Feminine hips

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Aromantic_Satan requested this so hope it's good

Okay so apparently the Juvenile detention center in Gotham is called the Alpena Youth Corrections Facility but I've literally seen no one call it this so I think Gotham Wiki is wildin

15 - Jason

16 - Tim

17 - Damian

13 - Dick

15 - Wally

Gotham City Juvenile Detention Centre. Known nationwide to hold the roughest non-meta human kids in Gotham. The guards were famous for corruption and a general lack of care. The criminals were infamous for beating the hell out of anyone who looked at them wrong. But not everyone in the Detention Centre was streetwise criminal kids. There were two in there who were only there due to unfortunate circumstances regarding their families. One was Richard Grayson. He was a small acrobat, barely turned nine, who'd recently become an orphan whilst his family was performing in Gotham. They fell to their deaths right before his eyes. Instead of going to a care home where they could provide him some mental care, he was sent to the Juvenile Detention Centre. He was told they were too filled up. They weren't. He just didn't fit the bill of being there considering he was a circus kid born from unmarried parents who'd eloped when they were young. He wasn't what they liked so he was sent there. The second Was Wally West. His parents were from Central City, as he tried to explain to the police, but that was too much paperwork. Not to mention that he hadn't the faintest clue of who could take care of him. So he was sent to the Juvenile Detention Centre. It wasn't too bad though. They met each other when Wally was sent in and they were put in the same cell together. Dick was shy at first. He hadn't spoken since he'd seen his parents die. Wally was more confident. It was like his coping mechanism to be outgoing. "My name's Wally," he greeted as a guard shoved him into the cell. Dick flinched at the new voice. He had a darkening bruise around his eye. 

"Dick," he responded.

"Hey I'm just saying hello no need to be like that," he argued.

"No my name," Dick explained. His limited English wasn't doing him any favors but the ginger just smiled. 

"What're you in for?" he asked, assuming the kid did something. Must've been pretty recent too judging by his injury. 

"Parents up there," the boy answered, pointing to the ceiling. Wally looked up in confusion before putting together what he meant. He frowned. "So are mine. How'd you get your black eye?" he inquired. He gestured to his own eye to make it easier for the other to understand. 

"Boy said it was lesson. You give lesson?" he questioned fearfully. The older shook his head quickly. 

"Of course not! That's awful. How 'bout I look after you, 'kay? I'm guessing you can't speak much English so I can teach you and we can hang out too. Would you like that?" Dick was probably the only person he was going to be friends with in here so he may as well initiate it now. The boy brightened up. "You be my friend?" he asked to make sure.

"Yep as long as you'll be mine." Dick nodded.

Four years later

Damian looked around the prison bus with a disgusted look before being jabbed in the side by his younger 'brother' Jason. "You're going to make enemies looking at people like that," he scolded. Their mission wouldn't be any easier if he got on the wrong side of the worst person here. The older tutted and turned to his attention to whatever was passing on the outside of the window. He didn't really see the point of the mission in the first place. He, Jason and Tim were being sent undercover to the Juvenile Detention Centre to investigate the sudden change of character of the boys incarcerated there. The most violent kids in Gotham would go in and within three days would suddenly turn into kind and polite children who couldn't hurt a fly. Considering there were no changes in the system to provoke such a turnaround, Batman became suspicious and sent in the only people he trusted who could go in undercover. He thought something was coming and this change of character was just misdirection. So now Damian had to sit in this stupid bus and go to this stupid detention center. "Remember, we want to stay low until we meet with our contact on the inside," Tim said. 

"How did we get this contact again?" Jason asked. He'd blanked out through half of the mission brief. 

"We got a signal from inside the prison by someone going by the number 012578. I believe they're a prisoner there which is why we're getting so much intel," he explained. "Judging by the number he'll be in the boy's section of the center. I tried looking up the number to get a background but he's missing on any criminal system."

"Weird. Maybe he went down for a misdemeanor," Jason offered.

"Either way, we gotta find him as soon as we get in."

