Switchity Swapity

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MemeLord27 requested this so long ago so lot of love to them for not hating me for that

"I swear to God, I'll turn this team around if you lot keep bickering," Robin announced. Currently, they were running through a London hellscape that was akin to what a British person would see if they ever tripped on acid. It was bad enough trying to find Mad Mod in this place but it was worse when Beast Boy and Kid Flash were arguing about whether Battle Bots 2 was better than Battle Bots 6, Starfire and Cyborg were playing the punch game - the game where when you see a vehicle that's a certain colour you punch the other person - then complaining when they got hit too hard and Raven mumbling curses to herself. He couldn't take one more minute of the incessant noise. "Calm it, grouch, you'll give yourself wrinkles with how angry you're getting," Kid Flash taunted. 

"Shut it Kid Idiot. You're only here because Mod dragged you into this. If it were up to me, you'd be back from wherever you came from," he snapped. The pair had once been part of a young trio and even back then they bickered like crazy. Their relationship was kind of odd in all honesty. They hated each other's guts but when it came to missions they made what they had work. The years of training to deal with one another in a professional manner must've worked. "Let's just concentrate on finding Mod. We don't have a very good track record for when people mess with time," Raven stated.

"Yeah, last time I got turned into an old man. I hope I die before I get that old again," Robin added. 

"Well on that depressing note, I saw him go that way!" Kid Flash yelled before running off down a dark alley. 

"Wait- urgh," the boy wonder said exasperatedly. He should've made the ginger stay where they found him. He was just going to jeopardize the whole mission. "Secure the other side of the alley. I'll go after the idiot. He's probably been turned into a baby or something," he announced.

The group split up, ready to finally get this guy. Mad Mod was one of their more annoying villains. Yeah, his theme was kind of fun but when you saw it the third time around it was just boring. Gimmicks were only fun when they could be repeated. Like Catwoman's whole thing of being a cat. Saying that though, he had a bias. Catwoman was basically his mum at this point. All of this would be less annoying if that stupid speedster just stayed where he was. The Titans worked perfectly fine without some loudmouth clown ruining everything. The sooner this was over the better it would be. "KF, where are you?" he shouted, unable to see anything in the darkness of the alley. How long was this thing? It looked like it went on forever. Maybe he should've made the team stay with him. "So you blokes think you can stop me?" Mad Mod's thick Cockney accent sent shivers of displeasure down Robin's spine. He continued to walk through the pitch-black when he knocked into someone. "Watch where you're going Boy Blunder!" Kid Flash shouted.

"Oh yeah, let me just gain the ability to see in the dark!"

"Screw you, man."

"Screw yourself."

"Enough!" Mad Mod yelled. The ground shook beneath them and suddenly lit up with the Union Jack. 

"Well that's just tacky at this point," Robin mumbled. The heroes tried to get to their feet but the ground was shaking harder than a leaf in a hurricane. What did Mod want with them? If he was turning them into old men, Robin was going to scream. He was going to burst a blood vessel with all these annoyances coming at him at a constant pace. "I think you boys should do a little swapsies. They'll be much more fun to mess with," the villain announced. Suddenly there was a flash of light. Then it was all black.

"What the fuck?" a girl shouted. Who the hell was that?

The team waited patiently but no one exited the alley. Not Mad Mod, not Kid Flash, not Robin. It was like they got teleported away. Maybe the alley was a wormhole. It would be with their luck. "Robin? You in there?" Beast Boy called.

"Uhm yeah?" an unsure Robin answered. He didn't sound right. It was his voice, they were sure of that, but the tone was off. They shook off the oddness of it and waited for the pair to walk out at their own pace. They probably caught their villain and were ready to send everyone back home. However, this probability was shattered when Robin and Kid Flash walked out from the shadows. They weren't their Robin and Kid Flash. "Uh KF, where the hell are we?" Robin asked.

"It looks like we're in one weird-ass Just Dance background for London Calling," Kid Flash answered, looking around. 

"Yeah, it kinda does look like that," Cyborg mumbled. He couldn't have described it much better now that he thought about it. 

"Who are you?" Robin asked.

"We were thinking the same thing," Raven replied.

"Nice going Kid Idiot! Now we're God knows where. You always rush into things!" Robin ranted angrily. Whoever the team was in front of him looked at the pair with surprised faces like they were in any position to judge. They didn't know each other. "Oh, it's always my fault. Maybe if you knew how to lead your team, Mod wouldn't have trapped us in that weird place from the get-go!" Kid Flash retorted. They glared daggers at one another. 

