12th day of Christmas

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BlossomWorm suggested this and i thought it would be the perfect ending to this series

I thought my shoutout for today could be up to you! Feel like someone should get some attention? Leave them in the comments with a short description! 

There was no doubt that Batman was a grinch. He'd slowly lost his Christmas spirit over the years and this was the first year where he completely disregarded Christmas in its entirety. It was as though he was blind to the decorations throughout the streets and the constant mention of the holiday. He was long since numb to the excitement it brought and only felt the chaos it brought in Gotham. Crime rose, villains were more likely to bring out a new dastardly plan and patrols were a whole lot worse in the winter snow. Someone who'd seen this gradual descent in Christman cheer was Dick. He was the complete opposite. At the mention of Christmas, he was practically nine again. He'd been particularly excited for this year because it was the only year the family could be together on the same day. Even Cass and Steph were coming! Due to this, he'd been mentioning that they should all have the night off or at least start patrol later. He was still fighting this view until Christmas Eve. "C'mon B, they're getting older now and they might not be free again," Dick argued, following Bruce to the Batcave.

"We don't take breaks. Christmas or not it's just another day of the year," the older protested. 

"But they're kids. You used to let me have the night off when I was little."

"It was the first Christmas without your parents and you were nine. The year after you worked on Christmas," Bruce snapped. He didn't want to hear another moment of the grown man whining like a child. "That's because we were with the League too. We were a weird family celebrating in a weird way."

"They're colleagues and you were working. We're working tomorrow. End of." Dick narrowed his eyes at the older and folded his arms in a huff.

"No, they're not. I'm not letting you ruin their Christmas because you're a grinch."

"I'm their guardian," Bruce stated. The younger laughed mockingly. 

"Their guardian? You can't even admit that you're their Dad. And you're my Dad! Or at least I thought you were," he replied. For a second, Bruce looked hurt then his face turned to that everlasting monotone expression. He continued to stare at his computer screen and began typing up something. Probably a mission report. "Really? You're just gonna ignore what I said?" He chuckled to himself. Not happily. It was that chuckle your mum does when you screwed something up so bad they can only laugh. He'd have to take this in a different approach if the regular guilt trip didn't work. "You know, I don't know why I keep thinking you can change. No matter how hard I try, you'll never change. I miss my Dad. That Dad would have cared that this is the first year we can all be together." He sighed defeatedly as the older once again took no notice of him. "I'm sorry but I'm too tired to keep doing this." He walked away to the elevator and took one last look at his father figure. Bruce watched the reflection of his ward in the computer monitor and sighed to himself. He should've said something. Still twenty-five years on and he still didn't know what to do with his ward. Good luck to the others. He just hoped they turned out as good as him but that was only a hope.

"Master Dick looked upset. I'm guessing you refused his request," Alfred asked, handing Bruce his hourly coffee. 

"It's a ridiculous request. Crime won't stop because it's the holidays."

"They're still young. Why force them to work? The police force should be able to handle themselves by now. You've given many years to the city so they can afford a Christmas without yours or theirs help." He tutted at the butler. He thought he'd be on his side but the revelation that he wasn't didn't change his mind. Bruce was Batman. He was always right. "They took the responsibility and now they must live with the consequences."

"I'm afraid you're awfully wrong Master Bruce. You may think you run this household but I still hold the authority given to me by your parents. Those boys and girls upstairs are staying at home," he stated firmly.


"There's nothing more to say on the matter." With that, he left. Again, Bruce sighed and looked back at his work. Was he in the wrong? No. They just weren't understanding that they were dedicated to a career and they didn't get one-offs. Sure they all worked on their birthdays and the moment they were finished with a recovery they had to go back to work and yes maybe they missed out on social events but they took on the job. They knew what they were doing. Even if they agreed as kids. Even if they might not have realized how monumental the task was. 

