fluffy times

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Fantizied_Realiality asked for fluffy fluff so here we go


It'd been a while since all the bat siblings were all together. Unfortunately, it wasn't for the best of reasons. Bruce was going out of town and needed Alfred to go with him. That normally wouldn't bring the family together since he went out of town a lot and sometimes out of this atmosphere from time to time. The night before Dick got hurt. Really hurt. He could take care of himself for the most part but he went one too many nights forgetting to check his wounds. He got a rather nasty infection that kicked in around about the time he was fighting ten gang members. They left him to bleed out in an alley with broken ribs, a fractured leg and a hit to the back of the head that if Bruce hadn't got there on time would've meant much more than bed rest. Since Dick was living on his own at the time and it would be dangerous for him to stay there, he was confined to the manor with his siblings to take care of him. One of the worst things that his siblings had to see was when he was weak. The smile that seemed so permanent would falter every so often when it got especially painful to breathe. Though he tried to hide a lot of how he was feeling, there were some things he just couldn't.

They were all laying around the living room. Well, all except Dick who was confined to his bedroom upstairs. They let their worries fizzle away in the back of their minds as they watched some mindless TV show. "Do you think he's alright up there?" Steph mumbled, glancing up at the ceiling as though she would be able to see him. His bedroom wasn't even above the living room. "He's probably asleep," Jason told her. That didn't really answer her question but she took the answer anyway. 

"I feel like we should do something," she continued. "Like we all go out at night and during the day we hardly talk to him other than going up and making sure he's eating."

"What else are we gonna do?" Tim asked, glancing up from his phone. "He can't get out of that room, talking probably hurts for him, we've got jobs and we have to not only patrol Gotham but Bludhaven too."  

"Day off?" Cass suggested.

"We can't have a day off. Can we?" Jason responded. He hadn't thought of a day off. Considering it'd been a few nights already, he guessed they deserved a night off to spend with their big brother. "Grayson would appreciate the time but it wouldn't do anything to further his recovery," Damian pointed out. There was no need for risking the safety of Gotham and Bludhaven because he would just like to see them more. They had prior commitments. "Father did the same when he was a child, he is used to people being too busy to spend time with him when he's injured. He got himself into this situation anyway," he added. Though now that he said that it came out much meaner than he meant it to be. 

"We shouldn't really take after Bruce here," Tim stated.

They were going to continue the conversation when there was a soft thud from upstairs. "I check?" Cass asked. They nodded so she rushed out of the room to go check on the older. She swung open the door and found Dick on the floor trying to use the end of the bed to lift himself up. He was weak from the infection still and the weight of his body plus the cast looked too much. He hadn't noticed her open the door and was still desperately trying to get up before he caused too much trouble for himself. "Dick?" she called to make her presence known. He glanced over with a small embarrassed smile. 

"My other leg went dead on the way back. Mind helping me up?" he asked. She nodded and rushed over, hooking her arms under his armpits and pulling him up far enough for him to get both feet on the ground. He leaned on the bed to keep himself up. "Thank you. Sorry if I gave you a scare there," Dick stated as he got back in bed. 

"'S fine." She glanced over to the pile of work beside him. "No," she said, walking to the other side of the bed. She went to pick up the papers since he was strictly on a no-work bed rest recovery for at least another few days before Dick grabbed her wrist. "I know, I know, but please. I'm bored as hell up here and this is the only thing that's keeping me from going crazy," he pleaded. Cass frowned at him and set them back down.


"Don't worry about it. You've got enough to deal with. I'll be fine from here, honest. You can get back to whatever you were doing," he insisted. Typical. She decided to leave it for now rather than fight him over the subject and just add the fact into the conversation downstairs.

When she got downstairs she snapped her fingers to get her sibling's attention. Judging by the lack of conversation they had dropped the discussion on Dick and she was going to relight it. She waited for all of them to turn to her then she pointed upstairs. "Lonely," she said sternly. They nodded. 

"I mean, we really could have just one night off. I'm sure Bruce did the same," Tim suggested.

"I suppose loneliness may contribute to longer recovery time," Damian rationalized. This was their brother after all and they knew damn well he'd be with them every second of the day if they felt the same. "So it's settled, we get a night off and he doesn't feel so lonely," Jason said. "Question is, what're we going to do?"

It was around tea time and Dick was finishing some of the reports he had stacked beside him. This certain case was about drug bust he'd done before moving onto the faithful case that landed him on bed rest. He was highlighting through when his bedroom door was suddenly kicked open and Steph strutted in holding a big box of pizza. "Wake up bitch it's time to sin!" she announced. He cackled at the dramatics and set aside the paperwork then pulled his legs up so she could sit down. Behind her were the rest of his siblings holding various snacks and drinks. "What's all this about?" he asked.

"Well we got to thinking that we deserve a night off and you could do with some of that sibling bonding Dr. Phil goes on about," she answered. Tim set down the paper plates they were using since none of them felt like washing up and grabbed the remote. Luckily, Dick's TV had Netflix on it so he began scrolling through the movie section. As he did, the rest of his siblings poured the snacks into bowls to avoid a situation like last time when Tim and Damian accidentally touched hands and freaked out. "You can drink on your antibiotics right?" Jason asked, showing off the two six-packs he brought up. Dick shook his head with a chuckle. "More for me then."