At the gates, the group of new inmates were split into three groups and were met by three other prisoners. Damian, Tim, and Jason were met by a tall teenager with ginger hair. There was a plaster over his nose that was hiding most of the bruise around his eyes. He had his jumpsuit sleeves up to his elbows. They looked over his number. 013876. Not their guy. "Welcome to hell new blood. You may think you're the biggest and baddest around here but trust me there are people much worse who just can't wait to meet you. I'm Wally, the guy leading that group is Dick. You mess with either of us and you'll regret it. I want none of those wandering eyes on him, got that?" They glanced over to the other teenager. He was wearing a jumpsuit far too big for him, maybe two sizes up from what he needed, and had yellow-tinted bandages around his hands and knuckles. There was a darkening bruise on his jaw. They wondered if the pair's bruises were connected. But that's not what they found most interesting. His prison number was the number they were looking for. "C'mon you guys, I'll show you to your cells," the ginger added.

"Say, Wallace, have you noticed anything weird around here?" Damian asked as they walked into the building. The ginger scoffed at the formality but the question seemed to set something off. "17th bench at yard time. Be there." They nodded. At least they found their intel easy, hopefully, they'd figure out the mystery easy too.

The yard looked bigger than the actual detention building and was swamped with tons of different people. The genders were only separated by one chain link fence that they doubted would do much if someone really wanted to go on the other side. They looked around and found a series of benches. Most of them were filled up with teenagers gambling and exchanging sharp objects that would eventually end in someone's stomach or throat. On the second to last one, they spotted the ginger tuft of hair. They walked over, careful to keep eye contact off anyone who wanted stabbing practice. Wally turned to them with a smile and looked back to the teenager leaning against him. "We've got company," he said. Dick shot up. "Not that type of company." He looked over his shoulder and spotted the group. They sat down at the bench and looked him up and down. He didn't look that special. "You're the kid that contacted Batman?" Jason asked, still surprised this was the kid. He didn't belong in a place like this. Neither did Wally. The shortest at the table nodded. "How'd you even send it out?"

"Dickie here is a quick learner. Took an IT course then somehow learned to hack. He's kinda the tech whizz round here. I'm the chem kid if you lot fancy making toilet wine or meth," Wally answered.

"He does make good toilet wine," Dick added. "How can I help you, fellas?"

"You said bad kids were turning good without any systematic changes. Got any idea on why?" Tim asked. He looked around then leaned in.

"Mind control." The trio scoffed at the notion. This was a non-meta detention center and there was no way a meta could get in. Even if they wanted to, then what would be the point? They'd just be bored if anything. "You're here aren't you? You must think something is going on," he pointed out.

"We think it's weird yeah but not mind controller weird," Jason argued. The younger rolled his eyes and stood up. 

"Fine, I'll figure this out on my own then. C'mon Wally these people are dumbasses." The ginger grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

"Hold it. Listen, we know it sounds weird but it's the only way." The boy shook his head in aggravation. He hated this. It wasn't even his stupid idea. 

"I told you reaching out to Batman was a dumb idea! He's useless! Always has always will be!" The three teenagers gritted their teeth. It took every bone in their body not to snap one of Dick's. He didn't know Batman. He couldn't say anything. He didn't see the sleepless nights he worked just to keep the city that never gave him a break safe. "Shut up, you don't know anything," Damian spat defensively.

"Oh, I don't? News flash! Wally and I have been stuck in here because your precious Batman never questioned where we went! We've been here for four years because of what? Because our parents died? That's our fault I guess!" He wiped roughly at his face and got up again. Wally knew not to grab him this time. He wasn't playing ball so he wasn't going to force him. He stormed off inside. 

"Sorry 'bout that. He's not been getting much sleep. Anniversary coming up," he explained on behalf of the other.

"Wait so neither of you two came in because of a crime?" Tim asked just to clarify. Surely this wasn't legal. Well, this was Gotham so it probably didn't matter all that much to the people in charge. Wally nodded with a sad smile. "We're not even from Gotham, our parents just died here. He didn't even speak English that well when they put him inside."

"Where are you two from?"

