Lord pink draft x Reader: It's over

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(Suggested by: Kawaiigirl635 and TailaLaHibrida) (Artwork by me :3)

You cheered for your friend beat going to defeat pink draft. After a bit you decided you wanted to see this so you climb into the level. You sat as you watch beat fly passed the minions pink draft conjured and then there he was. At this point you kept on bobbing your head to the beat of the music. Watching pink draft shoot 3 lasers at once! Watching him climb his minions for the last stretch of the tower. You looked and saw that there was no more minions that could boosted him up and he shot straight up before he fell. When the level ended you looked around to see that you were on top of the tower, and beat didn't notice you there. He reached the crown and claimed it as rainbow road plays. You felt ecstatic at this because the nightmare was gone. Suddenly the music stopped as you saw pink draft flew over and blew beat away from the grand power triangle (I like to reference the triangles like the power stars in super Mario galaxy) you internally panic as you see him under the triangle. Then...


Your breath hitches as you see blood run down his face as the grand power triangle pulse deeper and deeper into his head. Then his right eye swells until you could see red in the middle and pops gushing blood on his body. The other one did the same grotesque thing as you were on the edge of puking. All you could see left of him as his body covers with blood and his eye sockets. For once you were worried about him! You couldn't believe what is going on, and suddenly vines of circles with four spikes on each of them sorrounded both you and beat... You were trapped as a new level appeared. The space stared to shrink when beat entered the level, and the vines edged you more and more to the level until you have to go in. You were boxed Some vines as you were forced to watch the battle. This time beat notice you...

Beat "(Y/n)! What are you doing here get out now!"

(Y/n) "I can't I am sourounded!"

Then more vines boxed off Beat as you see what is now the corpse of Pink Draft hover above. Then a song screamed into action (Annihilate by Destroid). Then suddenly the vines burst into centipede like creatures as these lines go by.

The towns- DESTROYED 

The cities- DESTROYED

The farms- DESTROYED

The villages- DESTROYED 

The governments- DESTROYED

Communication- DESTROYED


You have been destroyed!

You look at the now shakeing corpse as now cracks appear. Your hart stoped as it all went black.


Lasers pikes and everything not so nice came after Beat like they depend on his death. You were shaking from adrenaline as he luckily doge a lot of them as the second verse crashed in. Beads of sweat flow down your face as you see the music calm down a bit. Then more vines roll in slowly trapping beat as Pink Draft clamps down his jaw over and over again with the drum and glass shattering. Beat was chewed up by Pink Draft... Your eyes started to form tears as you saw the many pieces of your friend. And when Beat tried to get back up he was smashed again by Pink Draft. Then Pink draft scrapped him off the tower as the pices fell to the bottom. Then his eyes gazed at you. You couldn't help the streams of tears of your face as fear eat away your soul making you shake more. You were gonna die... he came closer to where you could see his white Irises as you squeeze your eyes tight for he might eat you! Suddenly you felt a vine around you the spikes were not sharp but rather dull? You opened your eyes as his hot breath grazed on your body making you shiver and you looked away. Then the twisted vine that was round your body pushes your chin up to where you could only see his eyes.

Pink Draft "(Y/n)... My sweet (Y/n)."

You couldn't help but squeaked, and he cuckled at this. His eyes almost looked hazy as he stared into your eyes.

Pink Draft "For this day forward you shall me mine my sweet (Y/n). And I shall be the Lord of this world."

(Y/n) " Y-you can't! Beat is going to come back and kick your sorry ass!"

Pink Draft "Tisk, my my sweet (Y/n) don't you have vulgar. It's almost impressive..."

At this point you don't know what is going on but you know one thing.

(Y/n) "It's not over Pink Draft! It's not over till it's over!"

Then you felt your body vibrate as his laugh shook the ground. Then he recollects himself.

Pink Draft "Well I say it's over and that is that. Now I would like you to call me Lord Pink Draft instead of my old names."

(Y/n) "I never even liked your previous egotistic name!"

Pink Draft "well I was less strict last time, but you have one last chance. call me Lord Pink Draft or else I don't know I may kill Blue."

(Y/n) "Anything but the precious cinnamon roll!"

Pink Draft "Then do it say IT..."

(Y/n) "Please don't do it Lord Pink Draft!"

Lord Pink Draft "Ah. You said that with such gusto now this is why I love you my sweet (Y/n)."

You shiver as he kept on calling you his sweet...


AN: Hey guys this chapter is really long so I am just gonna let you imagine the rest, or maybe if you wanted a part 2 that would be a while cause I still need to do the rest of the suggestions... :3

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