"I literally have no idea where he got those," Steph whispered to the eldest.

"It's Jay, he can magic alcohol out of nothing," he whispered back.

They began eating and started watching terrible horror movies like the Bye Bye Man. It'd been a phase of Dick's for a while so he was already prepared for all the terrible jumpscares. He noticed halfway through the first movie that Steph was having trouble with her hair. She'd been blowing and pulling at the rogue strands of hair before attempting to pull it into a ponytail that seemed to be more cumbersome than having it down. "Having trouble there?" he asked. She nodded disgruntledly. 

"Just a bit."

"I can braid it if you want?"

"You know how to braid hair? How?" she inquired.

"I was an effeminate teenager in the gay best friend craze. It would be weirder if I didn't know how to braid," he replied. Cass patted his arm and pointed to her own hair. "It's a little short but I can give it a go."

"Oh, we should do a braid train!" Steph insisted. She climbed into Dick's lap and pulled Cass into her lap so she could reach her hair. 

"Keep it down back there," Damian complained, causing the three to titter between themselves. Dick reached over to his bedside drawer, wincing slightly at the movement, and took out a few bobbles he kept from when he had his mullet. He passed some onto his blond sister then got to work pulling her thick locks back into two manageable plaits whilst she... well, he wasn't quite sure what she was doing but it certainly wasn't braiding. He'd fix it later. He thought back to his times at lunch when the girls taught him all their tips and tricks. He didn't know why they did that since he was a boy and had little interest in the beginning. Now he knew how to paint his nails, which brand of makeup was the best and how to spot the good formulas. He didn't think he'd need that sort of information but it came in handy when he wanted to cover up the more unsightly injuries from patrol. He tied off the ends and patted her back. "Let me fix your work up," Dick said, trying to stop himself from giggling at what she'd done. Cass's hair looked like a bird's nest and she seemed to know it too judging by the slight frown. She quickly ditched Steph's lap and moved to his, sticking her tongue out playfully at her sister. He lightly undid the braids which were more like twisted together strands and ran his fingers through to detangle some of the knots there.

"You girls having a nice little slumber party there?" Jason taunted.

"Yes we are Mr. Toxic Masculinity," Dick teased. There was a slight wheeze to his voice since he wasn't really supposed to be sat up for this long. He took a pause and coughed into the crook of his arm, wincing as he felt his ribs become aggravated. His hands balled up into fists and squeezed his eyes shut. Tim passed him a bottle of flavored water to help. He nodded his thanks and took a sip. "Maybe you should lie down? It can't be good for you to be sitting up for this long," Steph suggested.

"It was just a little cough. Swallowed my spit weirdly."

"Ewww," she replied mockingly.

"You should take Brown's advice. You shouldn't strain yourself for such a silly thing such as braiding hair," Damian insisted. He hummed at the younger. If even he was agreeing with Steph then Dick supposed he better do it. 

"Fine but if I start falling asleep early I'm blaming you for the messed up sleep schedule it'll create," he stated, moving so he was laying down semi-comfortably. 

"Your version of messed up is everybody else's normal, you'll be fine," Tim assured him. He playfully rolled his eyes and got to an angle where he could still see the terrible horror movie. "Medicine?" Cass asked, looking around for something that could tell her the time. 

"Not for another couple of hours." She nodded and lay down beside him so it wasn't weird that he was the only one laying down. He smirked at the action before sinking back into the movie.

At some point, they'd all fallen asleep except for Tim. What could he say, he never slept. Well, not never but you get the point. He had to stay up anyway to check that Dick was healing properly. It got to the time to check and he felt a little guilty when he shook the older awake. A soft whimper left Dick's lips before he came to terms with consciousness. "Hey?" he greeted unsurely, his voice husky from sleep. 

"I gotta do your checks."

"I'm fine. Check done," he responded with a cheeky smile. Tim tutted at him but smirked all the same. He helped the older up and lifted up his shirt. The bruises that were once dark and sore looking were now fading. There was some swelling but that was to be expected. He took the stethoscope he'd left on the bedside and listened to Dick's chest. Wheezing but not too bad. Everything was consistent with the injuries he'd sustained. "Not dying then?" Dick asked when the younger pulled his shirt back down. 

"Not for now and you better not be hoping on that," he answered.

"Meh, that's boring. I'm much cooler being death-defying than death conforming." Tim hummed and popped out the tablets he needed to take. 

"I have to agree."

"Aww, you think I'm cool?" He took the tablets in one shot, gulping them down with a brief disgusted look as they went down his throat. 

"Of course I do Dick. You take so much shit and you're still you. That's pretty cool in my books."

"Just don't be getting yourself into trouble to be cool too, alright?" Dick commented, just to make sure. He didn't want to explain to Bruce why Tim was suddenly taking more risks than he should do. 

"I won't. That's your job," the younger chuckled.

"Damn right it is. Now get some sleep like the rest of us."

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