When petrol was over, everyone returned back to the cave and began their way to bed. "Remember you've got work tomorrow," Bruce called after them. They shook their heads, some of them smirking as they looked over to Dick.

"Alfie agrees with me so they're having the night off. In your own words, end of," Dick responded smugly. Steph and Jason looked at his comeback like school children. They liked when the eldest got sassy. "If they don't do any work then I'll place the blame on you, Richard." The pair ooed again. He hardly used Dick's full name so this was getting good. Well bad. But good to watch. "Better start sending them because my siblings aren't working." He emphasized the my for extra effect. If Bruce wasn't going to accept that he was their Dad then he'd have to embrace the role of being their brother. The group looked over to Bruce who glared at the eldest for defying him. He gritted his teeth before waving his hand dismissively. "Fine be a brat about it." Dick tutted with a roll of his eyes and ushered his siblings to the elevator. 

"Dick okay?" Cass asked as they got in. She didn't miss his jaw clenching at the comment his mentor gave him. He nodded and gave her a smile.

"Of course. I got you guys the night off didn't I? Just like I said I would." He turned to close the elevator door with a small frown. He really wished Bruce wasn't like this but he just didn't know how to make things the way they were again. He felt Cass slipped her hand into his with a timid smile. "Watch movie with me?" His smile returned and he pressed the button.

"I'd love to." 

Bruce huffed once he heard the ping of the elevator and got to what he was working on before. Dick didn't know anything about parenting. He wasn't a parent. He didn't understand what was good for those kids like Bruce did so he couldn't call him out on anything. Nope, Bruce was in the right. 

Throughout the night, Bruce's eyelids got progressively heavier and heavier. He could barely keep his eyes open. The screen became fuzzy and his head ducked down. A little nap wouldn't hurt. He'd just have a quick sleep then get back to work. He lay back in his chair and let his head fall to the side. Just a few minutes then he'd wake up. His eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep.

There was the sound of a grandfather clock gonging to signal the beginning of an hour. Bruce's eyebrows knitted together at the familiar sound. There wasn't a clock like that in the Batcave. He opened one eye slowly only to be met with the sight of people. Not just any people. The lost parents of the people he took in. He bolted up and rubbed his eyes, just to check that this was indeed what he was seeing. Maybe he was just seeing things. Yet when he opened his eyes again the ghostly figures still stood in front of him. He pinched his skin, knowing that in a dream if you did this your skin would stretch to an odd length, but when he did his skin was normal. This was real. But how could such a thing be real? "Who are you?" he asked, wondering if this was some sort of villainous plot against him. Had the wrong person found the Batcave? "You know who we are," John Grayson stated. "You have forgotten what our children have gone through."

"In order to make you remember, you shall be visited by spirits. They will remind you of what you promised us long ago," Janet Drake added. She glared at the man who now took care of her son, as did the other parents. "You will remember the man you were, the man you are and the man you will become." The ghosts faded to the floor, keeping eye contact with the man until they were gone. Bruce let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and chugged the rest of his coffee to fix his dry mouth. No that couldn't have happened. He was just tired and Dick's words had gotten to him. That's right. It was just that good old guardian guilt. He was used to it since Dick's favourite method was guilt-tripping to get what he wanted. He felt tired again and sighed to himself. They weren't real he assured himself as his eyelids once again became heavy. It was just some freaky hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation and guilt. 

Once again Bruce woke up to the sound of the clock. He groaned and tried to go back to sleep, hoping to ignore it. Unfortunately, someone shook him awake. He cracked open an eye and was immediately blinded by the light of something. He winced back and blinked away the blinding spots then looked to where he'd previously seen the light. There was a figure completely composed of light standing there. He could faintly make out eyes and a mouth that was smiling at him. "Are you ready?" it asked. He squinted at the figure in complete confusion. What was it talking about?

"Ready for what?"

