When your Dads meet each other

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This a request by the lovely Flutterkiddo27 hope you like it!

There were a few problems when it came to having inter-dimensional friends. Other than the obvious different dimensions, you also had time differences, an ability to contact one another and long travel between each plane of existence. However, one that neither saw happening was their respective family figures insisting on meeting the other's to make sure they weren't going to be a bad influence. So, after a few meetings alone and some reworking of schedules, Peter and Dick were able to fit in the time for The Avengers and main Justice Leaguers to finally meet one another. With two such legendary teams, there may be some growing pains. They just hoped it didn't end in disaster.

"Promise you won't embarrass me," Robin ordered. He'd decided he wouldn't take the whole Justice League. It would just be silly to bring that many along. He selected the few that he was sure weren't going to cause a scene on a purpose. Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Black Canary, Green Arrow and, of course, Batman. He wished he didn't need to bring his mentor along but it was him who insisted upon meeting the other team. He just hoped Batman didn't say something stupid. "We'll be on our best behaviour," Wonder Woman assured him. He hummed sceptically. 

"You better be." He opened the portal into Peter's dimension where he looked like he was having the same talk with his team. They greeted one another with bright smiles and hugged. Seeing one another was a rarity so they didn't waste time on the boring greetings. Unfortunately, they'd have to sit through the boring meetings of the teams. "This is part of the Justice League. Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Black Canary, Green Arrow and Batman," Robin explained, pointing to each of the heroes. Only Flash and Superman gave smiles upon the mention of their name. The others maintained harsh expressions as they studied the other heroes. "These are The Avengers. Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Captain America and Ironman," Peter explained, doing the same.

"He doesn't look like a Hulk," Green Arrow stated, looking the nerdy man up and down. 

"Oh, that's because Hulk and him are sorta separate. I didn't know if we were doing civilian identities or not," Peter answered. Robin, deciding that it might make everyone a little more comfortable to go without the formality of hero names, took off his domino mask and tucked it into his utility belt. "It's not like your team hides their faces anyways."

There was some hesitance to begin a conversation with one another. Both groups were sizing one another up so actually talking to one another took a back seat in their minds. The teens glanced to one another and sighed. They should've known it would be this awkward. "Dick, can I talk to you in private real quick?" Peter asked, already grabbing his hand and walking towards the exit. 

"Yep, no problem." They walked a fair few feet away from the groups before beginning their conversation. 

"It's like a middle school dance in there! Nobody is talking," Peter complained.

"I know. I thought at least Barry would get on with Clint but neither is making much of an effort," Dick replied. Then they looked at each other with wide eyes. How could they be so dumb? Of course, people wouldn't talk in such big groups. They needed to be divided up so they could be free to converse with one another without someone else butting in. "We need to be matchmakers," the younger stated. "Put them in pairs so they have to talk."

"If we give them a topic then they'll have the foundations needed to get to one another. You can put them together since you know their personalities then we can come up with some topics together!"

"We're geniuses."

When they returned to the room, they put their plan into action. "Alright you anti-social heroes, let's try this. Flash you're with Hawkeye. Supes you're with Cap. Wonder Woman you're with Thor. Black Canary you're with Black Widow. Green Arrow with Hulk. Bats you're with Ironman," Dick announced. The teams glanced at one another, shrugged, and moved into their groups. It wasn't like standing around glaring at one another was entertaining. They may as well go along with whatever the boys were doing. "Okay, everyone introduce yourselves in your civilian IDs. Even you Bats." They did so. The teens then split up to give each one of them a topic to talk about that was sure to get them into the swing of things. Barry and Clint had the topic of pranks which they both immediately began boasting about. Clark and Steve were given the outline of justice and had a nice conversation over what it meant to be such iconic figures for the topic. Diana and Thor shared a joke or two over the topic of being Gods in a human world. Dinah and Natasha had the topic of the difficulties of being badasses and women. Each had their own thing to say on the matter so it led to an interesting talk. Oliver and Bruce were given the common ground of their dual lives. Finally, Bruce and Tony were given the topic of being billionaires. After a while, the room was filled with the sways of different conversations but all of them being light and breezy. There were a few laughs shares, some cooing presumably from exchanging stories about the youngest of either team.