"Don't bring them into this! You think you're so big and mighty but you're not! You're just a silly speedster who got in my way!"

"Quit it both of you," another girl announced. This one had green skin and ginger hair. They weren't too surprised by it. Aliens were basically everywhere in their line of work. 

"You're not the boss of us," Kid Flash snapped. "Though you could be my boss if you play your cards right," he added with a wink. Robin rolled his eyes. Of course, he was trying to flirt with the alien. He'd flirt with anything. Robin once saw him practice his moves on a toaster and he was still somehow rejected. "Where's Robin and Wally?" she demanded. The pair glanced at one another in confusion then back to her. 

"We're right here? How do you know my secret ID?"

"Somehow I'm not surprised you got yours found out. You were always such a blabbermouth," Robin commented. 

"Shut it twinkle toes."

"But you two can't be Robin and Wally. Robin's only thirteen and looks eleven. Plus you two are dating, why are you being so mean to one another?" They burst out laughing in complete disbelief. Now that had to be the funniest thing they heard all day. 

"Us? Together? No way!" Robin cackled. They hated each other. They couldn't stand to be near each other. There was no way on Earth they were dating. They both had things going on with girls who could easily destroy them. "I don't think they're our Robin and Wally. Judging by their lack of recognition of us they aren't their future selves either," a white-haired guy answered. "You must be from a different dimension."

"You've got to be kidding me? Not only have you sent us somewhere with no hopes of return, but you also got us sent to a different dimension!" the boy wonder exclaimed. He'd need a coffee after this. One from a cup that was never-ending. 

"It's not my fault! You're such a dick."

"Whatever. You guys got a lab I can use to get me and this numbskull back home?" The gilled guy nodded and walked out, beckoning him to follow. "Stay here and try not to make a mess. Think you can handle that?"

"What? But I can help too!" Kid Flash whined.

"You'll only mess it up even more. Stay. Here." His tone was much deadlier than before and they didn't doubt that there'd be severe consequences for the speedster if he didn't adhere to his instructions. "Fine."

After explaining who they were to the young teenagers, they did the same. "How old are you two?" Starfire asked, noting Robin's small stature. Her Robin was small too but that was just because next to a hulking cyborg, an alien and a half demonic girl who could hover made him that way in comparison. "I'm thirteen and he's fifteen," Robin answered.

"Don't be fooled by his height. He could kick your ass if he wanted to," Kid Flash warned them, earning a bright smile from his younger counterpart. 

"I'm already your boyfriend, you don't need to win me over anymore," he joked. The team went slack-jawed, catching their attention. "Oh get over yourselves. You act like you've never seen gays before."

"No, it's just you hate each other!" Beast Boy pointed out. "At least, our versions of you did." The pair scoffed at the notion they could even greatly dislike each other. They were best friends who happened to be in love. They were closer than anything. Closer than close. They knew pretty much everything and anything about each other. Was there really a reality where they didn't like each other? Or was this their future? "Have you guys heard of Young Justice?" Kid Flash asked. That was the only way to make sure this wasn't their future. He really hoped it wasn't. They shook their heads and the couple breathed a sigh of relief. "Different dimension. It has to be. We've blown up way too many buildings not to be known about," Robin stated. Then it hit them. If they were in a different dimension, how the hell were they going to get back home? Everyone knew time travel was much easier than dimension-hopping. "Who got us here?" the acrobat inquired. 

"Mad Mod I assume," Raven replied.

"Ah today must be the only time where assuming won't make an ass of you and me," Mad Mod's voice rang through the weird landscape. "See here, you lads are much better behaved. I should've brought you here sooner. Shame that you can't stay long."

"Why can't we stay long?" Kid Flash asked. He was getting rather sick of having to ask all these questions. Why couldn't they just enjoy a nice get together without something going horribly wrong? Were they that prone to disasters? "I'm glad you asked! Your bodies aren't meant for this dimension. Soon they'll break up and turn to dust, as will your rude counterparts. Unless you find me within the next five hours, I'm afraid you'll have to be swept up. It's already happening." The boys wondered what he meant until they felt grit in their gloves. They took them off and found that their fingertips were disintegrating. "Now I know how Spiderman felt," Robin commented, trying and failing to lighten the mood.

"Good luck and put a jolly good show on for me."

"Dude, we're so screwed."

