Pilot x Reader: Carry me!

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(Suggested by: ZoraTehFloofer, KanSanOchiburi, and user93795658)

You loved to have adventures with your friends. Especially exploring rough terrane, but this time there was a little challenge up ahead. When you reached it you gazed down to see a gigantic hole.  You look to the other side to find a sign that says "WARNING: bridge out please proceed with caution" this bummed you out. As the suns heat slices at your neck you knew the town was just up ahead passed the hole. Meanwhile your friend Pilot was worried about you, and hovered next to you to get a good look at the hole as well. There little rotors brought small gusts of cold air to you as a sigh of relief came out of you. Then thinking more and more on how to get over the hole an idea struck you.

(Y/n) "Hey Pilot?"

Pilot "Yeah (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) "I got a plan for getting across."

Pilot "Really what is it?"

You turned around and looked at him.

(Y/n) "Carry me!" (And yes you were acting like a cute tot :3)

Pilot "Ok just to let you know if my grip starts slipping I will come back here as fast as I can. All right?"

(Y/n) "fine by me!"

Pilot hovers over your head and reaches down words twards you.

Pilot "Reach up and grab my hands."

You grabbed there tiny ball hands and got a good hold. For a small helicopter they have a strong grip on your hands, and yet not to the point where it hurts. Then when they picked you off the ground you were shocked. Pilot is as big as a drone and yet they could carry you. As you two reach the half way mark you notice some pink on pilot's face.

(Y/n) "hey are you ok?"

Pilot "Y-yeah just *huff* getting a bit tired that all."

(Y/n) "If your tired let's go back."

Pilot "But we are *huff* almost t-there!"

(Y/n) "Am I that heavy for you?"

Pilot "W-what?! no! If any thing I-I'm weak. I don't r-really strengthen *huff* my motors that much..."

By the time you barely reach the ledge on the other side there was a grinding noise comeing from pilot and his rotor stoped, and before you two fell you had stretched your legs out and planted them on the ledge as you struggle for balance. You had manage to get up right instead of falling down the hole. You walked a bit away until you notice pilot was hugging aroun your neck. Pilot now liked more like a backpack than anything else. You watched beads of sweat pool down there red hot face. As you reached the neighboring town you got Pilot all fixed up, and had a couple of meals there along with site seeing. One thing replayed in your mind over and over "this is the best adventure ever. Especially with pilot". While walking down a street you picked a kiss on the helicopters face. They blushed instantly when you did that and covered there face.


Omg so cute! Thank you my imagination. :3

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