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The dark haired man considered himself a simple man. Simple was a word he used to get away with being bland, and colorless withtout snarky remarks and reminders to 'live it up' from his friends and sister. He wasn't too old. Either 28 or 29, it was hard to tell. He wasn't ugly, just pretty average.

At that moment in time, the Dark haired man happened to be on a blind date. He didn't really wanna be there, but he knew if he didn't try at all for romance then he'd be lonely the rest of his life, and he didn't want that either. This Dark haired man had only ever experienced love once in his life, when he was younger and before university. His senior year in high school he had met a special light haired girl. She wasn't simple at all. She told him about her dreams of travelling places that the dark haired man hadn't even heard of. He was amazed by her, and everything she did. Every step or breath she took he could gasp at, because it was so unlike him and new; a kind of adventure for this dark haired man, if you will. But, when they both left for college relations between them ceased, but he still thought of her for a long time after that.

The Dark haired man hadn't even realized fifteen minutes had gone by since the time his date was supposed to show up, And it began to storm outside the restaurant. It was ironic, honestly. He sighed blandly and just continued to sit and wait for a while longer until the thirty and fourty-five minute Mark had gone by. He sighed again. He kept wondering if perhaps a beautiful blonde or light brunette woman might walk in and apologize, saying there was an accident on the road or some general excuse like that. But no, no woman came in, light haired or not.

This Dark Haired man began to feel hopeless, as this was his first time opening up to the thought of a romantic partner in a while. He placed his hand on the table to help him stand up to leave, but a sight outside that massive restaurant window had him freeze in place. To someone who didn't know what was going on, it might look as if he had a heart attack or got frozen in a game of freeze tag, because the dark haired man just stared with his eyes bugging out of his head.

The sight that seemed to mortify him so much was a light haired woman standing out in the rain with her eyes squinted, as she seemed to be either lost or about to cry. Lost, the dark haired man instantly thought, Because the light haired woman he knew rarely shed a tear. The light haired woman held her hair up to feel the rain a little, and hinted at a smile. This made the dark haired man feel as if a weight was lifted off his chest. If you hadn't experienced it, seeing someone you care about very much smile after a long time could be one of the best feelings in the world. That's what the dark haired man thought at the moment. He felt his legs wanting to just run to her, but he also felt like he couldn't move. That was the moment he remembered the time they shared together; when they counted down the days until college when they'd leave each other. When he introduced her to his mother. When they laid on his bed and he'd just stare at her and count the freckles on her face, and she never minded. She'd always say something witty and brilliant after it. She did have a way with words, now that he remembered it. She'd tape poems up on the walls next her bed even though they made terrible decorations. He loved her for that, being so strangely good with arranged sentences so they would make him feel something. He remembered When she gave him a poem the day she left for college. She studied abroad, of course. Why wouldn't she? Honestly, people would love her anywhere she went so she never had to worry about that.

As the dark haired man remembered a million things at once his feet began to step slowly, but picked up the pace a little bit as more rememberings filled his mind. That time she pushed him in the pool, when they went to the art museum, when her eyes changed shape when she smiled. At this point the dark haired man found himself only a few feet away from the light haired woman. He hardly realized he was out in the cold rain, but he took his coat and raised it above both their heads, not wanting to see one more drop make her shiver. He swallowed and watched her turn around to see just who decided to help her.

When the light haired woman turned around, she smiled at him. "I'm Lisa." She said. The dark haired man tilted his head to the side the tiniest bit. The light haired woman's eyes didn't change shape when she smiled. "I'm...I'm James." The Dark haired man said with a smile back.

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