Talons would always be Talons

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Here's some sadness and fluff

gimme requests if you have any

might make some David and Dick fluff soon

college is keeping me pretty busy so idk when the next one of these will come out


Batgirl loved her job more than anything. There was such a freeing sensation when she was jumping around and beating up criminals. She was fighting for the weak. She was doing the job her Dad wished he could do but would never because of the repercussions. She liked the anonymity of it too. Nobody knew who she was. Nobody would ever know unless she told them. There was such power in that. No one could target her family if they didn't know who she was. It was amazing. Nobody would ever even know that a middle schooler was saving their butts. She hoped things didn't change and they wouldn't since it wasn't possible. She covered her tracks well. Her voice would go to a slightly lower pitch and most of her face was covered. It's not like anyone wanted to find out anyway. The only people who would really care about finding out who she was were those Bats but they never turned up when she was out. Yep, her secret was totally secure. "Hello Babs," a voice stated out of the shadows. She jumped and turned around in a fighting stance.

The owner of the voice walked out of the shadows, revealing himself to be Robin. "How did you know?" she asked, slightly concerned about how much he knew. They'd never even met yet he was calling her by her nickname. A nickname she only told a select few to call her. 

"Do you not know who I am?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Batgirl knew he was Robin but she guessed that wasn't what she was supposed to know. She was supposed to know who he really was. He waited patiently for her to think. Patient, quiet, formal, short, black hair, weird yellow markings... No. No this couldn't be him. Everyone knew what happened to the current Robin. Well everyone in the hero and villain business. Word got around fast. She stalked towards him to get a better look. The features lined up. "Oh Dickie," she whispered. The yellow marks were never this prominent which made her think he was wearing make up most of the time. "That explains so much." He tilted his head in confusion, that innocent look that hid it all on his face. 

"How so?"

"With how you act. I don't know much about Talons but-"

"Refrain from mentioning them," he interrupted. "Please." Batgirl nodded solemnly. She put a hand on his cheek and traced the lines of yellow with her thumb. "Batman has suggested that you and I go on a mission together. He said it will be a good way to help you with working with us. Would you like to?" She snapped herself from the shock of seeing her friend in the new light. He didn't seem the type to crave that sort of sympathy or empathy from people. More of the type to become aggravated by it because he's already had so much. "Alright. What day?"

"Tomorrow. We'll give you the cover that you're sleeping over at our house. Your Dad has already been informed and agreed to the matter," he explained.

"What would've happened if I didn't take the offer?" Batgirl asked curiously.

"Then we would've had a sleepover. It would help with my transition to normality whatever that means. I'll leave you to your patrol. Goodnight Batgirl."

"Night Robin," she said, watching him disappear back into the shadows. She stared at the spot for a moment before carrying on. God, he was so weird.

Their mission was to solve the odd occurrences that passing boats reported. Due to the Island only having suspicious occurrences and nothing that was actually illegal, the coast guard refused to investigate which was why they were there. There were a few buildings, three in total. Well, the third was hardly a building. It was mostly rubble since the roof had collapsed and crumbled the structure. "This is going to be so boring," Batgirl complained. When she heard the word mission used, she'd gotten excited thinking it was some big event, not some recon goose chase. Robin hummed, looking around for anything suspicious. "We should've just had that sleepover. We could've played games, watch some movies and tell ghost stories," she recited, taking in little of her surroundings. They walked into the second building. 

"Why would you do that?" Robin asked. The room they were in was empty and they couldn't hear any movement within its two floors. It was most likely only inhabited by birds and rats, a few spiders maybe. "Because they're fun! Have you never had one before?" He shook his head with a frown. She mentally cursed at herself. Of course, he hadn't. "Well, what do you like to do for fun?" she asked. They climbed up the rickety stairs and looked around the top floor together.

"I like patrol."

"Outside of work then? You've got to find something else fun," she insisted.

"I think you're fun." She laughed to herself and shook her head. He didn't understand what was funny but decided not to ask. He didn't understand what was funny a lot of the time so he supposed this was just another time. "What do you think of this place then?" she inquired.

"I don't like it. Something feels off."

Static suddenly sounded from behind them and they whipped around in a fighting stance. There wasn't anyone there but it sure did feel like someone had joined them in the room. They went back to back so neither had a blind spot. "Still perceptive. One of a Talon's most important skills," a cold voice stated. Batgirl felt Robin shiver at the sound of the voice. 

