9th day of Christmas

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CloeTheTealSnake is back at it again with the requests wrldwide_ is our shout out today! They do what I can't and that is song fictions so go support them!

Here is the link so you guys can understand what's going on 😂https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Chocos

Is this ooc? Yes and I like it that way so shhhhhh

Everyone knew Chocos were banned. No one was allowed to step foot inside the Watchtower with even the scent of a Choco on them. It was dangerous to Martian Manhunter to get even a whiff of his secret kryptonite and no one wanted him to fall back into his disturbing addiction to them. Well everyone in the League knew. They'd seen it first hand. The only thing was that Robin wasn't there when the incident happened neither did he have any knowledge of the addiction afflicting the Martian. In all fairness, Batman should've told him but he was so caught in the moment. Now his ward was sitting in the infirmary. Confused? Good. Here's what went down.

Whilst traveling with Haley's Circus there was a snack that Dick always picked up whenever they went into a shop. Chocos. They were a worldwide brand and, although the name was sometimes subject to translation, he always got them. It'd been a year since he'd had them so when he and Bruce went shopping he tried to pick some up. "You can't have those," Bruce told him as he grabbed a small pack since he wanted to conserve some of his pocket money. 

"Why not?" he asked, beginning to frown. 

"You're meeting J'onn later," Bruce replied. He didn't even think to explain why this was a problem. He neglected to remember that the answer wasn't obvious to the new hero.

"But I really wanted them," the younger complained. "My Mama used to get them for me all the time when we traveled." Did he know he hit Bruce's heartstring? Yes. He knew full well what he was doing. He would've felt bad had he not really wanted one of the best snacks he'd ever had. Plus the reasoning as to why he shouldn't have them was dumb and he didn't do dumb things. Most of the time. "I uh." Dick used his best puppy eyes to make the final decision in his favour. "Okay fine just make sure you don't bring them when you meet J'onn. Can you do that for me?"

"No problem B."

At home, Dick was put a few Chocos in his utility belt for when he went patrolling after the meet up with J'onn in the Watchtower. He didn't really think about what Bruce said. He guessed J'onn had some sort of allergy to Chocos so if he just kept them in his utility belt it wouldn't be a problem. Then again, maybe this was like an extreme peanut allergy and he couldn't be in the same room as them. He shrugged to himself as he finished putting them in the pocket and tossed the wrapper in the bin. It couldn't be that bad. He was a Martian who could shapeshift. He could just shapeshift his cells to not be allergic to anything. Problem solved. "Master Dick, you'll be leaving soon. Go brush your teeth before you go," Alfred announced. He picked up the boy's belt and placed a juice box in one of the empty pockets. Dick always forgot to stay hydrated when he was working and recently developed a disliking of water so this was the best he could do. The younger gave him an odd look. "Why do I need to brush my teeth? I can do it when I come back and get ready for bed," he replied. 

"It's better to do it now so you remember," the butler pointed out. 

"Fine. Do I need to wash my face too and get changed into my PJs?" Dick taunted. The older chuckled and messed up his hair lovingly.

"You could wash up before you go but the PJs would be unnecessary."

Robin cartwheeled over to Batman with an excited grin on his face. He always loved visits to the Watchtower. The view of outer space was fun to look at on pictures but actually seeing it was amazing. It was always so fascinating to see the stars just that little bit closer and seeing the planets in such perfect quality. That and the heroes there were so nice. They always welcomed him and some gave him hugs. Mostly Wonder Woman and Flash. His feet hardly touched the ground when those two were around. "Ready to go chum?" Batman asked, already knowing the answer. His heart was warmed by the look on the boy's face. It was enough to make all the lonely cold nights on patrol in Gotham worth it. "You betcha Bats. Do you think Supes will be there?" Batman huffed at the mention of the superhero. He didn't like how close he was getting to his ward. Some people would call that being jealous but those people would be wrong in his book. "Why do you ask?"

"He owes me five dollars," he answered. Oh, well that was okay. He didn't mind that as much. 

"He might be." Batman stood up and held his hand out for his protege to take. They walked over to the Zetatube, waved Alfred goodbye, and went to the Watchtower. This was when things went downhill. 

They stepped into the Watchtower and were greeted by Flash. He instantly whisked up the youngster and held him in a close hug. "It's been so long since I last saw you," he complained. 

"You saw me two weeks ago," Robin giggled, hugging him back. The older tutted and rolled his eyes.

"That's like two years in my time. How're things? How's school? Had any tests? Did you do well?" he asked, going a mile a minute. Fortunately, Robin was used to his quick-paced questions.

