Just beats and shapes: The intro

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There was nothing to the world but darkness. A blank page just waiting to be filled with endless possibilities. Then little light flashed as it slowly turned into a pink color. All there was now is a pink circle floating in the abyss leaving pink particles behind. The only thing he could think of was what was he and why he was here. Thinking deeper into his mind a word came up "Pink" maybe that was his name, but he can't say for sure. He rotated around to see the never ending area as gravity halted his floating. Then there was electric blue spike balls, and Pink decided to dodge them because they look painful. Next he saw was a white triangle that was radiating with energy. When pink touched it he was sent back to where he was, but this time with new obstacles and another power triangle.

- After completing the tutorials-

At last all three power triangles opens up a pathway to another level, but this one seemed off. Upon entering he saw a electric blue square with two triangles on top of its head. As it rotated it shot more of thoes spike balls. Then a eye opens in the center and started blinking.

Pink "What the heck is that thing?!"

Then it rumbles as the spike balls return back into the square. The music stops as the square looks at Pink angrily as his fanged mouth roars.

"Thing! THING?! I am the dreaded Beat Draft! I will easily squash you! You TINY grape!!!"

Pink "I-i dident know you were like me..."

Beat Draft "HAH! Like you? Don't make me laugh. I am strongest of the strong, I can even manipulate the world around me! Hell eventually people will follow me because of my amazing power!"

Beat Draft does a striking pose looking outwards into the abyss.

Pink "So that means I am the only other person you have met."

Beat Draft's eyebrow dissapires as he thought about it. Then he looked back at Pink with a ferious expression.

Beat Draft "That's it! Your gonna get it now!"

The music resumes as square hands appear, and start bashing around trying to hit Pink. After multipil times all four of Beat Draft's fists hit them in the face. Making his eye turn into a X. Pink grabs the power triangle as we was sent out of the stage. Soon the tree power triangles became grand power triangles as they formed a light pink arrow and strikes Pink.


AN: Thanks for reading this. Even though it's NOT an x Reader. But hey if you like this I may expand on this and make a book just for this story, and most likely add an ask vlog at the end so that you guys can interact with the characters too. Like and comment if you would like see this as a story in the future.

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