Nightwing being a badass

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Here's a request from CenterofWisdom which was requested forever ago so thank you for being patient

I think I included everything they wanted

They also said Wally never died since they're in denial 

The first few months as Young Justice leader changed Nightwing almost completely. Friends of his hardly recognized him. He had a permanent frown on his face and didn't laugh half as much as he used to. Something about him had changed and those who knew him best hated it. So, when she got the free time, M'gann pulled him aside. "Is something the matter?" she asked worriedly. She knew people changed over time, that was life, but there was something so unnerving about this. He almost reminded her of Batman but she decided not to bring that up. "What? No, everything's great. Why do you ask?" he responded.

"You seem a little...different," she replied.

"Well, yeah! I thought it would be better for the team to see me as a strong leader," he said. She frowned at him and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Dick, you can have fun and be a strong leader. I'm sure they'd love to see that side of you," she assured him. Nightwing nodded, taking the advice on board. 

"If you say so, I'll loosen up around them."

Jaime and Bart were playing video games when they noticed Nightwing walk in. They quickly turned off their game and grabbed the homework they were supposed to be doing. He always told them schoolwork was their highest priority under emergency hero events. The older walked in and leaned over their shoulders in interest. "What're you doing?" he asked.

"Homework, like the great students we are," Jaime answered. He got a small glare from the ginger beside him. 

"That's a takeaway menu," Nightwing pointed out. The teen looked down, realizing his mistake.

 "So, I'll ask you again, what're you doing? Or what were you doing?" Bart sighed and showed him the video game CD case. "Mortal Combat? I used to be great at this," he said with a nostalgic smile. The younger pair stared at him in disbelief. They'd only seen him as a mostly stern role model whose glare could make even Batman break eye contact. "You're joking?" Bart blurted out.

"I used beat Wally pretty much every time we played this. He only won when I was high on medicine. Mind if I play a game?" he requested, a slightly mischievous smile growing on his face. They nodded, still stunned that he actually had hobbies outside of kicking criminal ass. He jumped over the side of the couch, gladly taking the controller Jaime handed to him. Bart turned on the game again and began to give him a rundown of the basics. "Dude, I know how to play Mortal Combat," Nightwing interrupted. "I'm 18, not 85," he added. Bart shrugged and picked up the controller. 

"Alright, I'll go easy on you since you're probably going to be rusty," he taunted. The older scoffed, tightening his grip on the controller. M'gann said to loosen up around them and this was the gateway to doing so.

"How did you beat me? It's been like thirty seconds!" Bart yelled, throwing his hands up in dismay. They'd played ten matches and each time Nightwing won. He smirked at the younger before handing the controller over to Jaime. "I've been playing these games since I was a kid," Nightwing explained. The younger huffed and fell back on his chair. Nightwing put a fake sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up over it. I've been schooling speedsters in video games since I was 9," he reasoned. Jaime chuckled at his friend's harsh pout.

"C' mon Bart, you gotta learn to eat humble pie once in a while," he argued. "You should play games with us more if it means I get to see Bart have a taste of his own medicine," he added. Nightwing smiled and stood up. 

"Sure. I'll be finished with mission reports in an hour so I can destroy you guys then?" The boys let out a laugh.

"Sounds great."

After finishing some work, Nightwing returned to playing games with the boys. He missed the old days of playing games on the couch and seeing his friends yell in frustration of being beat for the umpteenth time. "You got him playing games again?" Wally asked, overhearing the familiar victory shouts from his childhood. 

"Yep and we're slowly regretting it," Bart huffed. 

"You know he hacks the game right?" he responded, sitting on the couch opposite. The boy's mouths dropped. 

"I didn't hack this game...yet," Nightwing defended, causing the ginger to laugh. 

"Can you show us?" Jaime asked. He turned to the younger in surprise. His hacking was hardly ever appreciated. Then again, he was normally hacking a criminal's computer and it was mostly expected of him. "Sure, let me hook up to the console," he replied. He opened a pocket in his utility belt and plugged it into the gaming console. He then pulled up a screen on his glove along with a keyboard. "Old school tech," Wally commented.

"My tech never grows old. It's timeless just like yours truly," Nightwing retorted. "We should start off with a few simple hacks like making your opponents moves cause less damage."

"You can do that?" the younger pair shouted.

"If you know where to look." He scrolled through the many lines of code then stopped. "Who should be the weaker one? Player one or two?" They agreed upon two. He nodded then typed in a few extra things after deleting some code. "And that should do it. Now whoever plays as player two will never win unless player one really sucks."

"Since when were you a hacker?" Jaime said. Nightwing and Wally laughed.

"Who do you think Robin got hacking tips from?" Wally pointed out. "Nightwing was the best hacker we had on the team."

"You flatter me too much."

Once he made sure Jaime and Bart were doing his homework, Nightwing came across Cassie surrounded by a bunch of crumpled up paper. He frowned when he saw her disappointed gaze. "Something wrong Cassie?" he inquired, taking a seat beside her. She nodded. He could now see a notebook in front of her that had a bunch of words with a strike through them. "Wanna talk about it?"

