Who's the Dad?

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Requested by the ever so lovely (they never contacted me so i guess they evaporated RIP)

Hope you enjoy the story or this will be very disappointing

Edited 07/02/2024: format change

The Teen Titans walked into the Tower one by one. 


Beast Boy. 




Only Robin wasn't the sixteen-year-old leader with the inability to crack a smile without the slightest bit of sarcasm leaving his lips. He was now a nine-year-old ball of energy that beamed at almost everything. They were disconcerted, to say the least at the new state of Robin but some, namely Starfire, couldn't help but enjoy his new presence. 

"So I get to lead you in the future? That's awesome!" Robin exclaimed. His eyes were wide with excitement. It brought odd happiness to an otherwise uncomfortable situation. Despite enjoying the energy Mini Robin was giving out, they instantly got to work trying to reverse whatever the Hell caused this mess. They headed to the lab with Robin trotting behind them with childish awe about himself. "Am I a tough-love leader or am I a hug-for-everyone leader?" he asked, sitting on the desk as Cyborg got some medical tests prepared.

 "Tough love," Beast Boy responded. Something was endearing about Mini Robin that must've lessened with age. Their Robin wasn't half as boisterous as this one. Part of them wished they'd been there to enjoy this version since he was so easy to be around. Despite their worry, he did a good job of keeping them looking on the bright side.  

"Ah, like B then. So what's the crack here? Is this permanent?"

"You're certainly inquisitive," Raven commented, slightly aggravated by the seemingly endless questions. 

"I'm an acquired taste," he responded smugly. They rolled their eyes collectively.

A few minutes later the test results were back and they thanked God for modern technology then quickly retracted that thanks. 

"This just says he's a healthy nine-year-old. There's nothing out of the ordinary," Cyborg announced as he slumped back in his chair in defeat. The team let out a collective unhappy sigh, making Robin feel a little awkward. He could understand why, most people didn't want their friends to switch with their kid selves and even Barbara got tired of him when she hit her teen years but that didn't shake the uneasiness of knowing they didn't want him here. They made that quite clear. He frowned and thought about what could've caused him to change. He didn't remember anything past how old he was now so it wasn't simply shrinking into a child. They had to be missing something.

"Have you ruled out time travel? Maybe old Robin and I switched places," he suggested.

"There's no sign of radiation that would've come with time travel," Cyborg told him.

"What about magic? Not all spells have residual energy. Even if Raven didn't pick up on anything, it could've been such a weak spell she wouldn't think to acknowledge it," he said. They needed answers and, since he was their leader only half an hour ago, he took it upon himself to provide them with some explanations. It seemed the suggestion stuck when Raven glanced at Cyborg with a pensive look. 

"It could be possible. If the spell caused no real threat to his health then I wouldn't have noticed it," she confirmed. 

"And you said yourself that my results came back as normal," Robin added.

"Then what do we do?" Starfire questioned. "He cannot stay like this until he is sixteen again. We need our leader and I'm not sure how to look after someone so young."

"All we can do is wait it out and hope it fixes itself," Raven replied.

The mood hadn't lightened as Robin had intended it to. They were bummed out not having their Robin around and having no way to make the change instant. He could sympathize with them; if Batman was suddenly turned into a nine-year-old with no memory of him he'd feel pretty bad too. Wait, Batman. Batman would know what to do. He always knew what to do. 

"You guys should call my Dad! He'll figure out how to reverse this in no time, he's great with knowing what to do when I don't," he proclaimed. "I can hang out in my room whilst he travels so I'm not in the way," he added. They looked at each other and, if he didn't know any better, he'd think that they didn't know who his Dad was. "You guys know who my Dad is right?" he asked. He hoped they did otherwise they weren't very good friends. What good friends don't know who their friend's parents are? What if something happened to him and he needed a guardian? What if there was something in their medical history that they didn't know?