"To see the man you were," it replied. His eyes widened. The ghosts said this would happen but he thought they were just a hallucination. Maybe he was still having one? He could be having a super realistic dream. The light cocked its head at him as he thought over his answer. If this was a dream, he may as well make the most of it. "Yes," he finally said. The figure nodded and touched Bruce's hand.

"Then we shall start our journey." The room was consumed with a bright white flash. The features of the cave melted to the ones of the main living room upstairs in the manor. It was decorated beautifully with Christmas decorations, something he always took part in as a child. There was a large Christmas tree commanding the room with lots of different sized wrapped presents underneath. He felt a sense of deja vu as he took it all in. Then he heard the sound of laughter. He turned around as a younger version of himself ran into the room in his pajamas. He ran straight through Bruce and knelt by the Christmas tree. "This was my last Christmas with them," he stated. He turned back around as his parents entered the room. Bruce would have cried at the sight of them. Photos and videos were one thing but actually seeing them alive and well was something much different. "You look quite happy," the light commented as it watched the scene play out. 

"Dad look what Santa left!" the younger Bruce exclaimed excitedly. He held out a box with a tag for him with a wide grin.

"I loved Christmas. It was the only time Dad really tried not to work," he replied with a soft smile. Every other day of the year his Dad would be consumed with work but this was the only day he'd give him his full attention. Unless they wanted to be fired, no employee would call him to the office. They could actually spend time together as a family. "It didn't have the same spark when they died," Bruce added solemnly. He didn't know why he was letting the light know this. It just felt right to tell it everything. 

"Oh, now that's not true. For some years that may have been the case but there was a certain boy who changed all that."

The room was engulfed in the light again but the scene was nearly the exact same. This time the tree was towering and Bruce himself was putting the final touches on the tree. He was older now. In his mid-twenties. That was enough to tell him who the boy was. Alfred walked into the room with a smile. "Master Dick will be down in a moment sir. I do hope this raises his spirits," he greeted. Bruce nodded with a hesitant look.

"Maybe I should've played it down? I don't want him to feel overwhelmed by it all." Their conversation was interrupted by Dick who tiredly walked into the room. Bruce felt his heart clench upon seeing the younger version of his ward. He looked so innocent to the world with those big blue eyes that could melt his heart in seconds. Over the years, that certain look in his eyes faded. He should've done a better job of protecting it now that he thought back. Dick took in the room and that familiar grin appeared on his face. "Oh B, this is amazing!" he exclaimed, running over to the older. He gave him a tight hug. Bruce picked him up so he could get a better look at the ornaments on the tree. "Anytime chum. Do you want to open your presents?" he asked, gesturing to the many presents under the tree.

"They're for me?" Dick asked, perfectly unknowing of how adorable he was. 

"Every single one of them."

"You didn't have to get me all this," he assured the billionaire. He chuckled and set the boy down.

"I wanted to. Now let's see what Santa got you." Bruce smiled at the scene. He remembered this Christmas well. He felt so happy just to have the boy smile. 

"See, you used to love Christmas. Let's see what changed you hm?" Before Bruce could protest, they were shot to a few Christmases ago.

There were no decorations up yet there had been some attempt to make the manor Christmassy. A tree stood solemnly in the corner with hardly any ornaments on it. He already hated this memory already. He wanted to squeeze his eyes shut and forget it but he couldn't even tear his eyes away. The room was devoid of any Christmas cheer. This version of himself trudged into the room tiredly. "This was my first Christmas without my boys," he stated to the figure. Jason had been killed and Dick hadn't talked to him since then. He now knew it was because he felt guilty in some way that he wasn't there before Jason kicked the bucket. In the moment, he thought Dick hated him for letting the boy die. He never forgave himself for what happened to Jason and he doubted he ever would. It was the one night where he didn't work fast enough. The night he failed his ward. "My boys?" the light asked. 

"Yes. They're my boys. Practically sons," he answered. The light cocked its head at him. "What?"

"Well don't you remember? You're just their guardian. You're not their Dad," it replied. He shook his head at it.

