le smut with plot

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Here is le smut with plot 

there is a non-smut story comin up

Tired. That's probably all Dick could feel as he tapped on the keyboard. He needed to solve this case. He had to. He wouldn't rest till his city was safe. Sleep was a no go. He hadn't slept in three days and was just about to reach his fourth. No, he had work. Work was important. Much more important than sleep. Dick yawned yet continued to scan the screen. He didn't notice footsteps creeping into the room nor did he notice his lover's face reflecting on the computer screen. "Oh, you really need some sleep," Wally confirmed, draping his arms around the other's shoulders. Had he been on top form, he would've spun around by now and told him he couldn't talk right now. Dick grunted, his attention maintained on the endless sea of words. He didn't notice the huff of irritation. In all honesty, Wally was feeling a little antsy about the lack of attention he'd received these past few days. He was so used to having someone constantly touching him and talking to him that the loneliness was killing him much more than he'd thought it would. He didn't like getting into an empty bed, sleeping in an empty bed and waking up in an empty bed. He'd never had all three before in his relationship with the acrobat. He'd eventually show up at some point but that hadn't been the case. An empty bed was a part of singledom he disliked the most. Right now, he felt single again and that just wouldn't do. "Can't you come to bed tonight?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Busy," Dick answered. That was the answer he always got. If he wasn't busy, he had patrol. If he didn't have patrol, he had missions. Well, not tonight. Wally was determined to get his boyfriend to bed. So, he took a page out of Dick's book.

He hummed and dipped his head down, trailing his lips down Dick's neck. He smiled when he heard the raven-haired hero suck in a shaky breath. "Walls," he mumbled. "I gotta solve this case." Wally rolled his eyes and began letting his hands have a field day along the other's chest and arms before putting them on his shoulders, messaging the tense muscles there. He stopped the light kisses and moved onto making small nips. The hero tilted his head back with a breathy groan. He wanted to give in. God, he wanted to give in so much. Unfortunately, he'd inherited Bruce's inability to leave a case unsolved in favour of having fun. "The case," he argued weakly. He meant for it to come out more forceful but he just couldn't. He wanted this so much. Though, he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't try to resist. There were lives on the line and it wasn't very hero like to have a night of 18+ fun. Wally decided to be a bit more dominant and twirled the chair around so they were now facing each other. He held the other's chin, tilting his head up. It was then when Dick noticed he was shirtless. Wow, he was really out of it if he was missing those obvious details. Perhaps he could fit in a break. "Just come to bed. It can wait for tonight," he insisted. The offer was extremely tempting. He could see the internal debate going on inside his boyfriend's head. He was so close. 

"'M not tired," Dick said. He needed to lose control but that voice in the back of his head was burrowing its way into his thoughts. Wally chuckled lowly, successfully turning on his partner, even more somehow. His eyes darted down to the tent growing in his joggers and he bit his lip nervously. "I think I know a way to get you tired. C'mon baby, you've hardly touched me this week." Dick smirked to himself. That voice would just have to shove it. 

"Then I'd better make up for that." The ginger grinned mischievously and held out his hand. He took it and was immediately dragged back to the bedroom, laughing all the way. 

"Look at you, giggling like a teenager," Wally taunted playfully. A tut came his way and he was pushed back onto the bed. Dick pulled his bottoms off, making him sit up straight, and knelt down. "You don't have to," he was assured. He tugged the other's boxers off quickly, making the speedster hiss as the cold air hit him. 

"Yet I want to," he responded. He kissed along his lover's inner thighs, leaving hickeys along the way, whilst pumping Wally's member. A loud moan ripped through his throat. "Dick, please," he whined. Dick complied and took him in his mouth, lightly bobbing his head. He was rewarded with a flurry of thankful moans and groans. He felt himself grow harder at the sound of them but when he went to touch himself through the material of his jogging pants he was stopped by Wally. "Not yet baby." The pet name drove shivers down his spine which was only aided by the tone it was said in. So kind and lustful. How did he find the case more important than their time together? He must be mad. Probably the lack of sleep. He moaned himself when he felt the ginger's fingers weave themselves into his hair and tug on the locks. His nails dug into the other's thighs, making him climax.

Dick pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stood up and was dragged down onto his boyfriend's lap. Their lips connected and Wally's tongue swiped along his bottom lip. He was too needy to be a tease and opened his mouth instantly. He moaned at the feeling of his lover exploring his mouth. He felt Wally's hands run along his body, beginning to work away at the aches he'd gotten from sitting in the chair for so long. They pulled apart so Wally could reposition them on the bed so he now had his back on the headboard and they were under the covers. He palmed the acrobat, marveling at the noises it created. He was so sensitive. It reminded him of their first time together. It was very innocent, well as innocent as sex could be, and half the time they were laughing at one another. Dick liked the lustful look his moans got and moved closer to quietly moan in his ear. "You better start losing some clothes before I rip them off," Wally ordered. His grin took the thunder from the comment. 

"Yes sir," Dick mocked. He pulled off his shirt to reveal all the scars that traced his body. Wally knew them all very well. He knew the stories and the placement off by heart. How could he not when they had played a massive factor in their intimacy? Back when half of them didn't exist and Dick was self-conscious of them. He'd always had more scars than other kid heroes so it was only natural for him to feel that way. Wally liked to believe he played a part in helping him embrace them. He ran his hand along them as Dick pulled off his joggers. He smiled at the touch. Soft and careful. He pushed Wally down onto the pillows, a devious look on his face. "Tell me if you need to switch, okay?" the ginger said. He rolled his eyes with a tut.