"They're going well, I'm doing great, yes I have and yes I did." He wiggled out of the older's grip and returned to Batman's side. "We've gotta meet with J'onn but we can hang out later kay?" He was already in the hallway by the time he finished his explanation. Batman didn't have the time for the speedster and neither did he have the patience for it. This was supposed to be a quick visit to check up on a mission he and Martian Manhunter were planning for next week. They needed to switch a few dates around and put together some of their information. He didn't need Flash taking his kid away on a "quick" hang out that ended in him coming home too tired for patrolling Gotham. It always messed with his plans. They came across Martian Manhunter on the computer unit and headed over. "I hope you don't mind that I brought Robin along. Alfred suggested involving him in adult stuff made missions easier on him," Batman greeted, taking a seat beside the alien. 

"It's no problem- Do you have Chocos?" he asked, his tone suddenly desperate and accusatory. Batman shook his head and Robin hesitated to repeat the action, immediately placing him under suspicion. "I uh, I had them earlier but they're not with me now. You can probably just smell them on my clothes or something," he lied. He didn't want to lie but Batman did specifically tell him not to bring them along to the meeting and he didn't want to get barred from future meetings over a snack. "Oh. Okay. Right. Sorry, what were we talking about?"

"We're rescheduling the mission. I've got a parent's evening that night so we need to go with the day after." They droned on about mission details and Robin situated himself at the large window so he could look out into the infinite deep space. 

That was until Flash speeded into the room. "Hey, Brucey-"

"Don't call me that."

"We have a little situation between Blue Beetle and Superman. They uhh, they kinda-sorta smashed a window that kinda-sorta leads out to space and now no one can get into the cafeteria," Flash explained. Batman facepalmed at the stupid antics of his teammates and sighed.

"Alright, you stay here and watch Robin. I'm not in the mood to find him floating through space because he got into the wrong vent system," Batman ordered, following the speedster to the cafeteria. The Martian nodded and waited till the man left to pursue a previous inquiry. 

"Robin, come here," he called. The boy turned to him with a smile and trotted up to him, perching himself on the newly empty chair. "Do you have Chocos?" he asked, his tone returning to that weirdly desperate one before.

"I don't," Robin lied. 

"You're lying. Tell me where they are," he stated. The younger gulped. He had to admit that he was becoming intimidated by the Martian's tone. He hadn't heard him like this before and he'd prefer never to hear him like this again. "I'm not," he protested. Batman could be mad if he admitted it. Martian Manhunter narrowed his eyes and sniffed loudly. His eyes traced the boy up and down before settling on the third pocket of his utility belt. "They're in there aren't they?" he accused.

"Uh no."

"Hand them over."

"I've got nothing to hand over."

"Don't make me take them from you." Robin got off the chair and took a step back from the threat. Was him being so weird the reason why Batman said not to bring the Chocos? He should've listened. He really should've listened. "J'onn stop it. You're freaking me out."

"Give them to me. Right now!" he demanded. He reached out to snatch the utility belt off Robin but the younger slapped his hand the way. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Batman walked down the hall casually after stabilizing the cafeteria, scolding the superheroes and giving them the instructions to fix the problem. He would be lying if he said he didn't take some satisfaction from telling them off. Flash caught up with him and began to explain in excruciating detail what happened to him that day. It wasn't interesting and Batman had tried to make him leave a good few times but he wasn't taking the hint. He got to about midway through his story when there was a loud shriek of pain. They looked at each other in shock and confusion before they ran to where they heard the shriek. Of course, Flash got there first and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Robin was holding his nose as blood poured from his nostrils and mixed with his tears. Martian Manhunter was scoffing down Chocos like no tomorrow with tiny flecks of blood on his knuckles. "J'onn did you punch a child for Chocos?" Flash shouted. He snatched up Robin and cradled him in his arms.

"I'll listen to Batman! I promise!" he cried. 

"Holy shit, J'onn did you seriously fucking punch my kid?" Batman asked, quickly assessing the scene upon his arrival. Martian Manhunter dusted off his hands as he popped the last one into his mouth which seemingly broke the spell of the Chocos. He glanced up at them and suddenly realized what he did. "I am so sorry."

"Sorry? His nose is bleeding because you wanted his snacks!" Flash exclaimed. 

"In all fairness, they're like heroin to me."

"In all fairness, he's fucking nine."

Around five years in the future

The team was chilling in the living room and watching TV when M'gann came in with her latest shop. She'd started getting sweet treats from a local shop to try out Earth foods one snack at the time. It was great for the team since she often shared and they could have whatever she didn't like. "I'm back! And look what I found," she announced. Her hand disappeared into the paper bag and pulled out a packet of...oh God no. "Uncle J'onn mentioned them once and-" she was cut off by the beeping that suddenly emanated from her hand. She glanced over and the Chocos package now had a Birderang set to explode dug into them. She shrieked and threw it away just before it exploded in mid-air. They all looked to Robin who was panting frantically, his eyes wide. "We're safe now. Safe from Choco tyranny," he said in relief.

 "Dude, what the actual fuck?" Wally asked.

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