"No, I'm basically their Dad. I raised them and cared for them," he argued. The light hummed and the walls of the room melted to a rather new memory of the past. The Batcave with just him and Dick. "I'm their guardian," Bruce stated. The younger laughed mockingly. 

"Their guardian? You can't even admit that you're their Dad. And you're my Dad! Or at least I thought you were," he replied. Bruce hated it. He hated how bad he sounded. He hated the clear pain in his ward's voice. Had he not noticed it the first time around or did he just ignore it? "If you regard yourself as their Dad, why not say you were then?" the light asked. Bruce shrugged.

"I don't know." The past versions of himself and Dick faded away and he was back in his chair. He looked over to the light that was beginning to fade. 

"You will next see the man you are."

"I already know the man I am," Bruce argued. The light slowly died out, its everlasting smile turned to a frown in its last moments.

"Sir, you do not."

A dong of the grandfather clock and Bruce opened his eyes. That was a very strange dream and it left him with a strong sense of guilt. He should go to say sorry. Perhaps he should wait till the morning though. Dick might be in a better mood then considering what day it would be. "Seasons Greeting Bruce," a strong voice boomed. Bruce whipped around to find the source of the voice and found a very tall man. He was decked out with holly and wreaths. His cheeks had a festive pink tinge to them and he had a long ginger beard. "Oh, hello," he replied. 

"I trust you met the spirit of the past? I'm the spirit of the present," the man explained. The spirit reached out to the billionaire who tentatively took his hand. The room spun around at a dizzying speed and he was now sat in the cinema room. He stood up and looked around, finding the very people he regarded as children. They were watching Love Actually together. Well, Dick and Jason were watching Love Actually. Everyone else had fallen asleep. Cass and Damian leaned on him in their sleep, Steph was softly snoring in her chair and Jason was constantly pushing away a passed out Tim. "I don't know why you bother with Bruce," Jason began. The Dark Knight already didn't like where this was going.

"What do you mean?" Dick replied.

"You always try to get him all festive but it's just the same every year. There's no point in trying."

"You sound like Kori," Dick said. He looked down at the sleeping teenagers leaning against him for support. He didn't mind being their pillar of stability whilst they were vulnerable but he was starting to wonder who his support was. His support was already crumbling. "Something wrong?" the younger asked. 

"It's just things haven't been going well between us. Couple things. Don't worry yourself about it." Bruce looked at his eldest with surprise. He hadn't mentioned there'd been any troubles. Then again, he didn't exactly make himself available so he could mention something. They'd been arguing about the issue for ages and didn't talk about much else. But Dick always talked to him when there were problems with Barbara so why had he stopped? "Is it about Bruce?" Said person held his breath until Dick replied with a nod.

"No," he whispered. How could he drive the pair apart? They were so good for each other. He could only wish for what they had. "She's asked for a break. It's my fault really. She said I need to stop being the Dad and let him step up. Says I should stop trying but I just can't. He raised me, you know? He used to be the best Dad I could ask for after what happened to my real one," he answered. 

"Used to be?" Bruce repeated, slightly offended. He'd tried his best all these years with hardly any experience. It was a hard job! He was bound to mess up. 

"Come now Bruce, you can't say you were the paternal figure you once was. He's seen you through the years. The only other person who knows you on that level is Alfred," the spirit reasoned. 

"I know I just...I thought I was doing a good job." 

The room spun around and they were in Alfred's private chambers. He held a picture of himself and Bruce during one of the first Christmas without his parents. The expression on his face couldn't mean anything good. "Alfred," Bruce muttered, reaching out a hand to comfort the man before realizing that he couldn't do anything. His hand would go right through. "Why does he look sad?" he asked.

"He feels like he failed you," the spirit replied. He walked over and took a look at the photograph the older was holding. It was at this time that Bruce noticed his beard had gone greyer and there were new found wrinkles in his rosy cheeks. "What? How could he fail me?"

