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-black_spider- wanted some  B E N D Y  Dick so let's go

"I can't think of anything gayer than Sander sides smut" - me @ 4am in August 2019

Acrobats were flexible. They kind of had to be with their profession. Dick was flexible but not in an acrobatics way. He'd always been more flexible than what should be humanly possible. The only other person around his age in the circus was the fifteen-year-old contortionist who was insistent on getting him to become a part of her act instead. So he knew how to use his flexibility to a near inhuman level. This was a little known fact and he liked to keep it that way because that just made it all the more fun when he did a little trick. We know Dick is flexible but we also know he is mischievous. Put those two together and you have a crockpot of near heart attacks for his family. That never stopped him though because they never stopped being surprised so he never felt the need to stop. It would just be plain boring if they got used to it but luckily that didn't happen.

The first time he scared them was on complete accident. There was this weird feeling in his back which he knew meant he needed to crack it. His first tactic was to fix his posture. Being hunched over whilst he watched TV probably didn't help so he straightened his back. This didn't get the desired effect so he stretched out his arms and bent backwards just a tad. Still nothing. By now, his foster family had noticed the behaviour. "Is there something wrong Grayson?" Damian inquired, slightly annoyed by the actions.

"I need to crack my back," he stated.

"Why don't you just get up and crack it? Like bend over backwards or something?" Jason suggested. Dick facepalmed with a smile. 

"Duh, why didn't I think of that?" So he got up and bent backwards. And kept bending backwards. And bending backwards. Still, there was no pop. 

"Oh well looks like you're stuck with- why aren't you stopping?" Tim asked. He didn't get much of an answer since the acrobat was focused on solving his problem. He kept bending over till his hands touched the floor. "I've got to admit that's kind of impressive," Jason commented. They thought that was the end of it until they realised he was still bending. They stared slack-jawed as Dick's head appeared between his own legs. There was a loud crack. "SHIT HE BROKE HIS SPINE!" The boy chuckled and kicked his legs over his head so he could stand back up. 

"I was just cracking my back," he replied.

"You were on some satanist weirdo shit right there!" Jason exclaimed.

"You guys don't like how bendy I am?" he asked with a mischievous grin. They reluctantly nodded. He back down as he committed the answer to memory. "Good to know." 

Walking into his room, Damian noticed a suitcase resting on his bed. He raised an eyebrow at this since he wasn't expecting to go away any time soon nor had he just come back from somewhere. Curiously yet cautiously, he walked over to the case and inspected the outside of it. It was one of those material ones that looked like an oversized briefcase. He used it often when he went on business trips with Bruce which just made it even weirder. He was sure that he'd put it in the attic when he got back from his last trip. Maybe Alfred wanted him to take it back to his apartment. It wouldn't be too out of the ordinary since the butler had mentioned decluttering the attic. He shrugged off the oddity of seeing it and went to pick it up. There was a significant weight to it. Now that was too weird not to investigate. He put it back down and unzipped it. Suddenly Dick sprang out of the suitcase, startling him and sending him a good few feet back from the shock. He let out a yelp too which didn't do anything to save his hardcore reputation. Dick cackled and doubled over, falling off the bed along with the suitcase because he was laughing so hard. He rolled onto his side on the floor and tried to catch his breath whilst he got the glare of the lifetime. "How long were you in there?" Damian snapped. 

"Like two hours but it was so worth it!" Dick giggled. 

"You could've suffocated you, idiot."

"It's the best way to go."

There'd been a scuttling sound in the vents lately but Alfred had insisted there were no rats in the manor. It was driving Tim mad. Every time he'd sit down to work that scuttling noise would come to interrupt the workflow. Finally, he had enough. The next time he sat down to work he brought a flashlight with him so he could look into the vent and see what was going on. He got about ten minutes into working when he heard the noise. He snatched up his flashlight and got onto his knees, flashing the light into the darkness. A pair of eyes stared back at him. He shrieked and threw down the flashlight. Those were human eyes! What kind of rat had human eyes? Then there was a loud cackle and he knew exactly who the culprit was. "RICHARD GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS OUT OF THE DAMN VENTS!" A giggle of content mocked Tim as the acrobat kicked out the grate and wiggled out. "How did you even fit in there?" 

"I'm flexible." He jumped up and dusted himself off. "I did take a few tries though. Remember when I went missing for three hours and I said I'd just gone to the mall?" The older nodded. "I got stuck in the vents and didn't want to ruin the surprise." After that, all the grates were welded shut for safety. 

It was a long stakeout mission and Jason had gotten bored. They were in the refuge of their undercover car so he could spend the time it wasn't his shift watching videos. He came across one that had him laughing a little too loud to hide from the others - the others being Dick and Bruce. "What're you laughing at?" Bruce asked. 

"Just a video, you wouldn't get it," he answered.

"I'll get it! Let me see," Dick insisted, resting his head on the back of the older's seat. Jason shrugged and showed him it. It was the video of the guy who holds his legs and rolls around with a Sonic song in the background. (It's above the story ;)) He expected Dick to laugh but he just tutted. "What?"

"I can do that. And much better too if I might add," he responded cockily. 

"Oh yeah? I bet you that ice cream milkshake in Ed's Diner that you can't."

"Don't bet that-"

"You're on! I'll prove it any time anywhere." Bruce glanced out to where they were parked up. Their guy wouldn't come out for another half hour and they were parked in a side street so no one would notice. He hummed. "Right now then," he stated. Dick grinned and got out of the car. Of course, he gave a quick look around in case there was anyone around. There wasn't. Jason opened his own car door and started recording for his Snapchat. "Alright, Sonic, let's see how fast you can go," he announced. What he expected was for Dick to awkwardly roll into frame before becoming too weak to hold the wheel shape. This isn't what he got. Dick rolled past at the same pace he could run at with no signs of stopping. "That's just unnerving," Bruce muttered.

"You wanna see unnerving? Watch this," Dick called from out of frame. He proceeded to roll backward into shot then uncurled, putting his hands and feet on the but with his back facing the pavement and threw his head back. He then ran at the camera unexpectedly, causing Jason to panic and threw his phone at the younger. "Get the fuck away with me with that shit!" he yelled. The raven-haired boy giggled and picked up his phone, posting the video to the other's story. Now everyone saw how creepily flexible Dick was and he loved every minute of it.

Hope you liked it! I made it a little cracky and was honestly a little out of my comfort zone haha 

what can I say? I'm an angsty lil thing

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