"It's silly," she responded through a sigh.

"Nothing's too silly to talk about. Believe me, I had silly conversations all the time when Bats and I went on patrol," he insisted. She smiled a little and turned to him.

"I want to prank Lagoon Boy because he played a prank on me but all my ideas are dumb," she told him. Nightwing instantly felt a spark of mischief inside his heart. Pranks were his thing as a kid. He was great at them. He knew exactly when something was a little too much to be funny and when a prank wouldn't be worth the effort. "Well, you're talking to the right person." Cassie raised an eyebrow at him. 

"No offense but aren't you a little too professional for that stuff?" He chuckled softly. 

"I wasn't always like that. Wally and I wreaked havoc playing pranks as kids," he informed her. "I can help you come up with something if you want." Cassie nodded eagerly and passed over the notepad and pen.

As Nightwing and Cassie began setting up their prank, Garfield yelled for Nightwing. "A little busy, tell me what you want!" he shouted back.

"Need to know what 2339 divided by 97 is! Bart took my calculator!"

"24.1!" he swiftly yelled back. He heard a faint thank you and smiled to himself. Cassie stared at him in awe. 

"How did you do that so quickly?" He shrugged.

"Just learned to. Quick thinking is always a lifesaver. Especially when you're swinging from building to building. Believe me, you don't want to mess that up," Nightwing responded. He finished up on his part and knelt down to get the bottom half. "I'm lucky Batman was around or that situation would be not asterous, not asterous as all," he added. Cassie opened her mouth to concur when she realized something. She had no idea what asterous meant. Nightwing picked up on this and laughed to himself. "It's the opposite of disaster."

"Since when was that a thing?"

"Since I decided English is fun to ruin. Dislike is the opposite of like so I just applied that to everything. I also had traught since it followed that rule. Then I realized people were either underwhelmed or overwhelmed so I thought up just being whelmed." He stayed silent for a few minutes. "God I was a really annoying kid."

"Nah, I think it's fun. I'll use them," she mentioned. His heart swelled with pride for a second. 

"That would be asterous."

"LAGOON BOY, I NEED YOU IN THE COMMONS ROOM RIGHT NOW!" Nightwing yelled. Said hero swiftly ran to the room, worried about the repercussions he could face if he didn't come fast enough. He rounded the corner and ran straight for the door only to be stopped in the doorway by something invisible. His face smushed up against the invisible wall, his whole body pressed up against it, until he heard a rip and fell face-first onto the floor. The next thing he heard was loud laughter. He jumped to his feet to see Cassie doubled over laughing and Nightwing trying his hardest to keep his laughs in. "Oh ha ha, how long did it take you to come up with this one Cassie?" he snapped in embarrassment. She shook her head and pointed to Nightwing. 

"He came up with it!"

"I didn't think you'd come in so hot," he admitted through small fits of giggles. Lagoon Boy pouted and dusted himself off. 

"That was really dangerous," he scolded.

"You super glued all my furniture to the ceiling!"


Cassie's laughter was just about to die down when Nightwing finally let out a loud cackle. He rapidly slammed a hand over his mouth but what was heard was heard. "The Robin Cackle," Lagoon Boy said in awe. Cassie excitedly pulled at his hand, forcing it away from his mouth. 

"Do it again! It's so adorable!" She coughed, instantly regretting calling it adorable. She worried that would make things awkward but it only brought about another cackle. If their pupils could turn to stars, they would've at that point. "The others are gonna be so jealous when we tell them we heard it in person!" she exclaimed. The fish hero nodded, ready to rub it in the other's faces. 

"Don't show off-"

"Too late, already in showing off mood. This is gonna be so asterous!" Cassie interrupted before running out of the room. 

"I agree with whatever that means," Lagoon Boy said before running after her. Nightwing once again cackled, drawing the attention of the older members. 

"Is that the Robin Cackle I hear?" Batgirl inquired with a soft smirk. He grinned back at her.

"I suspect you came up with that name?" he replied.

"I have it trademarked." He let out a final cackle before composing himself. Of course, his partner in crime would trademark it. He wished he had.

The next day, Nightwing was walking past the commons room when he overheard his name being said. Being curious, he hid in the hallway and earwigged on the conversation. "I never knew Nightwing was so much like us," Bart mentioned.

"I know right? He was a little uptight before but yesterday he was great," Jaime agreed.

"We got to hear the Robin Cackle! He must be loosening up around us," Cassie added. The greener of the bunch nodded in unison. 

"He's like that with me all the time," Robin bragged. They all groaned at him. 

"I hope he stays like this. He's very asterous," Cassie confirmed. There was a beat of silence.

 "Okay, what the hell are you saying?" Nightwing smiled to himself and continued his walk down the hall. He could almost laugh at himself for how he was acting before. He could see why he thought he needed to be professional. Aqualad kept professional all the time and since he was taking over as leader, he thought he had to be too. Plus times had changed. Kid heroes sounded great until one of them was killed. Though that was in the past now. He could annoy another set of teammates with his destruction of the English language and cackle.

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