"He's from the circus so he doesn't really know where his citizenship is and I'm from Central City. My uncle lives there but I didn't have any contact information for him. Only met him once and we have different last names. Think his was Allen?" The brothers couldn't believe it. 

"Could it be Barry Allen?"

"Yeah, that's it! You know him?" They nodded. Did Barry know about this? He couldn't know! He would've been here in a millisecond and picked his nephew up. Even if he hated his guts he'd save him from this hell hole. "We can contact him to get you out of here," Tim offered. In no good conscience could he let him stay here. He had to tell Barry. Yet he was shocked when the ginger shook his head. "Don't you want to get out of here?" he asked.

"Well yeah but not without Dick. We've been dating for ages and been best friends for longer. He needs me and I need him. If you tell Barry I'm in here, he might not let Dick out with me," he explained. "I won't leave him here so if you can find a way where we can still be together on the outside then let me know but I won't go any other way." A bell went and prisoners were led back inside. "Good luck finding this stuff out. Dick will come around and give you everything he finds, he just needs time." They nodded.

"Thanks for letting us know about this Wally. We'll try to help as best we can."

"You didn't have to be so rude to them," Wally announced as he entered his cell. They had a good few hours sort of alone together to hash this out. Dick was sat on his bed and moved to face the wall when the ginger came into view. "Dude, c'mon," he added as he sat on the edge of the bed. "They're here to help."

"They're idiots. I know what's going on and I'll just prove it on my own. I have the suspects and I've already changed my job here so I can get closer to them. I'll bring this mind controller down with them or without them," Dick ranted as he drew his knees up to his chin.

"What're you really trying to prove? If this guy is dangerous, you're smart enough not to mess with him so why are you being so dumb?" he asked. His tone was deadly serious. He couldn't afford the other getting hurt. They'd be separated for the whole healing process. If he accused the wrong guy then he could go to solitary. He didn't want that and neither did Dick. "Leave it to the professionals."

"The professionals that got us locked up in here in the first place?" he asked, glancing over to the ginger. 

"I know you have a vendetta but is it really worth risking your safety over?"

"Yes, it is. It'll start with bad kids but then it might move on to the mediocre kids then it might come for us. It might come for you and I won't let that happen." The older sighed and pulled Dick into the hug. He was stubborn. Always had been. He just hoped that he'd eventually realize not to go through with his stupid hero complex. "I love you but look where that thinking has gotten us. I get a broken nose every other day and your knuckles never have time to heal." Dick pushed away from him with a scowl.

"You said you'd look after me but if it's so hard for you then you don't have to anymore," he spat. Wally scrunched up his eyebrows.

"What? That's not what I meant I. Urgh I hate when you're like this. Talk to me when you're done throwing yourself a pity party." He stood up and walked to his own best. Dick huffed dramatically and flopped onto his hard bed, rolling over to face the wall. 


A few days passed and the pair hadn't made up. Dick was insistent on finding this mind controller and Wally was just as insistent that he shouldn't get involved. They argued and argued. Yet when the time came that one of them could be in danger, that didn't matter.

As the Wayne teens were throwing together their theories in the canteen, Wally rushed over to them with a panicked look. "Have you seen Dick?" he asked. His eyes flickered over each of them as they all shook their heads. 

"Maybe he's still in the lunchline," Tim offered. The ginger shook his head. 

"He wasn't in our cell this morning and I haven't seen him since he went for his laundry job," he explained, trying his best to keep his voice down. He couldn't afford to go into solitary whilst this was going on. "You're worrying over nothing. He doesn't fit the MO of the kids turning," Damian argued.

"That's not the problem."

"Then what is?" Tim asked. There was hardly much else to worry about considering Dick kept out of trouble for the most part. 

"He has feminine hips, Tim! Feminine hips! He's like cocaine in a rehab center!"

"Hey, quiet it down West!" a guard yelled. He nodded fearfully and sat down to avoid any unwanted attention. 

"He'll be fine wherever he is. He's obviously smart enough to stay out of trouble," Jason pointed out. Wally sighed frustratedly. They weren't getting how bad this was. 