"Do you know who that is?" she asked on a whim. He nodded, his face paling and the white lenses of his mask wide. He tapped his thumb twice. Weird. Maybe it was an anxiety thing. 

"Let's see if we can get that Talon training working hmm?" A whistle followed by three words spoken in a different language came through. Robin clamped his hands over his ears to drown it out and it almost worked. Almost. Whoever was behind this just cranked up the volume and repeated the sequence over and over until the boy dropped to his knees. His hands sunk down and rested limply against his sides. His face became expressionless, his eyes calm. The yellow marks under his skin subtlety glowed in the dark like it was beginning to start up and course through him once again. Batgirl took a step forward to help but thought better of it. She didn't know what was going on and surely messing with a former Talon wasn't a good idea. "What is your Talon number?"

"Talon 1336 Faction 3 Section 46," Robin recited in a plain tone, standing back up. Batgirl backed away from him but he ignored her as though she wasn't even there. He stared forward blankly, not reacting to her creaking around on the other side of the room. "Talon field test to reintroduce missing Talon. If failed, we'll turn to plan X," the voice recited. There was probably someone else there. Maybe this was being recorded. "Talon 1336 Faction 3 Section 46, kill the subject known as Batgirl."

Immediately, Batgirl decided this would be a good time to head out. She quickly climbed out the window whilst Robin took in his mission. She went straight to the first building and ran inside. After giving a quick search of the bottom floor, she found that she could hide. It was a small fireplace that had a chimney attached. Hopefully, it would keep her hidden for as long as it took for her to get a distress signal through. She didn't fancy her chances with a full-on Talon. Once she crawled in and climbed halfway up, she contacted Batman. "We received Robin's distress call what's happening over there?" he asked worriedly. In the background, there was a hum of an engine. A rather large engine. He must be on his way thank goodness. 

"He's turned all Talon. Someone told him to kill me!" she whisper-yelled. This wasn't how she envisioned their mission going. She wanted it to be short so they could actually hang out together. Though, she didn't know if she was comfortable around him anymore after tonight. With just such a simple sequence he could become a killer at any moment. How was she supposed to trust someone who could change so quickly with no way of stopping it? "Do not engage in combat unless it's a last resort. We're not that far away now. Stay calm," he told her. She hummed but staying calm was rather hard under the circumstances. "Keep me on call but don't speak." She did so.

The silence was broken when the back door was opened. Next, she could hear furniture being thrown about and doors being opened violently. The sound made her whimper in fear. Big mistake. That's what he wanted to hear. His hearing was enhanced greatly and he made sure to make lots of noise to hear just what she did. He walked up to the chimney and looked inside. Batgirl was already at the top and climbing onto the roof. It didn't take him long to join her there. She yelped at the sight of him and threw a smoke bomb at the ground where she was then she slid down the drainpipe. She booked it towards the lush woods that surrounded the three buildings and kept going. Behind her, she could make out next to silent pattering footsteps. Occasionally they'd stop and she'd think she was in the clear, only for her to hear a soft thud and closer footsteps. "Leave me alone!" she shrieked, running at top speed. There wasn't any response but she didn't expect one. Though, she'd rather some sort of snarky comment rather than the silence she was given. Asif her luck couldn't get any worse, roots were sticking up from the ground and had begun to chuck it down. Her foot caught on the underneath of one and sent her tumbling forward down a hill. Robin watched her roll down then slid down the wet mud. He waited for her to stop rolling then climbed on top of her. His small hands wrapped around her neck and began pressing down, making it harder and harder to breathe. His expression never changed. It was terrifying. Batgirl could feel it being burned into her mind, only recurring at the worst times or in the form of a nightmare.

Once the initial shock of the action wore off, she bridged which made him fall forward slightly. She knocked his elbows, making his arms collapse in, then flipped them over so she was on top. Batgirl grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head, hoping that she'd get some time to catch her breath. That wish wasn't granted. Her grip wasn't as strong as she wanted it to be and he was able to wiggle out of it. His hand moved to his utility belt and she immediately got off of him to create some space. In his hand, he held a sharp Birderang. Why did they give him such sharp things when he was so dangerous? There was no way she was working with these guys again. They were clearly out of their minds. Was she going to die because of them just taking in a Talon? Probably. She hoped her dad found out and blamed them completely. Heroes didn't put other heroes in danger. She dodged the Birderangs with only one hitting her in the shoulder. She hissed and pulled it out, beginning to run in the opposite direction. Robin hunted her down easily and once again had the upper hand. She no longer had the strength to push him off or flip them over so all she could do was struggle against his hold. His hands once again trailed to her neck. She gripped the Birderang she'd pulled out and begun slashing at his arms. He didn't grunt in pain but there was a twinge in his face and the pressure on her neck loosened enough for her to suck in a rare breath.