Robin sat down at the desk and began finding out where the hell they were. There had to be some sort of knowledge on different dimensions. He could figure out how far they were from their home. From there he didn't know. He'd have to trust the Teen Titans to get the rest of that sorted. He could trust them. Hopefully. Raven would step up. Hopefully. Maybe he should've brought everyone down the alley. Then again everyone would be trapped in the wrong place with no hopes of getting home. As he typed on the computer, he felt something inside his glove. It was like sand. Why was there sand in his glove? However it got there, it was annoying. He pulled off his glove only to see his fingertips were gone. "Oh crap. We've got a time limit," he mumbled.

"What's happening to me?" Kid Flash exclaimed as he dashed into the room. He shoved his hand in front of the younger hero who inspected it. The same thing must've happened to him. "Wherever we are, it can't sustain us. Our bodies are crumbling under it," Robin explained. He shooed his hand away and went back to finding out where they were. 

"If that's happening to you, will that happen to our version of you?" the gilled guy asked. Clearly he was concerned and Robin felt almost sad about nodding to confirm his worries. 

"How long have they got?"

"If they're deteriorating at the same rate as us then we're working with hours rather than days."

"Right that's it. Neither of us want to die so we have to work together on this one whether you like it or not," Kid Flash announced, He grabbed a chair and sat down at the other computer.

"I'm indifferent on dying," Robin replied, hating how close he was to the ginger.

"Wow, edgy. I'm sure the Titans would love to hear that coming from their leader," he retorted. He received a glare but he'd gotten them so much they were losing their punch. It did make him wiggle uncomfortably in his chair but that was about it. He didn't care that he and Robin hated each other. He cared about going home before they turned to dust. To be honest, he rather liked his life and he wasn't about to lose it because some sixteen-year-old decided they weren't working together over a grudge. "Urgh, you're a pest," Robin grumbled. "But I suppose you're right on this isolated occasion." He opened his mouth to say something sarcastic but he was quickly cut off. "Don't get too full of yourself. Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

"For a second there, I really thought you were given me a compliment without it being backhanded."

"Pfft, I'll do that when I'm on my deathbed. Which might just be sooner than I originally thought."

With the new time limit in place, the Teen Titans started their search for Mad Mod with the help of the two new heroes. "We should split up to cover more ground," Robin suggested.

"No way, the last time we split up you two appeared," Beast Boy replied. If they split up again then they might just lose another pair to this dimension-hopping antics. They couldn't take that risk. "We can't waste time going on wild goose chases. We have to," Robin responded to the changling. He sort of looked like M'gann but more like a gremlin. It was kind of off-putting but he'd have to put that aside so they could concentrate on the task at hand. "If this guy has a London fetish then he'll be in the landmarks for them. The Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, and Big Ben. If we go off in pairs we have a better chance of finding him," he insisted.

"He raises a good point," Cyborg said. They'd have to listen to him. They didn't have many options under the circumstances. "Okay, Rae and I will go to Big Ben. Star and Robin will go to the Houses of Parliament. BB and KF will go to Buckingham Palace."

"What? But I don't know you people. We should stay together," Kid Flash argued. He grabbed Robin's hand defensively to further his point, making his partner smirk. 

"You're both turning to dust. Leaving you two together would be putting yourselves in danger," Raven defended. His smirk fell and he moved his hand out of Kid Flash's. 

"She's right, we should separate on this one." The ginger sighed, knowing he was right. He just hoped it didn't backfire.

"Alright. Kiss for good luck?" he asked. The raven-haired teen kissed him on the cheek. "Bet I can catch him before you," he taunted. Robin scoffed in disbelief. He was trained by THE Batman. There was no way. 

"Yeah right. C'mon Star, I've got a bet to win!" Robin announced, running off in the direction of the Houses of Parliament. He'd seen them floating above them around a few streets back so he already had a head start. The alien admired Robin's enthusiasm and followed him with a grin. "Get a move on BB," Kid Flash stated, dashing off to find Buckingham Palace. The final pair flew over to the Big Ben which wasn't too far from where they were. Hopefully one of the teams would find Mad Mod before it was too late. They wouldn't know what to do without their leader. He was their foundation. Plus they'd have to answer to Flash and Batman if their protege went missing. That wasn't a conversation any of them wanted to have.