"But I'm always there to save him from that trouble even if he's been a pain in the ass these past few days. I have to look out for him so if something happens that's on me." The brothers looked at one another. He was like them. He wanted to look out for the youngest and the youngest wanted to look out for him. And when one could be hurt, you felt like it was all their fault. They failed their job. He huffed unhappily and looked around one last time. He wasn't in the canteen. The doors were closed now so there was no way he could come back. "Other than the feminine hips thing, why would he go missing?" Tim inquired. The younger thought for a moment. 

"Well, he thought he knew who this mind controller dude is. He switched jobs to work in laundry so he could get closer. It probably looked pretty suspicious and he wouldn't be the first to go missing after working there."

"Others have gone missing?" Jason asked. He nodded.

"Every time a new guy goes to laundry they go missing. The guards checked for any tunnels down there to see if they escaped but there wasn't anything. They just poof into thin air."

"Did this start happening alongside the weird changes in people?" Tim asked.

"A month after yeah. Marty was first to go. Said he found someone acting funny and was going to talk to him. Went missing before he could tell us much more." He froze. "Oh, God."

"What's wrong?"

"Think about it this way. This guy is making everyone seem good so the guards think they're getting it easy. He's made more than half the prison like this. What do you need more than half the prison to do?" The teens thought for a moment when it finally hit them.

"A prison riot," Damian stated.

"He must be planning a mass riot. Maybe they'll break out during it. That's why he can't have anyone finding out who he is or he'll go to a meta prison," Tim deducted.

"The kids who go missing are the smartest ones in here that's why they go to the laundry room because they know something is going on," Wally added. "You can have a lot of muscle in a prison riot but if you don't have the smarts to open the gates then it'll just be a load of trouble for no reason."

"With already half the prison on his side as well as a few smart kids, the riot could happen at any-"

Shouting. Gunshots. Silence. Shouting. Gunshots. Silence. "We need to find Dick. Those kids are smart but he's the only one who knows the police systems inside out. If we get him then they won't be able to get out," Wally announced. As the canteen descended into madness he ran to the right side of the hall. He cracked open a large grate and led them through. 

"How did you know to go in here?" Jason asked as he wriggled through.

"Dick and I wanted to have a lunch date without being beaten up so we crawled in here and did it. The guards never really notice us sneak off," he answered. He loved that date. Dick just took his hand and led him through the darkness with some food in his pockets and a milk carton to share. They went all the way through to when they got to a boiler room near the guard's area. He told him to wait for just a moment then returned with a donut. It was all so cute and heartfelt. He risked going into solitary for him. The memory just made him regret these past few days. Of course, Dick would be immature. He grew up in a prison surrounded by other immature people. "God I should've forced him to stay out of it. Now he's who knows where," he muttered angrily at himself.

"You couldn't have stopped him. He seems very determined," Tim offered. Wally popped off the grate in front of them and helped them down into the boiler room. He hummed with a frown. "Let's focus on the task at hand. Where are you taking us?" Damian asked.

"To the main guard's office. It's the only way you can open anything in prison. He'll have to send someone there. Maybe you could get someone to solve the rest of the riot problem?" They nodded. 

"We can contact Batman there. How long till we get there?"

"Not long. All the officers should be dealing with the riot and they'll stay on the bottom floor," he answered. He looked around the room and grabbed a metal pole. They cocked their heads at him. "This mind controller thing might be real. We gotta knock them out before they knock us out."

"Fair point," Jason stated. Wally opened the door and peaked outside. As he suspected there was no one outside. He fully opened the door and kept to the walls. The main guard's office wouldn't see them if they kept to the side. It was a really bad fault of the building design but they didn't have enough money to do a remodel. The boys followed him closely. They'd take over when it came to the fighting. He led them to a stairwell that led to the office and told them to stay low. "Here's the plan, I sort out Dick, you get the mind controller," he whispered. He passed the metal pipe over to Damian, deeming him the best to knock their guy out.

"How're you going to sort him out if he's under mind control?" Jason asked. The ginger smirked mischievously.