During all the fighting, neither had heard Batman arrive on the Island. When Robin was plucked off his companion by the older and restrained, they were both rather shocked. Batman whispered the sequence backwards and Robin went limp. He let the boy drop to the ground slowly then offered a helping hand to Batgirl. "You put me on a mission with a ticking time bomb!" she screamed, standing up on her own and shoving him away. 

"I didn't know the Court would be here," he stated.

"That doesn't matter! I bet you knew he could turn! You just stuck him with me so he didn't kill one of your beloved sidekicks," she argued. He shook his head, opening his mouth to defend himself when he noticed the blood on his hands. He hadn't seen it before. He looked back to Robin who was panting on the floor, eyes half-open, blood pouring from the open cuts on his arms. He didn't blame Batgirl for making them. She obviously thought she was going to die and it was a last-ditch attempt to break free. Still, it hurt him to see Robin in such a state caused by his friend. "You know what? Forget it! I don't want to talk to you two ever again. He's a freak and you're insane! Just take me home!" she ordered. He nodded and collected the small acrobat in his arms, leading the girl back to the jet. Admittedly, seeing him in the older's arms, Batgirl felt sorry for him. Then she remembered he'd tried to kill her numerous times.

Barbara and Dick didn't talk for a while after that. They hardly looked at one another. Neither of the pair felt good about not spending time with one another but things had happened and their dynamic had changed. Dick didn't do much of anything anymore. He stayed in his room most of the time then pretended to be too tired or sick for either patrol or training. At school, he remained quiet. Nobody bullied him but nobody really talked to him either. He was just there. A silent student who did their work and went through school like a ghost. Barbara had other friends to turn to and often spent her lunches with them. The only thing was everyone talked over one another. Nobody listened. She'd say a joke and nobody would even hear. It made her wish Dick was there. He always listened patiently and gave intelligent responses so she knew he was really taking in what she was saying. Sometimes she'd catch eyes with him across the playground and think maybe they should be friends again. He was really sweet and kind. Then she'd remember him hunting her down like a lion would a gazelle. That cold look he had when he applied pressure to her throat without a second thought. She couldn't trust him. He could turn at any moment. He shouldn't even be back in school. Perhaps her fear of him was getting the better of her and pushing away all the good qualities he had. That didn't matter. Talons would always be Talons. She hypothesized that all his feelings were put on. It explained the blank expressions and the monotone voice. Fleeting parts of "emotions" were just added in here and there to make him seem normal. Well, that's what she thought until one week later on a cold dark night.

Batgirl was putting her new thermal suit to use that night. Although it wouldn't snow, it was terribly cold and she didn't fancy getting sick after staying out in it for hours. As she jumped across alleys and stopped a few muggings, she was stopped by Batman. They also hadn't talked in a while. Her face twisted in disgust when she saw him but it soon changed when she took in his expression. There was an air of ever so slight anxiousness about it. He was never anxious. Everyone knew that. He was a stone-cold emotionless vigilante. He only ever showed the slightest emotions if one of his proteges were in danger. "I said I didn't want to talk to you," she hissed.

"Have you seen Robin?" he asked, ignoring her reminder.

"No. Why?" She couldn't help but be intrigued about what had him so worried.

"He's missing. We don't know if he's out as Robin or Dick. He's not even wearing his tracker and he always wears a tracker," Batman explained. "I know you hate us but if you see him, tell me. No one can afford his return to the Court." Batgirl couldn't help but take on some of his worries. He was unhinged yes but he seemed genuinely scared of that place. 

"Fine but that's only because he'll be putting people in more danger if he goes back, got it?" He nodded and took off in the direction she'd just come from, hoping a second look would benefit him.

