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CloeTheTealSnake requested Older!Damian and Younger!Dick so here's some fluff/crack fic stuff about it

To say Damian was a protective brother would be an understatement. The second Dick and Wally announced that they were a couple he was on high alert to make sure they kept things friendly but not too friendly.

Dick and Wally were hanging out in Dick's bedroom together. They somehow got to play fighting and Dick cackled in triumph as he got on top of his boyfriend. "Now this is a strange sight. A bottom topping," Wally taunted. A light blush lit up the acrobat's cheeks before he rolled his eyes.

 "Shut up Walls."

"Make me," he replied with a mischievous smirk. As Dick leaned down to connect their lips, the door swung open. The pair immediately jumped apart at the sound with both their faces bright red from the embarrassment of almost being caught. Yes, people knew they were a couple but that didn't mean they wouldn't get a good telling off about what they did alone together. In the doorway stood Damian who looked like he was going to kill the speedster his brother had (unfortunately in his case) decided to date. "What're you two doing?" he snapped.

"Just chilling," Dick replied, his voice a little too high to get away with the lie.

"You're not to be alone together and certainly not alone in a place such as your bedroom."

"But we weren't-"

"I don't care to hear your excuses Grayson, I want you two downstairs where I can keep an eye on you. I won't have you defile my brother in our house."

"I'm not gonna-"

"What did I just say? Downstairs. Now." The teens quickly got to their feet seeing that Damian was in no mood for an argument and walked downstairs with their heads low.

The ginger he seemed to despise didn't even have to be in the room for him to get involved. Wally had gone on a mission with Barry and wouldn't come back for the next week. In theory, this would be great for Damian. It would only be great if they were living back in the days where video chat didn't exist. Unfortunately, they lived in the current day where you could do exactly that. "I miss you, babe," Wally said.

"I miss you too. When are you planning on getting back?"

"Monday night. I'll just have my thoughts of you to get me by," he replied dramatically. Dick bit the bottom of his lip and looked at the time. Midnight. He was due to take over patrol at 2 am so they had plenty of time. "Are you alone? Maybe I could give you something extra special to remember me by?" Dick suggested. He watched the older squirm at the question and lick his lips nervously. 

"I-I'm alone. Barry doesn't come back for an hour."

"You think you can last that long?" Wally gulped.

"I can try," he replied.

"What do you want me to do first?"

"Take your shirt off...please?" Dick cackled lightheartedly at the order and took his shirt of. As though he could sense that something slightly indecent was going on, Damian came barreling into the room. He slammed down the computer lid and picked up Dick's shirt, throwing it back at him. "How many times must I tell you that I will not tolerate you conducting such indecent acts?"

"It's none of your business! You probably did the same thing at my age!"

"I most certainly did not. Your video chatting privileges are revoked."

"Urgh, you suck!" Dick complained, storming downstairs to the Batcave since there was no point in staying in his room. 

"I'll have you know I'm saving your reputation you wanna be harlot!"

"Up yours!"

Damian's protective nature wasn't only confined to the home. After a mission, the team was having a nice calm down session in the Mountain's living room. They were still in their suits since they'd been too tired to get change and things were calm. It was an odd slice as domestic bliss despite their gear and what they'd done beforehand. Dick was sitting on Wally's lap, not an unusual sight when the pair wanted to wind down, and he played with the other's hair. "I missed you," he mumbled.

"I missed you too but now we can go on that date I promised," Wally reminded him.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"Barry says you can come back to mine tonight so we can chill, maybe have some pizza. That way we'll escape your human chastity belt," he suggested. His hand rested on the smaller's thigh and no one thought much of it. They were just doing couple things and happened to be two dudes. Why would they care? Yet there was someone who cared very much indeed and as soon as he heard that the team were at the mountain, he was there before you could say boundaries. Dick kissed the other's freckled cheek and rested his head on his shoulder. It was then that he had a sudden feeling that something was going to go down. Before he could mention this feeling, the bane of his very existence, his brother Damian barged into the room and snatched him up off Wally's lap. "Damian!" Dick yelled, kicking and thrashing against his brother's hold.

"I will not have my brother becoming some two-cent whore. I'm very disappointed in all of you for letting this go on," Damian announced.

"They were just sitting together!" Artemis defended.

"Don't try to lie to me. You're practically all pimps for enabling them." He walked out the door with the younger over his shoulder and, although they wanted to save their little bird, the team knew better than to start a fight over this so they let him walk away.

When returned to the Batcave, Dick was fuming. He just wanted to have a nice time with his boyfriend after not seeing him for a week and now that had been stripped from him. He wasn't happy about all the names he was being called either. "Let me down you homophobic dipshit!" Dick shouted.

"I'm not homophobic Grayson, I would be the same if you had decided to court a woman," Damian replied rather sternly. He put the teenager down and received a harsh glare. "Don't look at me like that young man. I'm saving your reputation. We have seen far too many cases where someone is simply "having fun" with their significant other and they suddenly fall from grace," he lectured.

"Urgh who cares? No rich people like me anyway!"

"And they will continue to dislike you if you act in such a manner as you are. I am doing you a favour," he stated. Dick huffed and began to storm out the cave. He took off his utility belt as no weapons were allowed upstairs when he noticed that he still had some pellets of knockout gas. He mustn't have used all of his stash on the mission. He took a few in his hand and glanced back at Damian who was at the desk, typing something up. Of course, there was a rule that you don't use things you use on criminals on your brothers but Dick had been provoked. It would be one night with his boyfriend uninterrupted by his pesky brother where the teenagers could finally do what teenage couples do.

Damian didn't remember falling asleep but when he woke up, he was in the Batcave. He looked around in confusion as he was sure Dick had just been there. He glanced at the time. Five hours had gone by. He didn't remember feeling that tired. The Zetatube to the Batcave lit up and Dick walked out of it. "But you were just here?" Damian stated, gradually getting more confused. His brother gave him a smile. 

"I was. Now I'm back. You can't do anything to stop me from doing what I like. G'night!" he said, casually walking upstairs. As he did, Damian noticed the marks that just peeked over the collar of his younger brother's suit. 

"Grayson get back here! You little shit!"

Totally not gonna do angst with Older!Damian and Younger!Dick teehee

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