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Do I need a trigger warning for underage drinking? Do people get triggered by that?

Yes this is reverse, I have a regular one with Jay and Dick coming soon ;)

Thanks to rennwynnSupergirl406pmblackCloeTheTealSnake,  Umbreonlover1 and dogcat321    for your suggestions! Sorry I couldn't use all of your questions

"Okay run through what you did again," Bruce ordered through a sigh. He rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.  

"Jay gave me some funny juice 'n then you came in 'n shouted at him," Dick replied drunkenly. The reason he replied in such a manner was that he was drunk. Yes, at the age of thirteen, Dick was off his face drunk and Jason was completely responsible. What started as an experiment soon turned into seeing just how much Dick could drink without passing out. Unfortunately, his family interrupted the experiment before he could reach the breaking point. Let's rewind an hour earlier.

Jason was extremely bored. So bored in fact that he took to searching through the cupboards for anything that would entertain himself. Both him and Dick had been benched from patrol, him due to a fractured wrist and Dick because someone had to make sure the older didn't sneak out. He frowned to himself, forever annoyed that someone younger than him was watching him like a hawk. Dick tended to get a little drunk with power whenever he saw the opportunity to flaunt it. "You better not be trying to sneak out in there! I don't wanna give you a time out!" Dick warned from the living room. A loud cackle followed as Jason growled. Then he saw it. A bottle of Absolut vodka. Its bright blue bottle caught his attention as soon as he opened the wooden cupboard door. He grinned to himself. He'd already seen Dick drunk with power, perhaps being drunk with vodka would be more interesting. "I wouldn't dream of it!" he shouted back with a grin. He snatched the bottle out of the cupboard and pulled out two cups. "Hey Dick, do you want something to drink?" he yelled.

"Orange juice please!" He poured a cup of orange juice and added five capfuls of vodka. He poured the same for himself, minus the vodka, to seem less suspicious.

Once he finished, Jason returned to the living room and passed the spiked drink over to his brother. Dick drank from it then made a face. Instantly Jason panicked. If he realised the orange was spiked then he'd surely tell Bruce. Or even worse, he'd tell Alfred. "Does yours taste funny?" he asked. There wasn't a hint of suspicion in his voice so Jason quickly came up with an excuse. "Sorta. I think Alfred bought a different brand this time. Maybe it needs a couple of cups to get good," he replied with a shrug. Dick hummed and continued to drink. The older let out a silent sigh of relief and sat on the couch beside him. He worked out in his head that five cupfuls would make up about two and a half shots. Normally people feel the effects after three so he'd have to try again soon. The experiment began.

When Dick finished his cup, he looked a bit tipsy. Being his first time drinking, Jason wasn't surprised that he got squiffy earlier than expected. His cheeks and nose were dusted a light red but he wasn't swaying as of yet. Maybe if he upped the capfuls that would tip him over. "Do you want another drink?" Jason asked, trying to keep his giggles under wraps. He didn't want to give the game away yet. 

"Sure," he answered, the 's' becoming slurred. Jason took his cup and added the capfuls five to seven. He returned and passed the cup over. "Drink up bud."

"You're such a good brother," Dick told him. A pang of guilt shot through him. Good brothers probably didn't secretly intoxicate his younger brother. 

"Am I your favourite brother?"

"You wish! Dami is my fave." Guilt gone. Though, the question did spark an idea. Maybe he could get some juicy gossip out of it. He waited till Dick was halfway through his drink then asked another question. "Out of all the league, who's your favourite?"

"Wonder Woman definitely!"

"How come?" Bruce would be so jealous if he knew.

"She's a fuckin' bicon dude! She once yote me out a window which was pretty cool," he explained. Jason hummed. He was probably referring to the time Wonder Woman threw him out a burning building into Superman's arms. "Which villain are you scared of the most?"

"My first pick is Joker but Scarecrow be wild," he answered, taking a big gulp of his makeshift cocktail. 

"Are you dating anyone? M'gann? Zatanna? Babs? Maybe Wally or Connor?" Kaldur wasn't really Dick's type. They wouldn't make a cute couple at all. 

