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Should I write smut again? IDK let me know if that's something you want

Have a short story that i wrote instead of doing an essay that's kind super important

Edited 15/02/2024: format changes and small additions

Wally got lonely whenever Dick went away. After spending nearly every day together either through work or just because they lived together, he found himself noticing the void left behind. This time his lover was all the way in Greece researching the traits of a drug ring that had popped up in his neck of the woods. He assured Wally that he'd only be gone for a few days but that was until he found another lead to an even bigger drug ring that, thanks to his inability to let something be, made him stay longer. Wally asked if he needed any help or if he could join, but his boyfriend insisted he had it handled and there was no need. Not to mention that the ginger was horrific at undercover work.

After being yelled at by Dick to include his boyfriend, the Wayne family agreed to have the speedster sit in the Cave with them as they worked. Of course, he had to be silent the entire time and if he dared to touch anything he'd be kicked out before he could say "I was only looking."

He adhered to the rules until he started giggling, catching the attention of a bored Tim and Steph in the process. They were dying to look at something other than a computer screen having spent the last hour just inputting data. At this point, the excel sheet had turned into a big white splodge on the screen. 

"What're you looking at?" Tim asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Dick pics," Wally replied. They raised an eyebrow in confusion. Since when were dick pics funny? 

"From who?" Steph inquired. Wasn't he supposed to be dating the ever-flamboyant raven-haired acrobat? This could be some hot tea she could share with the girls before she inevitably kicked his ass for cheating.

"Dick?" Wally responded, slightly confused. 

"I don't think he'd want you to be telling us what he sends privately," Tim reasoned, internally cringing. He hated how open Wally could be, especially in matters concerning his brother. It was great that he was comfortable with his sexuality but again, this concerned his brother. He really didn't need any additional trauma.

"What do you mean? He put it on Instagram, I don't think he minds." The pair shared a sideways glance. Steph pulled out her phone much to the other's distaste. 

"I gotta see this."

"Steph no-"

"Steph yes. You would too if you weren't family."

"You're so gross."

She went onto the app and typed in his username. After scrolling through his photos, she found nothing explicit. The most racey picture on there was him eating a hotdog with a few dick jokes in the caption. Even his shirtless pictures just had various emojis in the caption and it was all above the waist. Unless people found his belly button particularly sexy, she didn't see anything like Wally was suggesting. Maybe it was on a secret account he kept even more private than his Dick Grayson account?

"He didn't put any pictures on his main account." Wally scrunched up his face and walked up to them. 

"Uh, yeah, he did. Look." He turned around his phone screen but the pair quickly covered up their eyes, avoiding the image like the plague. 

"Dude no! I don't wanna see his dick, he's basically my brother!" Tim called out, Steph nodding in agreement. Although, she would be lying if she said she didn't half regret averting her eyes. Knowing what Gotham's beloved bachelor had packed would be slightly interesting. 

"What the hell are you on about? I was looking at his selfies from Greece," he clarified.

"But you said you were looking at dick pics!" Steph reasoned.

"Yeah, pictures of Dick- ohh you thought I meant dick-"

"Yes, we thought that don't rub it in. It's not our fault his name is the same as the slang for down there," Steph pouted. Wally laughed and pocketed his phone.

"Nah, he'd never send those. He says they're unflattering. Although he does send videos-"

"Fucking shut your God damn mouth West!" Tim yelled, blocking out his ears. 

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