Sorry again about this. None of the workers wanted to risk it," he apologized. 

"You're lucky I'm a good sport," Dick replied. He took a glance at the crowd quickly, taking another deep breath. 

"If you feel unsafe, you can do something about it. Cover or no cover, I don't want you getting roughed up when you're half-naked and weaponless."

"Feeling's mutual," he answered with a chuckle. He waved goodbye and stepped on stage.

Hot lights warmed up his skin as he walked up to the pole as seductively as he could. He really hoped nobody he knew was watching. 

"You know, I just realized how perfect your name is for stripping Dick," Jason taunted over the comms. He heard a collective groan. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad."

"It really was that bad," Red Robin replied.

"You guys are no fun." He kept an eye on where the man sat. There was something about him that made Jason want to beat him up. His face just looked so punchable. It didn't help how he licked his lips as Dick danced like he was a piece of meat. "Can't I just kill this guy now?" he asked as he reluctantly served guests. 

"No murder," Bruce told him.

"Plus he won't expect us to interrupt him," Robin added.

"It's easier like this, less havoc than if we'd gone in there all guns blazing." Red Robin continued. 

"Easy for you to say. Neither of you has to see this guy watch Dick go up and down a pole," he argued. He shuddered slightly. That wasn't a sentence he thought he'd have to say. 

"Don't like, don't watch Lil Wing," Dick teased.

"I hope this guy murders you."

"Same. I just saw David from accounting being forced out for jerking off in the corner," the older replied. "I knew he had a thing for me."

After he finished his slot, all they had to do was wait for the serial killer to take the bait. Not soon after he did just that. 

"You looked great up there," he greeted. He wore a sorta charismatic smile. If Dick didn't know him then he might've made a good one-night stand. Then again he would've ended up dead. Pros and cons. 

"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself," Dick replied. His flirtatious nature came in handy with these sorts of missions. 

"What's your name?"

"D-John and yours?" Phew, that was a close one. Wait John was his Dad's name. This somehow got ten times worse. Why did he do this to himself? Was he not traumatised enough? 

"James," he answered. "You look like you're up for a good time. It pays well if you're interested."

"A quickie in an alley? Classy," Dick teased. He took James' hand with a flirtatious grin then led him to the back alley. Whilst doing this, he clicked his comm twice to confirm that he'd taken the bait. Jason and Bruce quickly ran out of the club and waited where the street turned into the alleyway.

As Dick walked out, Bruce gave the signal to the pair of Robins on the rooftops. That was when he realized they were trying to strangle one another rather than look for his signal. 

"They lasted longer than last time," Jason commented.

"I'm not even surprised," Bruce complained. He could hear them shouting threats and insults at each other. "Dick the boys are fighting." James was making his moves on Dick when the message came through. He huffed in annoyance. Five more minutes and he wouldn't have to fight this guy wearing a small step up from a thong. 

"They had one job," he muttered angrily.

"Who you talking to, baby?" James asked. There was a dumpster beside them and it didn't take a genius to spot the poorly concealed weapon behind it. 

"Save the sweet talk, time's up." James caught on, swiftly bending down to get the machete he'd hidden. Dick was quick to disarm him. "Are any of you helping?" he asked in frustration. Two sets of footsteps came running down the alley and their owners apprehended James with ease. "I'm getting some clothes on. It's freezing out here."

When they returned to the Batcave, Tim and Damian were benched for the next mission. Dick was rewarded with a lifetime of stripper jokes.

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