Nightwing being a badass pt 2

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Suggested by CenterofWisdom and supported by a lot of people so here it is for your viewing pleasure

"How many years has it been since it was just us?" Artemis asked. The original young justice team, minus you know who, decided that they'd been letting the younger heroes take all the good work and planned a mission together. Aqualad took on his old role as the leader to spare Nightwing of the burden. Plus it only added to the enjoyable nostalgic feeling they all got. "Coming up on five years," Superboy responded.

"And you look the exact same, how I envy you," Nightwing commented, flashing a smile.

"Don't worry, you're still our wittle Robin," Artemis assured him, putting the younger in a headlock and scuffing up his hair. He pushed her away with a cackle. After hardly hearing it for the last year, it was a blessing to hear it again. "My Robin days are far behind me now. I don't know what I was thinking with that cape," he replied.

"Aww but your cape was so cute," Miss Martian whined. "I remember when you used to get all tired and use it as a blanket." He scoffed, playing off the slight embarrassment he felt. 

"Then I'd have to carry you off the ship because nobody wanted to wake you up," Aqualad reminded them. Those were the days he was most fond of. They seemed so far away now. They'd all changed so much yet there were always some things that were far too ingrained in them to die out. Things such as Miss Martian's love for cheesy tv shows and Superboy's unsettling ability to stare at you for ten minutes without blinking. "Bored of this now, let's get some action," Nightwing announced. They couldn't help but smile. Still the same kid, only taller. 

"Someone's thirsty for action. Things slow in Bludhaven?" Artemis asked.

"Hardly. Babs just isn't letting me out half as much. Something about "you'll only make yourself stressed trying to manage a team, patrol, and missions and you need to take care of your mental health." I stop listening once she starts about it," he complained.

Their mission was somewhat hard but of course, they'd make it much harder than it needed to be. Even though it had been a while, they still had that Young Justice luck they'd been blessed with as teenagers. As they sat there, tied up in a basement, they couldn't help but laugh at themselves. "Do the new ones have our luck?" Aqualad inquired, struggling against his bonds.

"Of course they do! You should've seen Blue's face when I told him about our luck. We agreed there was a curse on the Mountain," Nightwing replied. His eyes watched the door carefully, his head still banging from the knock out blow. You'd think his head would've got used to the harsh hit the butt of a gun could do but apparently not. "We have an audience," he said before sticking his tongue out at the guard. 

"Don't antagonize the guys with guns. Last time I checked, your suit isn't bulletproof," Superboy cautioned.

"But it's so fun," he groaned. The older rolled his eyes. Nightwing's attention soon turned to their weapons that lay just out of reach of their jail cell. He studied the routes to get it, figuring out which ones would work and which ones would get him shot for trying. "What're you planning bird boy? I can hear the cogs in your head turning," Artemis teased.

"Relying on me to save you? Way to live up to the stereotype," Nightwing taunted back. She gave him a warning glare but it only made him grin mischievously. "Supes, fancy being a lookout?" He nodded and began concentrating on the man outside the door.

Once securing a lookout, Nightwing put his flexibility to the test. He hadn't done the trick in a few years but it was worth a shot. Using the wall for stability, he pushed against it and slowly stood up. Then he took a deep breath and hoped he didn't fall flat on his face. He jumped as high as he could and whipped his hands around from his back, weaved his legs through the gap between his arms, bringing them to the front of his body. "Can't take the circus out the boy huh?" Miss Martian commented. Nightwing grinned at her.

"Appears so." With his hands now in front of him, he untied the tight ropes with his teeth and admired his handy work. "Now, who wants to test out their acting skills?"

"Oh my fucking God! He's fucking dead!" Artemis exclaimed. The guard frowned, only partially believing her. However, once he looked inside the room, he frantically opened the door to the room. Nightwing laid on the floor which wouldn't have worried the guard too much until he realized his chest wasn't moving up and down. He wasn't breathing. They rushed into the room and dashed to the hero's side. "What happened?" they asked worriedly, panicking on how to help. They had no first aid training. When they saw the job description, it didn't specify that they had to know first aid. Were they supposed to save the hero that was going to die in a few hours anyway? This was way past their pay grade. Before they could decide on what to do, Nightwing sat up and delivered a knockout punch. "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me!" he recited, knowing that Artemis had panic repeated a vine. He searched the guard, looking for the keys to their weapons. "Bingo," he muttered, showing off the keys to his companions. He jumped up and unlocked the room with their weapons in, returning them to their rightful owners before untying the rest of the team. "Saving you again, tut-tut. You guys can't always depend on a handsome hero to save you," Nightwing teased.

"I don't see this handsome hero you're talking about," Artemis replied.

"And there's my thank you. There's just no pleasing you," he said, faking a pout.

"That's enough you two, we have a job after all," Aqualad reminded them. They nodded, returning to their hero composure. Sure they wanted to keep things light but they had just been tied up with little hope of escaping so now would be a good time to keep the jokes at a minimum. "Right. I can get those files at any terminal, just need ten minutes and some protection whilst I work."

"We can handle the protection. Where do you think a terminal will be?" Superboy inquired. Nightwing dragged the guard to the corner of the room and tied them up to keep them out of the way. "Not far from here, places like this normally have a few on each floor."

