The old switcheroo

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Here's the full one. Yes I got super confused writing this so I'm sorry if I super confuse you too

Dick in Wally's body 'talks like this'

Wally in Dick's body 'talks like this'

Edited 13/02/2024: format change and additions

"Rob look out!" Kid Flash yelled before running into the younger. A bright beam of light was headed towards the raven-haired boy so Kid Flash booked it to push him out of the way. Well, that had been the plan. Instead, he ended up being caught in the beam of light with the younger since as fast as he was, he hadn't mastered going faster than the speed of light. They fell to the ground with a loud thud and tangled with each other to make a lump of limbs, the sound alerting the rest of the team. Robin let out a groan and sat up, rubbing the side of his head where he hit the ground knowing he'd get a lecture about it later. 

"That could've gone better," he said, although, he sounded suspiciously like Wally. In fact, he sounded exactly like Wally. 

"Yeah, you should probably work on that," Kid Flash replied. Now he sounded exactly like Robin. Their leader stared at them in confusion whilst he sent the others to find where the beam of light had come from. If it did what he thought it did, they were in for a very long night. Until this point, both boys had had their eyes closed to deal with the pain but as that subsided they soon realised a very big problem. "I'm in KF's body?" Kid Flash questioned.

"I'm in Robin's body!" Robin shrieked. His voice cracked harshly due to the puberty-prone voice box Wally now possessed. 

"We got Freaky Fridayed," Kid Flash muttered. It almost brought a smile to his face.

"This isn't funny! What if we're stuck like this forever? I'll be short forever!" Robin complained. 

"Watch it, I know where all my weak points are."

"Calm down. We'll figure out how to switch you two back once we get back," Aqualad intervened. They shot one more glare at each other and picked themselves up off the ground which was surprisingly hard when your limbs were a different length than what you were accustomed to. 

The others returned and explained that the people who shot the beam were long gone. Aqualad sighed and then ordered that they return to the Mountain. 

"What did the machine look like?" Kid Flash asked. 

"Looked like a blue canon with a computer attached. There was a light inside of it I think," Artemis replied, thrown off by hearing Robin's voice come from the wrong body. 

"Something similar hit Batman and Superman one time. KF can you look up the 'Ol Switcheroo' case file?" Robin stared at him, dumbfounded. 

"I don't know how to work this thing!

"Just give me my glove," he ordered. He snatched the glove away from the shorter and put it on. It was much tighter than he thought it would be but that was neither here nor there. He wasn't about to lose his cool over a glove. "I have small hands," he muttered. He continued to type in the case name and found the case. After a quick run-through, he found that the effects went away after six hours of mishaps. Namely, Batman almost vapourising Robin on patrol with his newfound laser eyes and Superman falling off a building due to muscle memory telling him he'd fly. 

"So we'll be fine by morning?" Robin inquired. His voice continued to crack awkwardly, making his peers cringe.

"Probably longer since technology like this tends to get better over time." 

"At least we can infer that it won't be forever," Aqualad commented. "I'll call your mentors and explain the situation." They weren't going to be happy.

After a quick search around the building, they found that the culprits had left the immediate area. Luckily, they were only there to get a few files and bounce straight afterwards. It just so happened some of them were bouncing in the wrong bodies. They walked back to the ship, all dreading the lecture Batman would surely give them on the dangers of random light beams they were supposed to predict as if that was perfectly normal and expected. 

"Y'know, if this were permanent, I bet my life would be pretty easy as you," Robin commented smugly. Kid Flash rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right. You wouldn't last a day in my shoes," he argued.

"Wanna bet?" Of course, they were going to turn this into a bet, the others thought. 

"Okay run that by me again," Barry said slowly, trying to come to terms with the situation at hand. It was just plain wrong to hear his nephew's voice come out of the wrong body. In fact, it sent a shiver down his spine when he first became aware of the predicament. It was uncanny valley knowing the person who looked like his nephew was in fact not his nephew. Along with Bruce and Dick, they went to a private room to discuss whether the boys should go to school the next day or not. The boys argued they should in order to fully experience a day in the life of one another but it was proving hard for Barry to understand. 

"Dick and I switched bodies so we're making the best of a bad situation by betting on whose life is harder.  If I win, Dick does my physics homework and if he wins, I have to do his English," Dick explained again in an exasperated tone. This must've been the fifth time he repeated the same explanation and if his voice cracked one more time, he was going to run into a wall.

 "Got it. Does that mean I'm looking after Dick for however long this lasts?" he asked. The younger nodded. "Cool."

