Well endowed

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I had this idea as like a funny thing to happen but i didn't know how to put it into the fic i was writing at the time so here's a quick lil giggle

The day Kori and Dick finally got their own apartment, the pair had never been happier. They loved living with the team but it soon became clear that they needed their own space. There were only so many rushed make-out sessions and times they'd been walked in on they could take before realising it was rather crowded. The apartment wasn't far from the tower so if there were an emergency, they could quickly join their teammates and it was close enough to the city center that they could be first on scene. It was perfect.

The team helped them move in, gifting them with some basic furniture and allowing them to take their beds from the tower although they settled on only bringing Kori's since it was big enough for the pair of them. Although slightly bare of decoration, when Dick looked at the flat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. Here was his future with the woman he adored, working a job he loved and finally in a place where he felt comfortable to plan for the next thing.

Apparently, the next thing was to break into the bedroom because as soon as their friends left, Kori was all over him. He didn't mind one bit though. He relished the fact he didn't have to look over her shoulder or glance at the time to make sure they weren't late for some meeting. For the first time in a long time, Dick could simply relax into the kiss. Her hands held his hips possessively as his own gripped onto her shoulders, neither of them wanting to part earlier than needed. 

Kori broke apart when he was just about to lose his breath and grinned like a predator who had just won big on their hunt.

"I'm guessing you're happy with the move?" Dick asked.

"Very much so. Seeing you in those shorts helped immensely," she replied, her fingers wandering to the elastic waistband of his particularly short shorts that made his ass look even better than usual. Sure they were moving but there was nothing wrong with wearing something that complimented your figure. "Although, I think I'd rather like them on our new bedroom floor."

"You know what, I was thinking the same thing." Kori moved her hands to the back of his thighs, their signal for him to wrap his legs around her waist. He did so immediately and wrapped his arms around her neck before quickly reconnecting their lips. She happily returned it as she floated them to the bedroom a little faster than needed not that he minded. 

Soon he was being thrown on the bed and he was given the absolute gift of watching Kori straddle his waist, tucking her firey red curls behind her ear and dipping down to press kisses against his face. He chuckled as she teased at kissing his lips but missed them ever so slightly. She grabbed his wrists and lightly pinned them against the bed, leaving him able to shake her off he felt uncomfortable. He felt her roll her hips forward and if he wasn't flustered by the kisses, he probably would've remembered something rather important. All he could think was, from the way things were looking, they were about to have sex for the first time and he had no idea how he ended up in such a wonderful position. Maybe this was karma finally being nice to him. 

Then, Kori stopped rather suddenly. She released his wrists and sat back on his lap with a frown. He threw up a questioning eyebrow and lifted himself up to rest on his elbows. Had she rethought what they were going to do? Did she just remember something she left in the tower? 

"Are you alright?" she asked softly. Her eyes gleamed with concern as she pulled away to get a better look at her lover. Dick's face was covered in her red lipstick and he stared at her with a love-sick grin. She must've been worried about him not wanting it to go this far so he was quick to reassure her.

"Never better."

"Are you sure? Your body is not responding in the ways I'm familiar with." He tilted his head in confusion, prompting her to gesture to his crotch rather awkwardly. 

It was at that moment he realised he hadn't said anything about him being trans in their entire relationship. He'd been living as Dick Grayson for so long that he'd almost forgotten that he'd been anyone else. For all Bruce was as a father, one thing he wasn't was transphobic. When Dick explained how he felt at thirteen, his needs were met almost immediately. It had been one of those rare moments where he felt seen by his mentor and like he was more than just a protege to carry on a legacy. It was due to this that he'd been able to pass from a young age and went through high school without many people knowing he was a trans man. 

He guessed his slightly panicked expression equally panicked his girlfriend who began backing off his lap hurriedly. 

"We don't have to do anything. I'm so sorry if you felt-" He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss against her knuckles, silently telling her it was okay. She stopped trying to retreat but made no move to return to their previous activity.

"Kori, I want this," he began. He needed to make sure that was clear. He was completely ready for this but right now, he was worried if she was ready for this. They'd only just gotten this apartment and he would hate for their relationship to break down over this. "The reason I'm not reacting that way isn't because I'm not into it. It's just- I'm not exactly what you're expecting. Down there," he continued anxiously, his face still flushed and his lips near bruised. He knew he should've mentioned this before they moved in together. Maybe when they first started dating or perhaps before she put her lips on his and grabbed the backs of his thighs to pick him up and then throw him on the bed. Pretty much any time before she found out this way.

"If you fear your comparison to men on my planet, I know and don't care about the smaller...endowment. I care about you. Besides, I'm sure you are proportionate to your body." He wanted to laugh at her very politely telling him he didn't have the average size of people on her home planet but he felt far too apprehensive about what he was admitting.

"That's the thing," he muttered. "I'm not endowed. Not traditionally at least."

"I'm sorry, I'm not following."

"My parts look a lot more like your parts," he explained clumsily. Kori stared at him in silence, studying him almost, before it clicked and her concerned frown was replaced by an easy grin. 

"Oh!" she said simply. "Well, that is a relief. I'm confused as to what I was grinding on though. I was sure I felt something." He flushed slightly and reached underneath his pants to retrieve his packer. He'd never shown it to someone before and it felt oddly right for her to be the first. She carefully took it off him and inspected the false appendage.

"Yeah, that would be the packer. It's like padding to make it look like I have a dick so I can pass a little better. Oh, pass means that I look like the gender I want to present as. In this case, it's so I can pass as a guy who's born a guy." She nodded thoughtfully, tossing it up and catching it a few times. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it before. I know I should've but-"

"You don't owe me that information," she replied. "It's yours to give and not mine to demand."

"It's not that, I just sort of forgot. I've been passing for so long that I got used to not saying I was trans at all apart from medical forms," he admitted. "Are you okay with this?"

"Of course, why would I not be?"

"I don't know," he said with a shrug. "It's not what you expected and I come with so much baggage already."

"Of course you do, we just moved," she teased.

"Proud of yourself, are you?" She pressed a kiss against his lips and resumed a more comfortable position on his lap. Her hands roamed but remained above the waistband, more so like she was appreciating him rather than itching to devour him like she had before. "I'm sorry if I ruined the mood."

"You didn't ruin anything," she replied. "Admittedly, I'm unsure of how we continue."

"Maybe we could do some research first? Buy some supplies?"

"I'd like that," she said before kissing his lips, down his jaw and to the lobe of his ear. "I can't wait to hear what you sound like." He gulped as his face heated up. God, he loved her. 

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