Dick and Peter were just about to pat themselves on the back until they saw Bruce and Tony. They weren't getting on. At all. Peter used his superhearing to tune into what they were saying and cringed. "Your mentor just called mine self obsessed." He daren't say what else he heard. He didn't think he was allowed to repeat those words without permission. 

"Dammit," Dick cursed. "I knew those two were going to be sticklers." They were both stubborn and hard-headed but they had so many good things in common. Their love for creating technology, their wants for justice, the positive work they do in out of being heroes, being the father figures to teen heroes. Why couldn't they just see that? "You said they have hobbies in common right? Like creating things?" Peter began. The smaller nodded. "If they're both creating then maybe they'll see the things they have in common and start liking one another." That could work but what if they just began arguing again? That combined with tools and people who knew combat like the back of their hands spelt disaster. They'd have to come up with a distraction worthy enough of preventing them from hurting one another. "That could work but I think we need a plan B."

"We'd be idiots not to have one," Peter replied. "Got any ideas?"

"Depends, how's your acting?"

As they hurled insults at one another in low tones so others wouldn't hear, they noticed their respective son figures coming over to them. They halted the swears and used the more pg language that they had become fluent in thanks to having children. "Dick and I were going to head to the lab to tinker, fancy coming with us?" Peter asked. The boys gave their mentors that look that meant they didn't have a choice in the matter unless they wanted to hear them complain about it later on. They sighed and nodded. "Sure, I could do with getting some work done," Tony replied. 

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see your tech. Perhaps I could give you some improvements," Bruce said, taunting the other philanthropist.

"Great! Pete and I can work on his web shooter and you two can do whatever old people do,"

"We're not that old. At least, I'm not," Tony replied. He looked Bruce up and down. "I don't know if the same could be said for him." Before Bruce could fire back, the boys urged them to get up and follow them to the lab. This was going to be one of the hardest things they've ever tried to pull off but they were way too determined to go back now.

The first thing Bruce did when he entered the lab was a shrug. It was a small shrug and it was too himself mostly. However, Tony saw it and became offended. "Did you just shrug at seeing my lab?" he asked. People would kill to see this place and this man just shrugs at this work of art? If he was trying to make a good impression, he was failing severely. "I just expected more by how much you went on about it," Bruce replied, disinterested. Dick nervously laughed and elbowed him in the side harshly. His smile was strained as he glanced at his mentor. 

"Ah, that good ol Bats humour. You didn't mean that right?" he asked, his tone pointed so Bruce got the message he was desperately trying to send. 

"Sure." He facepalmed at the lack of enthusiasm. What was he going to do with him? 

"Mr Stark, how about you show him around. I'm sure he'll be impressed by your suits," Peter suggested. Unable to argue with the doe-eyed teen, Tony nodded. 

"Fine, come on gloom and doom." The teens watched them walk away and sat down at the table. 

"I'm sorry about him. He can be such a.." Dick's sentence trailed off as he stewed in his frustration. If Bruce just wanted to come here to start a fight, he would've never brought him. He was being so annoying. When they got home, he was so going to get it. "Don't worry about it. Mr Stark isn't helping diffuse the situation," Peter assured him.

"Still. I don't get why our Dads don't like one another."

"He's not my Dad-"

"-it's not like they have nothing in common," he continued, ignoring him. Not my dad. Pfft. That to be the biggest lie he ever told. They turned to look at the men they had hoped to act maturely. They were now arguing over strapping lasers to your suit.

Dick slammed his hands on the table and got all eyes on him. His eyes welled up and his face was red with frustration. "I asked you not to embarrass me and that's exactly what you did! You're so up yourself, you didn't even try! It's like you don't even care!" he shouted before running out of the room. Peter jumped to his feet, looking empathetically in the direction of the younger before turning to the others. "You're not off the hook either, Mr Stark. Somehow I thought that you could keep things civil but you just can't let things go, can you? I can't believe either of you right now. You completely ruined today for us," he stated. His voice never sounded so stern. Tony couldn't help but shrink upon hearing it. He felt like a child being scolded and, considering he was older than the person telling him off, it wasn't a fun feeling. "You two need to sort things out before you even try to come find us," Peter added. With that, he stomped off and slammed the lab door behind him. Had he not restrained himself just that little bit, it would've smashed under his strength. "I don't say this often but I think I might've done something wrong," Tony said.