"You've turned into a man he didn't want you to be. Bitter, obsessed, cold. He thinks it's his fault for not guiding you correctly throughout your life and the grievances that befell it." Bruce shook his head insistently. He'd done nothing wrong. It was all him. He didn't mean to turn into who he was but it wasn't due to Alfred's parenting. He did an amazing job. He could only hope to be the same for his own children. "How can I make him think differently?" Bruce asked with an urgent tone. Alfred couldn't go another minute thinking that his nature was because of him. He needed to know how well he did given the circumstances. The spirit chuckled mockingly. "I cannot tell you of the future. I am only the spirit of the present." The room spun around and they were in a blank space. There was no sound, no dark, nothing. It was just a room of white. Bruce looked to man with an unsure expression. "Where am I?"

"You wished to know of the future yet I am unable to show you. My time is ending as the present goes on so you must now meet the future that you created." The spirit suddenly aged to that of a decrepit old man. He gave Bruce a smile as his hair fell out in clumps. "Heed my warning Bruce, you can neither change the present nor the past but you can change the future before it's too late."

"Too late? Too late for what?"

The room went dark yet no spirit came to greet him. He felt a cold breeze brush past him and studied his ever-changing surroundings. Finally, the features melted into place and he knew where he was. He'd been to this place too many times. Gotham City Graveyard. There was a lone person stood by a grave with a Christmas wreath in their hands. "Hello Father," the shaky voice greeted. "I know you weren't a Christmas person but I got the others one so it would be rude not to get you one too." Bruce slowly walked towards the figure as they sat on the ground, placing the wreath on the grave. The figure shivered as the cold wind got colder. Bruce knew that voice he just needed to see the person it belonged to believe it. He walked behind the grave they were sat at and looked under the hood that hid their features. "Grayson always loved Christmas. Though I don't share the passion for it, it's only right to celebrate it in some way." Oh my God. Damian pulled down his hood and wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall down his cheeks. Then Bruce thought over what he said. "Loved"? No. No that couldn't be true. "Pennyworth loved it too. I suppose I took after you. The others would have come had they not been working. You would've liked that. All of us working." Bruce's eyes widened. Alfred was gone too? He sat beside Damian and looked at his own grave. It was a nice place. There were some flowers that had been left previously by someone. The engraving read "Bruce Thomas Wayne. Father and protector of Gotham." Not beloved? Nothing about his foster children? Nothing about how he was as a person? The warning given by the spirit of the present rang true now. Only Damian would visit. "I wish I could say I miss you the most but I don't. In some ways, I don't miss you at all. Grayson wouldn't like to have heard this but he's not here anymore. You worked yourself to death and I won't let living up to your legacy kill me like it killed Grayson." Damian stood up and turned his back on the grave. "This is the last time I'll visit you. Grayson and Pennyworth deserve much more of my attention. Merry Christmas Bruce."

With that, he walked away into the dead of the night. Bruce jumped to his feet and tried to run after him but it was like he was on a conveyor belt. He could never run fast enough to help him. "Damian!" he shouted though he knew he wouldn't hear. "Damian! I'm sorry! I'll change!" Tears came thick and fast down his face. "I'll change!"

"Will you Bruce?" Bruce stood dead still. That voice. It was Dick's. He didn't want to turn around. It couldn't be any good. "Will you Master Bruce?" Alfred? No, he didn't want to turn around. There'd be something awful. There would be something waiting for him that he wouldn't unsee. "Bruce look at us!" Dick demanded. He shook his head.

"Do it!"

"Look at what you did!" Alfred yelled. Bruce whimpered and turned around with his eyes shut tightly. "Look at us!" they chanted. "Look! Look! Look!" He couldn't take their screams anymore and he finally opened his eyes. Their skin was in the middle of decaying and he could see through to their bones in some parts. Their eyes were basically gone leaving dark holes in their faces. "Change! Change!"