"Of course we do!" Starfire responded with a smile. "We are your friends after all. How about I show you to your room whilst they call your Dad?" He shrugged and jumped off the table. Maybe he misread the situation. He was a nine-year-old after all. He wasn't exactly well-versed in social interactions, especially with older people. His experience at galas was telling enough. 

"Sounds good to me."

Once Robin left the room, the remnants of the team stared at each other questioningly. This whole experience had them scrambling for someone to tell them what to do but none of them was any wiser than the other. 

"Does anybody know who his Dad is?" Beast Boy asked. He certainly had no idea. Robin didn't really talk about his personal life other than through passing comments. Even then, they were vague and applicable to nearly everyone. They never pushed him to explain since his identity was still a secret and it wasn't important. They didn't have to know what life he led before he formed the team because all that mattered to them was who he was now. How were they supposed to know it would come to bite them in the ass? By the silence in the room, he guessed they were all in the same boat. 

"Why don't we just ask him?" Raven stated.

"We can't because Star said we already knew. If we ask now then we look like bad friends," Cyborg argued. She huffed unhappily. 

"I'd rather resolve the issue at hand than preserve a child's view of us. He won't even be here to hold a grudge once we fix this," she reasoned. It was simple. Robin probably wouldn't remember even being a child and, if he did, then he wouldn't be able to be angry at them since it's his fault they don't know who his Dad is. 

"You saw his face when he thought we didn't know, do you really want to see that again?" the youngest pointed out. Raven opened her mouth to argue then closed it. He had a point. She did feel some guilt when Robin's smile faltered and his eyes began darting for some sense of recognition.

"Well even a broken clock is right twice a day," she muttered begrudgingly.

Starfire returned with an anxious look on her face. 

"So, do you know who his Dad is?" she asked. They shook their heads. "Oh, what are we going to do? We can't ask him or he'll find out we do not know." Robin would be so upset if he found out the people he was supposed to be friends with didn't know something so trivial. It may be his older self's fault that they didn't know but he was a kid. The only reason he trusted them was because they said they were his friends but if they admitted they didn't know, who's to say he's not going to find it suspicious?

"Let's just try to think about this logically," Cyborg asked. Maybe they could compile all the traits they knew together and make a person out of it. 

"Well, he thought it would be obvious so it's gotta be someone we know," Beast Boy started. 

"He knows how to sort this mess so he's either a scientist or a hero," added Cyborg. That gave them something. There were few famous scientists in the field of age-changing magic if any, so they were more likely to be a hero. "Anything else?" It took a few minutes for another development to come up. 

"Oh, I am sure he said he was close to the Justice League as a child so his Dad must be close to the first few League members," Starfire said. 

"And they probably have black hair since he does," Beast Boy commented.

"That leaves Superman and Batman. Considering he has no powers, it must be-"

"Batman!" Cyborg shouted. He received a glare from Raven for the interruption.

"We got the idea Cy," Beast Boy said.

"No, look! Batman's in the Tower!" The group instantly crowded around the computer to find the Dark Knight right there in their living room.

Quickly, they ran to the living room just to make sure they weren't hallucinating earlier. They weren't. Batman was right there playing video games with Robin sitting in his lap. 

"I'm gonna win B," Robin taunted. He smashed the buttons harshly, trying to win against his mentor.

"Over my dead body," Batman replied. It was odd to hear a jestful remark come from Batman. Just as Robin was about to win, he put his hand over the boy's eyes and pulled off a combo move. 

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just resting my hand," he reasoned.

"Yeah on my face!" Batman sounded like any other Dad out there despite his hero status. Although it felt odd to see it, something was charming about him breaking his ice-cold exterior for his kid and only his kid. 

"Let's leave them to it. He'll figure this out," Cyborg whispered to the others to not disturb the pair. "Wanna go for pizza?" They silently nodded and creeped out of the Tower, leaving the dynamic duo to themselves.

Cyborg more like Cryborg HA

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