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(EDIT: why did I just not put a name here? IDK who requested this now why did i do this?)

Okily dokily let's just ignore what came before this and get into some fluffy brotherly content

I haven't seen the third season of YJ because it's pretty hard to find the episodes outside of the dc app, so I'm sticking with the idea that they just rebuilt the mountain for people to live in

Also, all I know about Jon is stuff from fanfic so he might be a little ooc since I didn't read the comics (even though there was a run where he teamed up with Damian and I've seen sc and it's so adorable but my comic book shop doesn't sell that run)

"You know, I've never met your brothers," Cassie said, addressing Red Robin, Nightwing, and Connor. They frowned in thought. 

"So you haven't come to think of it," Nightwing confirmed. Though, he assumed there was more to the sentence than just a passing thought. 

"And you don't want to. It's bad enough that we have to deal with them," Red Robin added.

"I highly disagree," Bart argued. "I wanna meet them too." He stood by Cassie who gave him a triumphant smile. 

"Let's be democratic about it then," Connor suggested, not fancying to hear a load of teenagers winge and moan for the next hour. That's the problem with kid heroes. They could and would be so stubborn. "All in favour of meeting our brothers?" The team, excluding Red Robin, put their hands up. 

"Dude, what the hell?" he shouted, punching Nightwing in the arm. 

"What? They can behave themselves for an hour. Maybe they'll even join the team," he replied. The younger groaned dramatically and threw his arms up in the air. 

"Fine, let's just make destroying this mountain a family tradition!"

"That was petty even for you."

The next day, the trio told their brothers to come to the mountain. To make sure they did come, Nightwing made it mandatory unless they wanted to be benched from all the big action for that month. Admittedly it would put them in a bad mood but when weren't they? "We need to lay down some ground rules before they come," Red Robin announced. Most of the team had come to meet their siblings, except for the older members of the team due to a preplanned mission they couldn't get out of. Due to that, the younger ones were left and they hadn't heard the rules to meeting a Bat sibling nor a Super sibling. "First rule, never look them in the eyes. You're either inviting them to take a swing or making yourself liable to going blind," he continued. They raised their eyebrows. 

"Jon can forget about his powers when he daydreams," Connor clarified.

"Second rule, don't pick fights unless you want everything to hurt the next morning." They nodded. Both Robin and Red Hood were rougher than their counterparts and it would just be plain idiocy if they thought angering a super was a good idea, even if they thought they could win a fight against them. "Thirdly, don't try and convert Red Hood. Trust us, the furthest he'll go is using rubber bullets."

"Finally, they're teens just like you so have fun," Nightwing concluded, "Also don't let any of them go near matches."

Before they could really ruminate on the addition, the brothers' arrival was announced. They excitedly waited for them to turn the corner, wondering if they were just as excited to see them as they were. Robin came in first with Jon right by his side. He had an arm around the shorter, making a goofy grin, whilst Robin grimaced. Behind them was Red Hood, his expression hidden by his red helmet. Red Robin and Nightwing gave him a pointed glare, as though they saw him gritted his teeth underneath his helmet. They lessened after a few moments. "Team, these are my brothers. Robin and Red Hood," Nightwing announced, pointing to each respectively. 

"And this is my brother," Connor added, thumbing to Jon.

"Nice to meet all of you! Con doesn't really talk about you guys all that much," Jon greeted. He took his arm away from Robin, making the grimace disappear. 

"They talk about you too much," Robin commented. 

"Aww," the team tauntingly cooed. Red Robin glared at his younger counterpart, vowing to get back at him for that comment in the future. The other returned the glare readily as though he was egging him on to do something in front of their older brother. He could be such a brat when he felt like it.

They engaged in light chatter with one another, all a little nervous to really say much. Nightwing noticed and devised a plan to get the best out of this situation. "Hey Bart, you should show Jon and Robin the souvenir room. Cassie and Garfield, you go too," he suggested. Jon grinned and pulled on Robin's arm. 

"That sounds great! I've heard rumors about that place since I started out," he exclaimed. Bart proudly stepped forward and led them out the room with Wonder Woman's protege close behind. "Jaime, you and Red Hood should train together. He's not one for holding back, I know that's something you hate," he added.

"Like that kid can face twenty minutes against me," Red Hood argued, his arms folded across his chest in confidence.

 "Scared you're gonna lose?" Red Robin jested. Instantly, his mood changed. 

"I could and would beat his and your scrawny ass into the ground."

"I have to agree with Red Rob on this, you sound like you're gonna lose," Lagoon Boy confirmed.

 "I'll prove it! C'mon bug bitch." He stomped off to the training area. Jaime reluctantly followed, already annoyed by the potential pestering the others would give him if he didn't. Besides, it was always fun to prove someone wrong. Lagoon Boy and Red Robin quickly ran after them. That left Nightwing and Connor alone in the living room. The first let out a loud sigh, making the latter chuckle. "Nice save back there," he said.

"Don't thank me yet."

Robin fiddled with an arrowhead that was on show, noticing how blunt it was by flicking it with his gloved thumb. His partner, so to speak, listened excitedly to the tales Bart spun about the pieces. "I thought everything was destroyed when this place blew up," he said.

"It was but The League made replicas to help keep Wally's passion alive; even if he isn't," Garfield explained solemnly. The loss of the original team member was still as heartbreaking as it was a couple of months ago. Nobody could escape the speedster cropping up in everyday conversation. "Woah, that's so cool," the super mumbled in awe. 

"Did they have nothing to do?" Robin inquired. 

"No, they just cared about him. Though, I'd doubt you'd know what caring is," Bart put slyly. He hadn't taken his question very well. 

"Bart!" Cassie whisper-yelled, nudging him in the arm. She was sure that was breaking the rules. 

"Caring gets you nowhere. If anything, it'll get you to an early grave," Robin retorted. Jon laughed awkwardly and slapped his back harshly. 

"What a joker, am I right? That's the batfam humour right there." They raised an eyebrow but took his word for it. 

"Do that again and I'll super slam you into the ocean," he added in a whisper. 

"I'd like to see you try."

Suddenly, they heard cheering and shouting coming from the training room. One look was all it took for them to collectively run towards it. Once there, they saw Red Robin and Lagoon boy cheering on Jaime as he fought with Red Hood. "I bagsie next round with Red Hood!" Jon shouted, readily joining in on the cheering. 

"I like him," Bart muttered. "C'mon Jaime! You can beat him!"

"No way Red Hood will win!" Garfield argued. "The guy's a bat!"

Nightwing and Connor also heard the shouting and came to see them all cheer on the fight. The acrobat smiled a little, somehow knowing that Red Hood wasn't being malicious with his movements. He was having fun in his own Red Hood sort of way. Connor smiled too, though he was smiling at how excited his brother was getting. He was jumping about five feet in the air. "They're getting on well," he said. "I thought someone would at least have a black eye by now."

"I wouldn't hold your breath, we haven't seen how the fight will end yet," he joked. They laughed. "I wish Wally was here too. He would've loved Jon," he added. He lifted his mask up slightly to get rid of the tears residing in his eyes. Connor slung an arm over his shoulders, pulling him into a side hug. "That's if Robin didn't kill him first."

Depending on who you ask, the fight turned out to be a tie since neither were willing to say the other had won. Even their small crowd was divided. Though, that didn't really matter. The day went better than expected and that's all they could ask from the brothers. To this day, Leaguers are still surprised nothing was set on fire.

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