"That's the smartest thing you've said today," Bruce responded. He sighed, tutting at himself. He was being rude again. This wasn't how he wanted to start things but he was already so far into his bitchy persona that he couldn't dig himself back out. "Dick spoke highly of you when he got back. Called you a genius," he reminisced.

"He's not wrong," Tony bragged. Bruce rolled his eyes at the man. He was never a fan of cocky people. Cocky people got confident. Confident people didn't think before they did something. That something might just get them killed. Plus, half the time, they had no reason to be cocky. Unfortunately, this time it seemed there was a reason to be cocky. This billionaire was smart. To create the mechanics behind the suits and have them work without fault could be made by nothing less than a genius. "Never called me that."

There was a lull in the conversation before Bruce decided he needed to be the bigger person and try to redeem his image. This wasn't his finest hour, in or out of the suit. He thought back on what the boys had tried to do before. Pick a topic they both have in common and talk about it. "How long have you had yours?" he inquired. Tony quirked an eyebrow. 

"My team?"

"No, your ward," he clarified. They'd somehow migrated to the table their boys were once sat at and sat down together. Neither knew why they were drawn to sit there, they just did. Maybe they were subconsciously trying to make the best out of the bad situation they'd made. "He's my intern, not my ward," Tony corrected. "I've known him for a few years now." Bruce hummed. He was sure they'd been ward and parental guardian from the way Dick talked about their dynamic. They might not be there yet. He didn't doubt that something would eventually become of their father/son relationship. "What about your boy?" Tony asked, continuing the conversation.

"I've had him for five years now."

"Is he your intern?" Bruce shook his head with a chuckle.

"Heavens no, I'm his guardian. Fostered him after his parents died," he explained.

"He would've been nine or so when that happened, can't imagine how hard it would've been to raise him," Tony offered sympathetically. His feelings were genuine. With a man like him, it can't have been easy providing everything a grieving child needed. "I had help. My butler raised me so he taught me a thing or two. Dick's not that hard either. I can't imagine having Peter is much easier," he said. Tony laughed to himself, looking up at the place where the teen once was. 

"Underoos isn't that bad. He's just at that age where he's keeping secrets."

"Other than being a hero?" Bruce asked. They shared a smile. It wasn't that much but, considering how they were before, it was enough. "Mine's always been secretive. I have to pry it out of him. He's even started to do it with injuries he gets on patrol."

"That's why I have a programme in his suit. Tells me everything I need to know when he won't say anything." Bruce hummed. He might use that. It would cut out the arguing over it and the potential blood loss. "I could give you the software? Saves you some trouble." It seemed sharing stories about their boys and the antics they got up to was just the thing to make the pair get on well. They weren't best friends for life but they could tolerate one another long enough to carry out some awkward Dad talk. "We should go apologize to them. Dick and I have patrol soon so we can't stay long," Bruce stated. Tony nodded.

"Yep, I think we've learnt our lesson."

When they found Peter and Dick, they were having an in-depth conversation on the ethics of vigilantism. They expected them to be talking about something nerdy from pop culture so this was a nice surprise. Tony knocked on the door and walked in with the Dark Knight following him. "What do you want?" Dick asked, folding his arms defiantly. 

"We'd like to say sorry for our behaviour. I don't say sorry often so you should appreciate this," Tony answered.

"We didn't mean to upset either of you," Bruce added. The teens looked at one another then nodded before turning back to them. 

"We accept your apology but we won't be so lenient next time," Dick said on behalf of the two of them. He looked down at his watch and tutted. "Guess it's time for us to get going. Give us a minute alone, 'kay?" They nodded and walked out.

"I have to say, I wasn't sure your plan would work but it did like a charm," Peter praised his friend. 

"Emotional manipulation is how I get him to play nice."

"That's sort of menacing."

"Yeah, menacing is my thing."

Time for sleep

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