"Not cool at all. I don't want to be responsible for Wally and I'm certainly not letting him be Robin," Bruce argued. He didn't want to spend more time than needed with the speedster and he really didn't want to let him have full reign over Dick's life for an hour, let alone a whole day. He could ruin Dick's reputation in an instant or experience something neither of them deserved. 

"C'mon B, it won't be that bad! Consider this as a humbling experience for me. You don't want me to grow up and be like those mean old rich people right?" Wally persuaded.  Bruce let out an aggravated groan. He supposed it would give him ample time to get a good gauge of Wally's true character. He always did wonder if he was a good friend for his ward.

"Fine. I'll play along." The boys whooped and high-fived. 

"Er Barry, I think you might have to teach him to use my powers. He's basically vibrating," Dick commented, feeling the vibrations go through his hand. "You haven't been this hyperactive since you were a kid."

"I'm always hyperactive, it's just more noticeable now I can vibrate," Wally explained. "I'll let Babs know you're coming. Oh and don't talk to Arty. I wanna see how long it takes her to figure it out," he added. "It" being his civilian identity. 

"Great, I can't wait to prove I'm the superior ginger in your life."

"Wally no."

The next day they embarked on their bets. Barbara waved to Dick, beckoning him over before he tried to talk to anyone he shouldn't. Although she was expecting the ginger's voice to come out of her raven-haired friend, it still shook her up to actually hear it. 

"How're things, Babs?" Dick asked, a smirk firmly placed on his face. Somehow it still looked like the signature Wally smile even if it was on a different face. 

"Freaky. Anyway, here's your story. Bruce called in to say you're sick which is why your voice is messed up and you're not your usual self. Add some coughs in when you can to really sell it," she explained. He nodded, scoffing at her.

 "You bats make everything so complicated." She let out a low grumble and punched him in the arm. 

"You watch it. You may be in Dick's body but I'm not afraid to beat the crap out of you."

"Screw you too."

"You're the b-tech ginger in his life and you know it." Before he could counter, he was cut off by the school bell ringing for lessons.

Over in Central City, Wally was strolling into class. The night before he'd gotten the classes he had for the day and memorized the school's layout. He thought it would be too suspicious to not take the precaution as Wally had been going to that school for the last two years and wouldn't forget where his everyday classes were. There wasn't much attention paid to him when he walked into class. The only attention he got was from the teacher, commending him for being early to class for once. He enjoyed the feeling of blending in, a sensation he hadn't known in a while. 

"When your Uncle called in saying you were sick, I thought you'd be later than usual," she taunted. Wally already liked this teacher. She was way more upbeat than the ones in Gotham. They were always too serious. 

"Wouldn't even think of it Mrs. Lois," he replied, taking his spot. Thank God he hacked into the security cameras inside the classroom to find where Wally sat. He wondered if Wally had been as meticulous in his prep. Probably not. He was already dreading everything going back to normal.

By mid-day, Dick was tired. Nothing particularly tiring had happened, it was just that Dick's day was so utterly boring. It had sucked all the energy out of his body. Maybe this was why Dick's hyperactivity died down. He just had all the life taken out of him by this stuffy school and its equally stuffy teachers. He'd never complain about his overly peppy teachers again. 

"How do you even survive this school?" he complained, dramatically draping his upper half onto the lunch table. She tugged at him and made him sit properly, giving an awkward smile to anyone who gave them an odd look. 

"You get used to it," she replied. He frowned. He didn't want to get used to it. As he sat eating his lunch, he accepted that he was going to lose this stupid bet despite living in an incredibly rich body. "So what're the stakes? Dick said you guys had a bet," she asked. 

"I've gotta do his English homework if he wins and he does my physics if I win," he answered. It was odd that this was the longest they talked to one another. Even though they had been friends with the same person for almost the same amount of time, they didn't talk. They didn't really have a need to outside of asking "Have you seen him?" or "Is he okay?" Come to think of it, they only ever talked about Dick whenever they interacted.

"I would've thought so," she muttered yet he picked up on it. Dick had really good hearing he noted. No more jokes under his breath then.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You've heard his assault on the English language, right? He started doing it because he doesn't want to look dumb. He used to struggle so much in English so he made it look intentional," she informed him, slightly surprised that he didn't already know. He was surprised by it too and hated it. How could she know something like this when he didn't? He was Dick's best friend! "Did you not know that?" she asked, a slight smugness in her voice. 

"Psch of course I knew. I was just making sure we knew the same thing," he scoffed.

Meanwhile, Wally found a place to sit and began to watch as people passed him seamlessly. None of them spared him a glance. It was spectacular. Though, he supposed it must be upsetting for Wally. He must get lonely at some point being the social butterfly that he was. He made a note to hang out with him more often. It was the least he could do.

