Chapter 7

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It was Monday and I was thinking about the two weird instances that happened with Matrix, Emo, and water. First it was at the smoothie shop when that jerk threw water on Matrix and he and Emo ran into the bathroom. Then it was at the beach when Matrix and Emo's feet got wet and the two of them ran into the water with Xiao's encouragement. I was trying to figure it out. It was all too weird.

I was in History when I noticed Matrix looking dazed. I decided to ask him about it after class. I went back to taking my notes.

After class I went up to Matrix and asked him "Why were you so dazed in class earlier?". Matrix looked at me and said "No reason. Just distracted,". "You were distracted? But you're the most laser focused person I've ever met," I said. Matrix sighed and looked away. "Though there are a few things that distract me. Now I gotta go. Later," He said. Matrix walked away. I grumbled under my breath and went to my next class.

After school I was walking across the beach when I saw Matrix dancing ballet on the sand. Except he was different. His hair was styled different and his hair had a blue streak in it. I was mesmerized by the performance.

I walked up to him and clapped as he finished dancing. Matrix turned to me. "How much did you see?" He asked. "Just the bits near the end. You're really good," I said. Matrix chuckled and tucked some hair behind his ear. "Thank you. My mother taught me," He said. I nodded. "Interesting. I didn't think your dad would approve," I said. Matrix looked at me confused. "Why wouldn't he?" He asked. Now I was confused. "Well he's the perfectionist forcing you and your siblings to be perfect right?" I asked. "Not only am I an only child but my parents were killed not that long ago. I moved here to live with my grandma until i'm old enough to inherit my family fortune and move back to France," 'Matrix' said. I understood then. "You're Matrix's French cousin. Papillon right?" I said. Papillon looked like he understood. "I see why you were confused. Me and Matrix do look alike I know. Back when we were toddlers and I came to visit we swapped identities from now and then. Once my parents took him back to France instead of me because of that old trick. We were grounded for months. But yes I am Papillon Danseur. Ballet dancer pro and biological cousin of Matrix Armageddon," Papillon said. "Well you're definitely a pro ballet dancer," I said. Papillon blushed. "Stop. But don't," He said. I chuckled. "I bet you have a lot of admirers back in France," I said. "I used to. Before my parents died and I gave up public performances," Papillon said. "That must've hurt when your parents died," I said. "It did. But we all have to accept and move on. Matrix taught me that," Papillon said. "You're damn straight," Matrix said somehow appearing next to me. "Matrix!" Papillon exclaimed. The two identical cousins embraced each other. "I see you know my friend Cyno," Matrix said. "Oui oui. Bonjour Cyno," Papillon said to me in French. "Bonjour," I said. I didn't know too much French but I knew a bit. "C'mon cous. I'm sure my parents wanna see ya," Matrix said walking away with Papillon. "I wouldn't say they're your parents but if it's how you see them i'll accept it," Papillon said. Matrix and Papillon laughed as they walked. I found their dynamic cute. The same blood. Technically not the same family. Still get along. It made me smile. And fall deeper in love with Matrix.

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