When they spotted the Houses of Parliament, Starfire lifted Robin off the ground and carried him up to the building where he swung forward and smashed through one of the glass windows. "So, you're a Robin from a different dimension," she asked. She decided that she'd try to make a conversation with this version of her crush. It would just be plain awkward if they didn't talk whilst they worked. "It appears so. I'm guessing we're hardly alike considering he hates KF and I don't," he replied, carefully walking across various windows. The building was at a tilt so he was having to walk on the walls to get around. It wasn't the oddest thing he'd ever had to do. He didn't want to talk about what the oddest thing was. "Well, I hardly know you enough to compare you two but if we're going off likeability of Kid Flash then you're very different," she admitted. "But you are less...angry." He cackled at the comment. This Robin must've been a little too influenced by Batman if he was like that. Either that or he and Batman didn't get on as well. He didn't want to dwell on it. This wasn't his future or anything so why should he care? He'd be out of this place in a few hours anyway. "You haven't seen me at my worst yet," he joked. "Do weird things like this happen often?" She nodded.

"One time Robin had his soul trapped in a puppet," she answered, picking out the first of many weird occurrences that plagued the team. They just attracted it but that wasn't that surprising. They were a team made up of an alien, a half-demon, a cyborg, a green dude who could change into animals and a teenager skilled in martial arts who somehow wasn't paralyzed even though he's been thrown against concrete walls for the most part of his life at full force. "Awesome. One time my mentor created a simulation where all my friends died," he recounted.

"Oh." She rubbed her hands together uncomfortably.

"Too intense?" he asked.

"Just a bit." He laughed at the response. "Your weird happenings sound a lot more intense."

"Yeah. I'm probably in need of therapy but I just repress it for later. Much easier," he explained. He spotted something move out of the corner of his eye and whipped around. The something he spotted moved to go around the corner. "Over there!" he exclaimed. He dashed over to it with Starfire in pursuit of the mysterious something. If it was this Mad Mod then he'd be in luck. It moved into the House of Commons. He gave a nod to Starfire who flew him up into the room. It was near empty aside from a few robotic politicians. Saying that it wasn't too different from the real House of Commons. "Where did he go?" Starfire asked nobody in particular.

"All those in favour of destroying these kiddies, say aye," Mad Mod announced. The robots stood up, their eyes suddenly glowing red. Their heads snapped towards the pair. 

"Aye," they shouted in unison. 

"Motion carried."

"Crap." They ducked as red lasers flew at them and took cover behind one of the cabinet seats. Robin shot his grappling hook at one of the robot's necks and pulled down hard so it crashed into the other one, destroying two of the five. Starfire used the cover of the smoke from the explosion and threw green bolts of energy at another two. They then teamed up to take down the last one. Robin jumped onto it's back to keep it still so Starfire could get a good hit, then jumped off as it exploded. He landed beside the alien and held his hand up for high five which she returned with a fist bump. Robin opened his mouth to comment on her cool powers but was caught off guard by the sudden taste of dirt in his mouth. He coughed up whatever it was, covering his mouth with his hand, then looked. A sandy substance. They were running out of time. "Is something wrong?" Starfire inquired.

"I'm fine. Must've inhaled a little too much smoke. Let's press on," he suggested.

Robin and Kid Flash finally found the dimension they're in but the only problem was they were quite a few dimensions away. Building something to get them home wouldn't guarantee they'd end up in the right place. "We'll have to wait for the others to-" They both coughed up some sandy substance that left a disgusting taste in their mouths. They looked up at one another with grimaces. "We don't have time to wait for them," Kid Flash argued.

"I trust my team, you should too," Robin replied.

"Why should I? They're your friends, not mine," he retorted. He began to get a list together of the materials they'd need to build. It was better than doing nothing. Then, as he did, he went over what Robin said. "You don't trust anyone," he stated. "So you meet a bunch of people you hardly know and you trust them more than me! I've known you since you were a kid!"

"I'd never trust you because you're impulsive. You don't think before you act. You just do it and that gets you into trouble which you sometimes charm your way out of but this is one of those times where it doesn't work out like that," Robin ranted. He could never trust someone like that. He trusted his team because they showed that they could be serious when needed. He trusted them because they didn't give up on him. Kid Flash just never showed that. Plus they didn't even like each other so why should he care? Their hatred was a mutual thing. "Yeah well, you overthink every little detail. Sometimes acting too fast is better than waiting to act."

"I don't overthink, I analyze. Maybe if your last brain cell ever goes through mitosis, you'll figure out that you need to analyze a situation before you run in."

"Whatever. Hey fish dude, can you get us these things?" Kid Flash asked, printing out the list of materials they'd need. He took it and scanned over the list. 

"I can try."