Subconsciously, Batgirl began searching for the boy. She didn't really know why. She felt scared of him. He wasn't what she thought he was. Yet here she was checking every nook and cranny she came across for him. Her extensive search paid off when she went to the docks. She spotted a small boy on the pier with a backpack on. He looked around carefully being sneaking onto an unmanned boat that had been tied up for the night. It was a simple motorboat but it would take him pretty far. Knowing that small boys weren't usually by the docks at one in the morning, she presumed that this boy was Dick. It would've been very easy to just call up Batman and tell him to get over here. But she didn't call him. No. By the time he got there, Dick would've set off and gone God knows where. She sighed to herself. Dick did scare the living hell out of her but she had to step in. She justified it by telling herself that he was better living with Batman and his lot so there was always a close eye on him. Batgirl jumped down and dashed over, stopping but a few feet away from him. "It's not a nice night for sailing," she stated, catching his attention. He turned to her, his tired features and expression illuminating once they were brought towards the light. 

"I'll manage." He jumped down onto the boat and brought out a pick locking kit from his bag. He unlocked the wheel so he could steer it then went to cut off the rope tying him to the pier with a knife. Batgirl jumped down onto the boat with him. "You're not going anywhere. You have to stay in Gotham," she announced. He raised an eyebrow at her, pausing from cutting the rope. 

"Stay and hurt the people I care about?" he asked. "Because that's all I seem to do." She opened her mouth to counter yet she faltered. That was all the confirmation he needed. "If you want to protect Gotham, get out of the boat." She frowned to herself at the decision. Gotham was her city to protect. It had to come first. Despite that faint voice in her head urging her to stay, she got out and climbed onto the pier. She began to walk away and played with the idea of calling Batman. Would there be any point? Dick was trained by Talons, he could disappear easily. Batman would just be wasting all his resources looking for him. He cut through the rope and started up the boat, giving the ginger one last look of remorse. He turned and gripped the wheel, beginning to leave the harbor.

Gotham was her city to protect. It had to come first. But not this time. Batgirl whipped around and sprinted, jumping off the dock and onto the motorboat. "What're you doing?" Dick asked, not turning around to look at her.

"I can't let you do this," she answered. He shook his head at her and set a course for an island nearby. He'd just drop her off there and leave. It wouldn't be hard. He could turn around but that risked being caught by either his brothers or Batman. Leaving her there was the least risky option. She could just call the coastguard to pick her up. "And why's that?"

"Because...it's not right. You-you belong here," she insisted. He shook his head again, not looking at her. 

"I hurt people Barbara. Had I stayed there, I would've hurt more." His shoulders slumped at the thought of it. He didn't want to hurt anyone else. It was only a matter of time before his family reacted as Barbara had. It would just be easier to leave now before they order him to leave. That way he could cut out getting too attached to them. "I hurt people, Batman hurts people, every vigilante hero hurts people! It's what we do," Batgirl ranted, hoping he'd hear some reason. Dick's posture became rigid. 

"I could've killed you. There's a difference."

They remained silent until he ended up at the island. He stopped and got off, his former friend following him. "Stay here. Call the Coastguard. Leave me alone," he demanded. She shook her head defiantly which only made him frustrated. 

"I'm not leaving you," she argued. "It's not right." His hands balled up into tight fists, his nails digging into the skin of his palms and drawing blood. His mind worked overtime to try and figure this out yet it couldn't come to a conclusion. He just couldn't comprehend something so irrational. "Why? Why do you suddenly care about me again? You're supposed to hate me!" he yelled.

"I don't hate you, I'm scared of you! You would've murdered me if Batman didn't come when he did!" she shouted back. Just remembering that night was bringing tears to her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to assess her emotions. One look at Dick told her he was getting upset too. One of them had to sort themselves out and it had to be her. "But...I still like you. You're the only person who listens. You're kind to me. Maybe-maybe you'll change." She could feel her own views on the boy changing. He looked so vulnerable now that the idea he was some secret killing machine were all fading away. He was a Talon but he clearly didn't want to be. Running away with hardly anything showed that. His remorse over hurting her showed that. Seeing the scabs on his arms a little red around the edges where he'd clearly picked at them through stress told her that. "No you have changed," she corrected, surer of herself. "You clearly don't want to be that. I just couldn't see it before because I was scared."

"You were scared of me for a good reason! I'm scared of me!" he exclaimed. "I don't even know what I am anymore! I'm neither Talon nor human yet at a sequence of words I have no control! I'm just some sort of puppet!"

