okay. no lyrics this time.

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So in the chapter I literally JUST posted, I mentioned my friends that're dating that kind of,,, scared me with the three messages shared in the group chat?

Well, one of them is my best friend. The other? I'm not really happy with. Them and my other friend. I'm not stating names. I'm literally not stating names. I saw how that ended last time. I'll call them blue, red, and purple.

Blue is my best friend. Red is dating Blue. Purple is Red's best friend.

Well, Blue sent me a video of them crying. I asked if they was okay and they said no. I asked her what was wrong. As of now, I haven't had a response. They sent the same video to the group chat. Their significant other said:

"aw :("

Not long after, Blue responded with:

"Oh like you care"

That was really the end of it. Red moved on to ranting about a musical with Purple.

Now, Red. Why am I not happy with them?

Well, as previously stated in the last chapter, I'm watching Sherlock. 10/10 best show coming from Europe and BBC. I don't say the name of the show I'm watching because I know Red will watch it and want to spam ME about it.

So, I was DMing Blue very early in the morning (I'm an hour behind all three of my friends mentioned.)

Me: wait so they can yell about their shows but I can't yell about mine?

Blue responded with that's why they don't talk about their shows in the chat.

me: I'm just not happy with people today, including them and Purple
me: like I'm tempted to bring it up in DMs to Red and if they get pissed at me they have no reason because they do it to me, too?

Blue: why purple?

me: it's okay but i just- they blocked me for talking about a show but not Red

Blue: and what did Red do?

me: Red gets pissy at me for spamming and talking about a show but they can do it. Red DMs me and is like- Dude that wasn't cool. And just-
me: I'm not happy with humanity ig

Blue: I'm always fishy about people named Red because every person I know named Red except (friend's name) is not too good
Blue: omg what the heck

me: I can send screenshots

I couldn't send screenshots, so I copied Red's message to me:

me: hey bro I'm not just saying this to get the name of the show, just so you know. but I wanted you to know that like, when I ask smth and you respond with :) or smth? It's kinda smth that triggers some insecurities and it kinda makes me feel like shit. especially when you did the, "Blue, don't tell them," thing the other day. idk. it just really bugs me. if you don't wanna tell me. just flat out don't answer. don't do the secretive thing with the :). please n thank you
me: they sent me that. when THEY respond with :) too

Blue: they said they've been treated badly but they're doing to other people what has been done to them

me: exactly. i know it's bad to say, but i think they're being a hypocrite. they do everything i do and then they get mad at me when i do it. I just- they used to be so different. and now they're changed after they became better friends with Purple. from personal experience, Purple isn't the best influence.

That was the end of the conversation after making sure I didn't make Blue uncomfortable. I've wanted to leave that friend group for ages.

Now, onto when I quoted Red.

1. They were obviously doing that to get the name of the show.

2. They respond with :) and they're secretive when I ask them things. I ask them something and instead of thinking over their message, they send :) which makes me immature.

3. I did the "Blue don't tell them" thing because I didn't want Red knowing the name of the show. They got into a fandom I'm in so they knew what Blue and I were talking about and now they're obsessive over it. I'm the same way, but honestly, it made me mad. It was Blue's thing and my thing. And they go and ruin it. They send memes and posts about it constantly and yell at me and block me when I say to stop.

4. The insecure thing I don't doubt. It makes me feel bad when they respond with :), too. But really? Seriously?

Honestly, I'm done with humanity except for my two Watson's and Blue. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I left the chat like my old friend, Green did. They seem to be so much happier after they left.

My two Watson's have literally been here for me since 1st grade and 6th grade. Blue has been here for me since the end of 8th grade. They always listen to my rants and I do the same to them.

But Purple and Red are manipulative. They make you feel like shit for things you do that they do, too. They yell at you to stop or block you for talking about something you're passionate about.

I got in an 'argument' (if you can even call it that) with Red over election periods.

My argument?

Elections for presidency take place every four years, which are leap years. 2004, 2008, 2012, and so on. There's no way W. Bush was re-elected in 2007 because fucking Obama was president in 2008. A president isn't in office for a year unless they die or get impeached.

Their argument? The same screenshot over and over from the elections for House of Representatives in 2006.

Dude. I'm older than you. I'm more politically involved at 14 than you. Don't try to argue with someone when they know they're right. It's a fact that it's every 4 years there's an election.

Some backstory: we were talking about why the year we were born was the best.

I said '05 was the best because a president got a second term after some heat from 9/11. And Red went:

"Uh (my nickname) you were wrong about the election thing"

and automatically I was angry. I wasn't wrong and for once, I knew it.

So, yeah. I don't really like my friends.

Now, some of you (the few that read this) may be asking; Ellen, why aren't you leaving them?

Because I'm insecure. I just want to be able to be loved and have friends, even if they're toxic. I know it's a bad habit.

I'm trying to break it.

I promise.

Anyways, rant over. Back to our regularly scheduled program. 

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