One hour down. Robin and Kid Flash were really suffering the effects of being in a different dimension. Their arms and legs were beginning to crumble away, forcing their partner to carry them. It would be so bad if they weren't choking on the vile dust that was probably their organs. Raven and Cyborg reached the top of the Big Ben and finally found the mad man they were searching for. "That's enough Mod! We're done playing your games!" Cyborg announced. They didn't have much time for him to begin with his messing around. Their Robin and Kid Flash were probably nothing but torsos and heads by now. "Oi, don't talk to me like that. Don't you like this version of your friends?" Mad Mod asked. He flipped around his staff whilst he spoke, his smile showing off his crooked teeth. 

"Team, he's in Big Ben," Cyborg said through the comms. They'd need all the help they could get for this. 

"On our way," Starfire replied.

"Calling in the cavalry? How 'bout I do the same to make it fair?" the British villain announced. They heard the distant sound of metal hitting metal and looked up. Robot versions of the Queen's guard were jumping down the cogs of the clock. "Oh, you've got to be kidding," Cyborg grumbled. They tried to run to Mad Mod before the robots hit the ground but they jumped in front of him defensively. The pair got into a fighting stance as the robots ran at them. Cyborg shot lasers into the crowd whilst trying to dodge attacks whilst Raven sent robots flying. However, there was still a remaining chunk of robots and Mad Mod looked ready to leave. They weren't going to catch him. They couldn't afford any more setbacks.

This was it. They couldn't do anything. They told the gilled dude to leave a long time ago so they could work in peace but all their work was for nothing. The pair laid on the ground as the rest of their bodies wasted away. "I guess this is how it ends," Robin stated as they stared up at the ceiling. "Yep. Wanna share anything?" he asked. This was probably the best time for it and they needed something to fill the space before the inevitable. 

"I guess this is the best time to say it. I'm jealous of you Robin," Kid Flash admitted turning towards the young hero. Robin turned to him with a confused look. 

"What? Why?"

"I'm jealous because you're this kid who fights crime with no superpowers but somehow found a way to lead a team! You have so much going for you." Robin sighed. He may as well admit something too. 

"I'm jealous of you too. You were always so well-liked and you always showed off your powers. I wish I had powers half the time." They laughed at each other. They still hated one another but they could find some humour at this moment to share together. "I wish I never left Gotham. Bats was just trying to protect me."

"I wish I called Flash today. To let him know I cared. Things always go fast so I didn't think."

"I think if we're both going to die here, at least we can be cryptids," Robin offered. The ginger laughed hollowly. 

"Yeah, maybe we'll be on Buzzfeed Unsolved." The silence was slightly daunting. They both thought they'd get a lot further than their teen years. "See you on the other side? I'm sure we can make up some new insults for each other," the ginger continued.

"Sounds great Kid Idiot."

"Love you too Boy Blunder."

Suddenly the glass of the clock shattered, revealing Starfire and Beast Boy with the remains of the inter-dimensional visitors. Starfire shot bolts at the villain to keep him in one space as Beast Boy put Robin and Kid Flash on the ground. He turned from a bird to a gorilla and snatched the Brit off the ground. He dropped his staff as he kicked and wiggled in a futile attempt to get out of his strong grip. Starfire picked it up and flipped the ball on top of the staff open only to find there were two buttons. "Which one do I press? Red or blue?" she asked anybody listening.

"Just choose one!" they all shouted in unison. She closed her eyes and tensed her body as she pushed the red button. The robots stopped in their tracks and a loud hum filled the room as the robots powered down, dropping to the floor. "Great job, now could you possibly send us back before we die?" Kid Flash yelled. There was hardly anything left of Robin; to be fair, there wasn't much, to begin with, but he was still on edge. "Oh yes right," Starfire replied. She pointed the end of the staff at the couple and pressed the blue button, again closing her eyes. At this point, she didn't want to see what would happen if she didn't do it right. As a matter of fact, they all scrunched up their faces and closed their eyes in anticipation of this going wrong. "Huh, the afterlife sorta looks like the inside of a clock," Kid Flash stated. They opened their eyes and found their Robin and Kid Flash laying on the floor. Robin sat up and smirked softly. Grinning wasn't really his thing. "That's because we're back home you dumbass," Robin replied. He jumped to his reformed feet but was quickly swept off them by Starfire. 

"Oh thank goodness your back!" she exclaimed. They both went a shade of red at how close they were so she quickly put him down. Cyborg helped Kid Flash back up and patted him on the back. "Welcome home speedster."

"Haha thanks," he responded. He moved close to Robin and whispered, "Mention anything about before and I'll kill you."

"Wouldn't dream of it and if either of us are killing someone, it would be me."

"We get it, you're a badass. At least I'm not an egotistical douche."

"Up yours, dipshit."

I hope this was worth the wait!

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