At one point, he noticed that a brunette kept looking at him and then looked away with a giggle whilst her friends made comments he couldn't quite hear. He smiled at her, waving slightly. Maybe she was a friend of Wally's he didn't know about. When he waved back, she blushed brightly and started to talk with her friends excitedly as if she'd just won a prize. Wally shrugged to himself and continued to people-watch until the girl came up to him with a piece of her paper. 

"H-Hey, my name's Lily. I-I know we do-don't talk but it would be great if we did," Lily greeted. Oh. She wasn't a friend. Wally mentally prepared himself to style this out in a beneficial way. He couldn't lead her on because the real Wally may not be into her but he couldn't reject her because he might be into her. Play it cool.

"I'd like that, it's always nice to meet new people," he replied. Lily passed the note which had a series of numbers on it. 

"He-here's my number. T-Talk later?" He nodded with a smile.

"Look forward to it," he replied, awkwardly finger-gunning at her. Lily giggled and ran back to her friends who congratulated her. Wally looked down at the note and decided to quickly send it to the ginger with a photo of the girl alongside it. He tried to keep his eyes away from her for the rest of lunch to avoid starting any unintentional romantic tension.

At the end of the day, they both waited outside their schools. Everything was normal until a wave of nausea hit them both at the same time. Barbara noticed Dick turn ten shades paler and begin to slow down. 

"You feeling alright?" she asked. Dick frowned and covered his ears. It was like he could hear two schools going at once. He frowned and shook his head. Was it too bright or was it too dark? When did those dots appear? 

Wally grimaced and leaned on a nearby wall, breathing in deeply to negate the sick feeling. Barry must've come as soon as it happened because when he opened his eyes he could see him running towards him. 

"You feeling alright?" Why did his voice double? Did it have a female undertone too? Why was everything so damn loud? 

"Wally? What's wrong?"  

"Dick? What's wrong?"

Their breathing picked up as the world began to spin faster and faster. They grabbed onto anything that was solid but they couldn't get a grip. Their hands felt like they weren't quite there but also like they were someone else's. Their heads pounded. Their surroundings got louder and louder until everything finally turned black. Dick fell back onto the ground before Barbara could catch him whilst Wally fell just in time for Barry to catch him.

Dick opened his eyes to find Barbara staring at him in concern. He was on his side in the recovery position but what shocked him most was that he wasn't as Central City High. He was in Gotham City Academy. Barry wasn't there. Barbara was there standing over him with a confused yet concerned look. 

"What the hell?" he muttered. His companion smiled slightly and helped him up off the ground. 

"Looks like you're back in your body, Pixie Boots," she stated. He rubbed the back of his head with a grumble.

"Thanks for catching me. We'll work on that in training," he teased. She rolled her eyes and twisted him around, moving his hand out of the way in the process. 

"I don't see any blood so stop complaining," Barbara told him. 

"Wow, gotta love that Gotham empathy." Bruce's limo pulled up and the billionaire stepped out with a look of dread. He walked up to them like he was walking up to a gory crime scene.

"I guess you're going home with me tonight." Dick let out a small cackle, giving away who he was in an instant. 

"1) I'm back in my body. 2) If I wasn't your ward, Babs would be calling her Dad to arrest you. 3) A moment of silence for all the pedo jokes Wally would've made had you said that to him." The older muttered a curse under his breath. 

"Alright, smartass, just get in the car."

Barry shook Wally awake, not knowing what else to do. 

"Barry stop before you make me throw up," Wally ordered, gripping the older's arms harshly. He stopped and helped him up with a laugh. 

"Oh thank God you're back," he sighed, hugging him tightly. "Not gonna lie, I was kind of scared to look after Dick. He has a tendency to get into air vents and I haven't cleaned them in like four years. Bruce would've killed me if he got sick from that but I guess you would be sick. I'm still not clear on the body thing." Wally laughed and pushed him off. 

"Hey, don't ruin my rep." As they walked back to the car, he pulled out his phone only to find it open on his contacts. He raised an eyebrow at it and looked at the photo put with it. "Oh my God," Wally mumbled.

"What is it?"

"Dick got me a chick's phone number. We should swap places more often." He sent a quick cheesy pickup line to her then pocketed his phone. "Better punch it, Barry. I have English homework to do."

"Giving up already?"

"Dude, he got a phone number and I got bored out of my mind, his life is worse."

Disappointed I didn't do angst? Me too but I'm sad enough already. Forgive me plz

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