"I will!" he sobbed. He didn't want to ever see them like that. His first son and his oldest friend. 

"Then wake up!"

Bruce woke up with a start and immediately jumped to his feet. He breathed heavily as he checked the room. He was in the Batcave. There were no spirits nor anyone else. He was home. He could change. He had time to change. 

A frantic knock at the door woke up Dick who trudged over in his pajama bottoms and opened the door. Steph was stood there in her own pajamas and before he could even ask what had her so frantic, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him downstairs. "What's wrong?" he asked, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes whilst not falling down the stairs.

"It's Bruce. He's gone mad," she answered quickly. He quirked an eyebrow at her as she led him to the living room. On the way, he noticed the extra decorations he was sure weren't up yesterday. They got to the living room where everyone was awkwardly sat around the tree as Bruce passed them presents. He wore a bright happy smile as he did. They tried to match it but they were much too weirded out by his new approach to Christmas. "Ah, there you are sleepy head. I've got a present here for you," Bruce greeted. He handed over a small box before going back to the pile of presents under the tree. Dick, confused as ever, opened the gift and gasped at what he saw. "This is the Wayne family pin. I can't accept this," he said.

"You can and you will," Bruce replied. "You're a part of this family and a very big part at that." There was a knock at the front door and before Alfred could even get up to get it, Bruce went after it. Dick sat down on the couch, marveling at the present. "Is he high?" Steph asked him.

"I have no idea," he replied. He glanced around the room and everyone had a gift that was special to them. For example, Jason had been gifted not just a vintage gun but a gun Thomas Wayne himself once owned. 

They theorized on what could've happened to Bruce from last night to today. Their theories ranged from drugs to a concussion. Their theorizing ended when Bruce walked in with someone else. Dick turned around and stumbled to his feet in surprise. Kori stood next to his mentor with a smile and flowers. "I may have rushed my decision to-" she didn't even get through her sentence before Dick hugged her tightly. She put the flowers aside and hugged him back. 

"I love you, Kori."

"I love you too." Jason made a barfing sound, getting an elbow to the side from Cass though she did it with a smirk.

"I don't understand though, how come you changed your mind?" Dick asked. She looked over to Bruce,

"He called me this morning and explained that he was going to change. He said sorry." The room went silent. Bruce Wayne - the billionaire vigilante himself - said sorry? Presumably without being forced to? "He did?" Dick asked, looking over to his mentor. 

"I realized the influence I was having on your social life so I thought it better to do something about that sooner rather than later," he explained. Dick stared at him in utter shock as tears infiltrated his eyes. He laughed lightly and wiped the tears from his face. "These are happy I swear," he assured everyone. 

"I'm going to step up. You can concentrate on just being you now," Bruce told him. 

"Holy shit, I want whatever he took," Jason muttered to Steph. She nodded and made a mental note to search the Batcave for anything he could have done. 

"Thank you B."

"Anything for my son." More tears fell down Dick face and Kori let him go so he could hug his paternal figure. 

"I don't know what happened last night to make you like this but I hope you don't change back."

"I won't Dickie. I promise." Bruce felt himself start crying. This was the beginning of a new chapter. "Group hug everyone. Join it before I change my mind," he announced. Tim and Steph both jumped up and joined, followed by Kori who whispered something to Dick that made him blush, then Alfred and Cass joined before Jason relented. Damian folded his arms but eventually gave in. "Only because it's Christmas," he said before joining.

Thank you for another amazing year. You're all so wonderful and I'm so happy that you guys still care about what I write. Whenever I read your comments it's like a much needed ego boost and I can't fully describe how happy you all make me. This year has been really tough in my personal life. I've gone through two relationships that didn't go well but whenever I felt bad about what happened all I had to do was look at what you guys have said about me. Although I can't physically hug all of you for making me feel so great, know that I would if I could. I love you guys and I can't wait to have another year with you all. Happy holidays and merry Christmas.

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