"That's for me to know and him to find out." 

They nodded, deciding that what he did was subsequential to bagging their guy. He nodded back then sneaked up to the door. He put his hand on the handle. This was it. He hoped his plan worked. If Dick was still the person he knew under this control, it definitely would. He opened the door and ran in, quickly searching the room. Dick was hunched over in a computer chair as he worked at an unrelenting speed to get through the protective firewalls of the program. There was another teenager in there. He looked seventeen and just oozed cockiness. He was looking over the bottom floor through the window but Wally could see his smirk in the reflection of the glass. Wally moved to the side so Damian could move in. The older ran in and with lightning-fast movements, struck down the teen. "That was surprisingly easy," he stated. He was kind of disappointed but at least he could go back to the manor now. He swore that the prison beds had ruined his back. "Dick?" Wally called. The younger was still working away at opening the gates. There was no reaction to his name. He walked over and pulled him away from the computer. Unfortunately, Dick wiggled out of his grip and elbowed him in the nose so he could run back but Wally grabbed his arm and held him close again. "Sorry to do this in public but I gotta get you out of this one way or another." The brother's raised an eyebrow but their faces were wiped clean when Wally closed his eyes, leaned in and began kissing the younger. He put a hand on his cheek to deepen the kiss and eventually Dick's eyes fluttered closed too. His hands that had been pushing against the ginger's chest relaxed and moved to rest on his shoulders. After a few minutes, Jason awkwardly coughed and the couple finally broke away. "Am I dreaming right now?" Dick asked, looking into Wally's eyes with a dazed smile.

"Real life babe," Wally answered. He watched the other look around the room in complete utter confusion. 

"This isn't the laundry room," he stated. "Where am I?"

"Main guard's room. Are you alright?" He doubted mind control didn't come with side effects. The younger nodded and replied, "Just a little headache. Care to explain how I got here?"

"Well, it started when you didn't come back...."

No more than a day passed when Dick and Wally were called into head office. They walked there hand in hand then broke away when they opened the door. Authority had no time for gay people, they knew that very well. When they opened the door, they were greeted by two men. Both were tall, towering over Dick, and wore suits with the second man's looking way more expensive than the other. "You're not the head guard," Wally stated. Were they getting moved or something? 

"Quite so. I'm your uncle Barry and this is Bruce Wayne," Barry greeted. They put their hands out for the teenagers to shake but they were too busy wondering what the hell was going on. 

"W-wait I get why Barry is here but why are you here?" Wally asked.

"Well Barry only has room for one and I would love to have someone like Dick in my family," the billionaire explained. The pair looked at each other then back to the men fearfully. 

"We're being separated?" Dick asked, his voice barely above a whisper. They'd been together every day for four years. They'd never spent a day away. Now they were being split up? Neither wanted to do that. "Only in living circumstances. You two will be able to see each other every weekend," Barry explained.

"I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder?" Wally suggested, trying to see the bright side. They were getting out of prison. They could go to a real school and do normal teenage things. It would be great having more than just one person to talk to about their problems. "That's easy for you to say. I've never lived in a house before!" Dick exclaimed. He couldn't do this. He didn't know anything other than prison and the circus and this was neither. How was he supposed to cope when Wally wasn't even going to be there to make sure everything is okay? "I know it's difficult Dickie but it'll be good in the long run. Maybe we can get phones so we can talk all the time," Wally assured him. Dick sniffled.

"I don't care about the long run! I care about you leaving me and me being alone all over again!" he cried. The ginger shushed him and pulled him into the hug.

"We're not expecting you to break apart suddenly. You'll gradually spend less and less time living together until you're comfortable being in different houses for most of the week," Bruce said, hoping the added context might calm the poor kid down. 

"We promise we won't force you two apart," Barry added. Dick stayed quiet for a moment and rubbed at his eyes.

"F-fine. You gotta talk to me every day though even if it's just to say hi," he ordered. Wally chuckled. 

"Got it."

Idk if I should just pull an all-nighter and say fuck it to my mental health because it's definitely fucking me over 

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