They crept out the room they were in and began the search for a terminal. Nightwing silently made a competition out of it. Of course, it was okay for someone else to find the terminal but there wasn't half as much fun as silently competing. The others soon caught on when he began speed walking past them when they spotted one. "Can you live without making a competition out of things?" Miss Martian asked attempting to keep up with him. Nightwing dashed the rest of the way to the terminal and cracked his knuckles. 

"Uh, nope. I'm still counting the missions the new ones mess up and comparing them to ours," he admitted. Artemis and Aqualad remained on the left of him whilst Superboy and Miss Martian took the left. Hopefully, they wouldn't encounter any trouble but, considering they had just knocked out a guard and tied them up, they really shouldn't take the chance. "You shouldn't be counting their mistakes," Aqualad scolded. "But out of interest, are we winning?"

"Yep, we've got five less. Four if this mission goes too far south," he responded. He began typing furiously on the computer, trying to find the correct files and decoding firewalls. (Can you tell I know nothing about computers?) He didn't get too far in when alarms sounded and they could hear heavy footfall come from all directions. "Hm, they have a pretty good security system. Normally takes twenty minutes for people to notice we've escaped," Nightwing muttered, almost impressed with the henchmen. 

"Maybe don't compliment the people who want us dead," Artemis suggested sarcastically.

"Gotta give credit where credits due."

Within moments they were surrounded. "Give me ten minutes tops and I'll have everything we need," Nightwing announced. "These guys have upgraded their systems, I blame Robin."

"Less talking, more hacking," Artemis grunted, avoiding a blow to the head. He opened his mouth to make a quip but he noticed out of the corner of his eye Aqualad's cautioning glare which quickly killed his idea. "On it." Whilst his attention was maintained on the computer screen, Nightwing's ears strained to listen to what was going on with his teammates. The files were important but he didn't want them to get hurt whilst he got them. Besides, he could always come back on his own to do the same job. Maybe he'd be better at it since he was the stealthiest of the group. His concentration was momentarily broken when he heard someone running in his direction. He whipped around, got out his escrima sticks and whacked the guy in the head to immobilize him. Unfortunately, the guy must've had a tough skull as it only dazed him for a few seconds. Nightwing didn't let this shock him though. As the man came out of his daze, he climbed onto his shoulders then threw his weight back, toppling the man. He backflipped off before he could be trapped underneath the brute and delivered a harsh kick to his head to keep them down for a while. "So much for protection eh?" Nightwing remarked.

"Shut it, pretty boy, there's like fifty of them," Artemis snapped back. He rolled his eyes and continued to work only faster now. He couldn't guarantee how long his protection would last.

Finally, the files showed up on screen causing Nightwing to smile. He hadn't lost his touch even if there was a new hacker in the Batfamily. He pulled out a USB then plugged it into the computer, downloading everything they needed before deleting it just for kicks. The bosses hated it when he did that and annoying people was his favourite pastime. "Got 'em!" he proclaimed, putting the USB back into his utility belt. 

"Great but we still have half an army left to get through," Miss Martian reminded him as she took out a flurry of guards. They just kept coming and she didn't know how much longer they could keep up with their pace. She didn't fancy being tied up again, not like many people did like to be tied up. Nightwing nodded and took out a smoke bomb. "Who's up for a game of find the heroes?" he asked. His teammates fell back to join him and he threw down the smoke bomb, masking their moves in thick grey vapor. Nightwing decided to test out some new tech he'd been working on. He pushed the button on each of his escrima sticks, causing an electrical current to go through them. Blue sparks jumped around the metal. Some noticed the flashing and headed straight towards him only to be met with a shock of electricity. Curses and yelps of pain rang through the air as Nightwing hit every guard he could find with the powerful sparks. He grinned proudly at his handiwork before moving onto the next victim. He wished he'd made them as a kid, they would've made for one hell of a power move. "New tech?" Aqualad questioned when they eventually came back to back. 

"Just a little something I've been working. This is the first time they've been out in action," he responded. "On your left." Aqualad quickly ducked whilst Nightwing lunged for the attacker. He struck them in the chest before forcing them to the ground with a punishing uppercut. He moved through the smoke out to where the stairs to the exit began. "As fun as it was to play, I think we'll have to call this one a win for us. C'mon we've got places to be." The team swiftly ran out the smokey maze before it dissipated and followed the younger up the steps.

They ran through the building, knocking out anyone who got in their way, and eventually made it back onto the bioship with little more than a few cuts and bruises. "Not bad for a bunch of old heroes," Artemis said to herself.

"Connor is literally six," Nightwing reminded her.

"But the exact same as someone older than you," Superboy defended.

"Touche," he replied with a cackle. "I think I'm gonna adjust the voltage on these things, I kept getting a shock every time I hit someone," he added, holstering his weapons on his back. 

"I'll take a look at them some time. Rob's been teaching me a few things," Miss Martian offered. 

"Yeah, he's a smart kid. Thank God he's on our side huh?" They let out an exhausted laugh. They daren't think about another Blue Beetle situation. 

"We should do this again sometime," Miss Martian proposed, changing the subject as quickly as she could. 

"I'm down for that," Artemis replied, getting two nods in agreement from Superboy and Aqualad. 

"I have no other social life so I'll join," Nightwing responded nonchalantly.

"Won't you have to concur with your sitter?" Artemis taunted. He huffed and folded his arms in mock offense. 

"As long as it's not on a school night I can go out," he replied, playing along with the joke. 

"That rules out weekdays then?"

"Kal I was joking."

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