"This isn't my first time on the rodeo." At that moment. Wally thrust into him, making him gasp in shock and pleasure. "You did that on purpose."

"Couldn't help it." Dick cackled breathlessly at the reply as he bounced up and down. He bent down so he was once again close to the speedster's ear and let a flood of moans and soft calls for his name come out from his mouth. He grinned when he felt the hands on his thighs tighten and make him move faster. "Still got it," he muttered to himself.

The acrobat continued until his actions got more sloppy and his thighs began to tremble. Noticing this, Wally switched them so he was on top. "Someone's getting tired," he taunted in a sing-song voice. He could see fatigue all over the other's face before but now it was infiltrated further. Dick whined, wrapping his arms around his neck. His sleepy moans were only fuel for his lover to keep going only much faster. He groaned at Dick's nails digging into his back. Smirking to himself, he slowly moved his hand down the man's chest below him before he wrapped it around Dick's *ahem* dick. The nails dug further into his back, telling him he was doing a good job. He dipped down and sucked on the sweet spot on his neck. He bit down to draw a gorgeous gasp. "Wally," Dick called softly.

"Close baby?" He nodded, his back arching off the bed. "You normally last longer," he grunted teasingly. He was in the same way. 

"Same could go for you." The taunt received a sudden deep thrust. "Do that again and I'll-" he was cut off by another one. He brought Wally's face closer and kissed him passionately. Neither could last much longer. They were both too sensitive to do that after days of not even touching one another. They pulled away with hitched breaths and they rode out their orgasms.

Wally pulled out, lying beside Dick breathlessly. The acrobat turned and put his head on his chest. He smiled when a strong arm wrapped around him protectively and hair was played with. "Don't get too comfortable, we need to clean up," Wally told him, getting a grumpy grumble. 


"I didn't drag you to this bed so I can hug you whilst we're both sweaty as all hell," he stated, sitting up. Dick held onto his waist, refusing to do anything. He just wanted to sleep. "Dickie, please. I'll do the work if you just come with me to shower," the ginger offered. Bargaining was the only way he was going to get his tired lover to the shower. He could practically hear the cogs working in the other's head. "Fine." Wally stood up only to receive grabby hands from his boyfriend. 

"Really? Not gonna walk?"

"Not with you ramming into me at the speed of sound." He tutted, chuckling to himself, and picked the acrobat up then carried him to the bathroom. He sat him down on the toilet and turned on the shower. "You're not going on patrol tonight," Wally ordered as he tested the temperature of the water. 

"I wasn't going to anyway," he replied. 

"Sure you wouldn't. I know you better than you do half the time and I know for a fact that at some point you were going to go out tonight. Then I'd have to come to save your ass. It's a good ass-"

"-amazing ass-"

"-amazing ass but I don't fancy saving it when you're purposefully putting it in danger when you know you're not up to it." He stepped into the shower with his boyfriend following. A foul expression was on his face but it had lost its usual oomph due to his tiredness. 

"I am up to it," he mumbled. Wally grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some onto his hair before squirting some on his own. 

"Not when you haven't slept in a while."

"Bruce could." 

It had just slipped out. He hadn't even thought about what he said until it came out. He scrubbed at his hair roughly, wanting to somehow scrub the thought from his head. He was so over this dumb game he played with himself. Thinking and comparing himself to Batman. Batman wasn't even that good! Yeah, he was a great detective but at what cost? His kids feeling neglected, the mountains of scars and trauma, the lack of personal time and damaging any wellbeing he had. Dick didn't want that. He didn't want to alienate everyone around him for the sake of justice but he had. Literally only a few hours ago he was planning to sit at that desk until he solved the case, completely alienating himself from his boyfriend who he knew full well didn't like going to bed alone. Did he even have any choice in becoming Batman? Or was he just turning into him the more he tried not to? "I know you grew up thinking that putting sleep off until you do something is a good thing but it's not. You get so anxious when you haven't slept," Wally said, interrupting his thoughts. He hummed, putting conditioner in his hands and running it through his hair. 

"I hate that you can tell."

"Your eyes say it all," Wally informed him.

"Maybe I should wear my mask at home then." He'd done that with the Titans and it worked out well enough. He couldn't get away with it now though he wished he could. 

"I think the fuck not."

"You trick ass bitch," Dick finished with a smile. The ginger softened at the sight of it. His smile was possibly the most perfect thing in the world. He ran his hands through Dick's hair, messaging his scalp that was sore from his previous tugging. They unknowingly moved closer to one another, needing a sense of closeness.

"Sorry. For not being around," Dick piped up after being quiet for a while. He wasn't used to being quiet outside of a mission setting. He was just so tired, he didn't really have the energy to talk. "It's alright my wittle workaholic," Wally taunted, washing the last suds off. He put his arms around the acrobat's hips, resting his chin on the other's shoulder. 

"'M not that bad," he protested, turning off the water. Wally pulled away and stepped out the shower, throwing a towel to the other whilst drying himself off. Dick copied his actions just much more lazily. He stumbled into the bedroom and changed into his boxers with the speedster not far behind him. "If you're not a workaholic then what are you?" Wally inquired. The acrobat flopped onto the bed.

"Right now, tired," he replied. He was shortly joined and pulled into the other's arms. He accepted his fate, resting his head on the ginger's chest and intertwining their legs. He nuzzled close with a satisfied smile. "I love you, Dickie," Wally told him, kissing his forehead. Dick closed his eyes. 

"I love you too Wally."

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