"No! Imma single Pringle," he responded. Before Jason could pry any further, Dick took over the conversation. "Speaking of Wally, if Barry were any type of animal, he'd be a bee." Jason hid a giggle behind his hand and composed himself speedily as to not alert the younger. "Hear me out on this kay? Wally's uniform is a mustard colour yeah? What's mustard otherwise known as? Fuckin' yellow! His name is already Barry too! Barry the Bee!" He is off his face drunk, Jason thought to himself. Bruce was gonna kill him he found out. Maybe he could say that Dick was just really tired? What if he threw up? Okay, he could say Dick was getting ill? That might work. "Could you get me another drink? I don't know why but this juice is making me really happy!"

DON'T DO IT. DON'T DO IT. DON'T DO IT. "No problem." FuCK. He couldn't miss the opportunity.

As he started to make another drink, the worst thing to happen, happened. "What the hell are you doing Todd?" Damian's angry voice rang through his head. Instinctively, he snatched the vodka off the table and hid it behind his back. He hoped he did it fast enough to make the older forget he even saw the blue bottle in his hands but, unfortunately, Damian wasn't easy to fool. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just pouring orange juice for me and my favourite little brother."

"Grayson is your only little brother," Damian pointed out.

"Favourite, only, same difference." The older wasn't pleased, spinning him around forcefully and ripping the bottle from his hands. 

"What were you doing with this? Were you drinking this?" He was in too much shock to make up a good enough lie quickly so he stumbled over his word and stuttered out incoherent mumbles. Damian growled and gripped his arm tightly, evidence in hand, into the living room where he'd broken off from his brothers and father. "It appears Todd has been drinking. I suppose this is your vodka, Father?"

"I don't think he was the one drinking," Tim stated, looking at Dick in concern. His eyes were half-lidded and he kept laughing about Barry the Bee. Why the bee from The Bee Movie was making him laugh so hard, he didn't know. "You better have a good explanation for this."

"What d'ya mean? He's just been givin me OJ. Not the murderer, the drink." Dick then proceeded to giggle hysterically, imagining a small OJ Simpson sitting in his cup in place of the juice. 


Now you're all caught up, let's get back into it.

"Let me get this straight. You got Dick drunk because he teased you a little," Tim stated. With a small sigh, Jason replied 

"Yes." There was no point keeping it a secret anymore. All he could do now was wait for his punishment. 

"Do you know how damaging that can be? What if Dick gets hooked? We already know sugar has adverse effects, alcohol could be even worse."

"I love you all, 'cept the second Bruce. I don't trust that guy. Suspicious." He pointed just past his mentor, glaring at the non-existent figure. Had the circumstances been different, they'd find his drunken stupor funny. But the circumstances weren't favourable. He hadn't decided to get drunk one night. Jason decided that for him. They turned to Jason with pointed glares. "Oh c'mon, it was only a joke. Dick doesn't mind, do you, Dickie?"

"Sometimes I think I'm gay but then I think tiddies are pretty neat," he responded, in no way shape or form involved in the conversation Jason was trying to engage. 

"Okay maybe I went too far but it was all in good fun. The real problem here is whoever put that vodka out in the open," he continued. He was grasping at any straws he could but it was obvious nobody was having it. 

"It was in the top cupboard behind a wall of plates, it wasn't exactly easy to find," Bruce defended. "Just go to your room, I'll figure out what to do with you later. I have a drunk teenager to deal with." He turned to the youngest who was slightly out of it with a frown, wondering what would be best. 

"Wait I'm drunk? When did that happen?" His mentor sighed worriedly, picking him up and resting him on his hip. Good thing he was small enough to still sit comfortably in that position. 

"Tim, grab a bucket in case he's sick. Damian, get a bottle of water out the fridge. Let's get you to bed chum."

"'Kay but your twin can't come. He sucks."

With the help of a hungover teenager and two angry protective brothers, Bruce decided that Jason would be benched for two weeks once he was healed and write up all their reports whilst benched. Though it was an alright price to pay for hearing Dick say "tiddies are pretty neat."

Not gonna lie, this was really fun to write

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