Dick began to tremble, unable to understand or deal with how he felt. Everything was just so hard to clarify when it wasn't black and white. He loved being around people yet there was always an underlying sense of dread that somehow he'd hear that sequence and try to hurt them. He didn't want to run away but he didn't want to stay. There were so many contradictions and blurry lines. Nothing made any sense. Was that how humans felt? Was that how Talons felt? He couldn't tell which was which. He was just getting tossed around the two terms, not getting a grip on either label. To his knowledge, there was no one like him. There was no such thing as a reformed Talon. Was he ever really reformed? That Talon side of him that could be switched on whenever might only be there because he hadn't let go of that side of himself. One look at the mirror told him he hadn't let go or rather it hadn't let go of him. Yellow marks and yellow-blue eyes staring back at him. His lack of expression when he felt something. His posture constantly being perfect. That was Talon. Then there was his want to be with people. His ever-growing need to be accepted and loved. The habits he'd somehow developed of picking and scratching at himself when he was stressed or upset. Those were human. What was he?

"Dick, breathe," Batgirl told him. He was suddenly thrust back into reality. She was holding his forearms tightly and staring at him. Fear and concern filled her emerald eyes. "C'mon do it with me. Deep breath in," she said. Dick watched her carefully, copying her actions. "Then out." He nodded and did the same. Soon he realized that he'd been breathing shallowly and quickly for a while and his breath had only now been evened out. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that," Dick replied. He was shaking all over as his body relished in the oxygen it now had. His brain felt fuzzy and he was all of a sudden very tired.

"Don't be." Batgirl helped him to the ground and sat beside him on the sand. The waves crashed against the shore. She was glad Dick was smart enough to drag their boat further onto the sand so it didn't get washed away during their confrontation. They both stared out into the darkness as they tried to sober up from what happened. "You're scared of yourself?" she asked quietly. He nodded, already beginning to pick at the scabs again. She tapped his hand lightly to stop him. "You'll get them infected."

"Perhaps that's what I deserve. A tiny infection is hardly punishment enough for my actions," he replied, tearing up. He brought his knees up to his chest then rested his head on them. "I hurt my best friend," he cried. Batgirl put her arm around him and then moved him so he was sitting in her lap. He was so small yet he could snap her neck quite easily. He cried into his chest, clutching at her cape and suit for comfort. She rubbed circles on his back and shushed him gently. "You can't help it when you hear those words?" she asked.

"I don't have control anymore. I can't fight it," he answered. He'd began twirling her ginger locks, finding the actions quite soothing. 

"Then it wasn't you who hurt me in a way. It was the Court of Owls controlling you." He shrugged. "It just scared me so much thinking I was going to die right there. I thought I knew what was going on but I guess I didn't. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I should've never have stayed in Gotham. Should've left when I had the chance. Then you wouldn't have been hurt." She pushed him away a bit so they were face to face. She slowly brought a hand to his face, making him flinch slightly before relaxing, and wiped the tears away. 

"You're not still thinking of running away, are you? You can't leave," Batgirl insisted.

"But what if Batman's not there to stop me?"

"That doesn't matter. Your family care about you. I care about you. We can figure something out. We can't do that if you're somewhere else in the world and we don't know where you are. Not to mention how easy it makes you to be plucked up by them." His eyes went to the ground as he leaned into her touch. She sighed to herself. "Dick, please don't leave. I don't think that family of yours would work if you weren't there."

"If I stay, can we be friends again?" She nodded with a soft smile. That's what he needed. He needed stability in those around him and now she knew that she'd make sure she'd be that stable figure. "Then I'll stay."

They returned to the harbor and Batgirl called Batman. He and his boys were there in minutes. Red Hood immediately scooped up his little brother and held him close, kissing him on the cheek. "You're never leaving us again, you hear?" he stated, kissing him again. 

"Stop hogging him Drake," Nightwing complained, plucking the younger away and holding him on his hip. 

"Thank you for finding him," Batman said.

"It's no problem," Batgirl responded awkwardly. She looked over to Dick who was sleepily accepting the love and affection Red Robin and Red Hood were trying to give him. "He wanted to run away because he thought he was going to hurt someone again. I accept my part in making him think that but I'd like to try again."

"You're welcome to. I can understand that he can be a...struggle for lack of better terms but there is something rewarding about knowing him," Batman replied. They watched Dick snuggle up closer to Nightwing's chest with the tiniest of satisfied smiles on his face. It brought a grin to Batgirl's face. 

"Yeah, there really is."

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