1k special!!

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3rd pov

Doggo (y/n) was sitting on a floating ground In outertale, she got some letter from out of no where and was courious on what it was, she opens up the envelope and takes out the letter a bit excited wondering what it was.

She opens the letter and then reads what it says,"Dear doggo (y/n) you've been Invited for a nice cafe day with other (y/n)s like you! A portal will be arriving shortly for her!" The letter said. "Huh? A portal?" Doggo (y/n) asked herself confused and looks around wondering where it is, but then a portal opens up a next to her to a peaceful and happy au, (y/n) tilts her head courisly and she then goes through it and it soon closed behind her. (Y/n) looked around in awe of this au, she checks the letter again and reads the name of the cafe she's supposed to go too, It was a nice and cozy cafe called "pastry cafe". (Y/n) walks around trying to find it until she sees it, she smiled and goes to the cafe and walks in, the door making a small "ding!" Sound from the bell attached to the door, "I wonder what the others will like like" she thought as she looks around, she sees 6 people there, they were sitting at one of the tables and chatting and such


There was Blueberry (y/n),
error (y/n),
ghost (y/n),
skeleton (y/n), and
bitty (y/n) from

And there was paintbrush (y/n) from Jocelyn_Clark


Ghost (y/n) sees her as she drinks her tea that she ordered, "oh doggo (y/n) is here" she said with a soft smile. skeleton (y/n) gasped and waves as her eyelights turned into stars, "yay!! You're here!!!" She said. doggo (y/n) goes over to the table and takes her seat, "it's a pleasure to meet you" bitty (y/n) said, "it's so nice to meet you all too! What's your name? I'm (y/n) but you can call me doggo!" Doggo (Y/n) said cheerfully. "I'm error (y/n), that's bitty (y/n), that's ghost (y/n), that's Blueberry (y/n), that's paintbrush (y/n) and that's-" before error (y/n) could even finish what she was gonna say Skeleton (y/n) interrupted her, "and I'm skeleton (y/n)!!" She said cheerfully. "It's so nice to meet all of you!" Doggo (y/n) said, "how about we all tell a little something about ourselves?" Paintbrush (y/n) asked courisly. "Alright I'll go first" skeleton (y/n) started, "well basically I was a human that unfortunately died but I came back as a skeleton monster!" She said, "oh my...I'm so sorry that happened" ghost (y/n) said with sympathy in her eyes, "oh don't worry about it, I've gotten pretty used to it now" Skeleton (y/n) said. "I was normal until a nightmare sans from this different multiverse was a ghost and he became apart of me" ghost (y/n) explained next. Next it was error (y/n) turn, "well um.... In my story ever since unfortunately error got killed by ink and he and I kinda combine in a way" she explains, bitty (y/n) was covering doggo (y/n) ears for that part. "I actually don't know anything from my past" Blueberry (y/n) said rolling her eyes a bit. "I take care of bitty sanses" Bitty (y/n) said, skeleton (y/n) tilts her head courisly, "bitty sanses?" She asked, "bitties are small versions of the sans aus! They're all so cute but sometimes they can be a bit of a handful" bitty (y/n) giggled. "I was controlled by nightmare in my universe but then ink from my universe saved me!" Paintbrush (y/n) said blushing faintly as she thought about the colorful skeleton monster from her universe."what about you doggo?" Bitty asked courisly, "hm...well in my universe I have this thing called a golden soul, apparently it's rare and a monster born with one can happen to millions or hundreds of years and only 1 out of millions of monsters can be born with one" doggo (y/n) said doing her best to explain. "Everyone here has some pretty good backstories" ghost (y/n) said with a warm smile. "Ugh I'm bored, should we leave this cafe? I heard there's some festival in this city" Blueberry (y/n) said. "That sounds fun!" Paintbrush (y/n) said


They leave the cafe and they soon get to the festival after some time of walking, "woah...this looks so beautiful!" Bitty (y/n) said as she was looking around, "what should we d-" before error (y/n) could finish, "food!!" Doggo (y/n) barks happily as she happily goes over to the tables of so much food for everyone. "Oooo look! Paintings!" Paintbrush (y/n) said happily and goes over to the other humans and monsters who were making such lovely paints, blueberry (y/n) huffs as she crosses her arms, "idiots..." She said but then gets hit on the back of the head by ghost (y/n), "don't be rude!" She scolded her. "There's so many goodies here! My bitties will love these!" Bitty (y/n) said happily. Skeleton (y/n) couldn't help but giggle, "come on! Let's go explore s bit!" She said happily


The festival was pretty fun, they ate food, paint, people releasing so many cool balloons to the sky and so much more, it was a absolute blast, it was now getting dark but the festival was still going on, there was gonna be a firework show, "ooooo I can't wait for this firework show!" Skeleton (y/n) said so excited, "I'm just ready to go home..." Blueberry said crossing her arms, but in actuality she had fun at this festival, but wasn't like she was gonna actually admit to that. "I've never seen fireworks before! I'm so excited!" Doggo (y/n) said. The fireworks get set up and someone sets them off with a lighter, they shoot up to the sky and the firework show starts, so many pretty colors and design of each fireworks, so many monsters and humans watching in awe, this startled doggo (y/n) a bit making her whimper, error (y/n) pets her head to calm her down, "hey hey it's alright, I know they're loud but they won't hurt ya!" She reassured her, doggo (y/n) slowly calms down and watched the fireworks with the others. "This is amazing!" Bitty (y/n) said as the fireworks continues, monsters and humans cheering happily


Soon the festival ended and everyone was starting to go home or clean up the aftermath of the festival, "today was great! I can't wait to show my bitties all of this!" Bitty (y/n) said, she took pictures and brought some things from the festival and some food as well. "Eh....it was alright" Blueberry (y/n) said with a faint smile, "is that a smile I see?" Skeleton (y/n) teased, blueberry (y/n) looks away, "no! She quickly said, "well it was a pleasure to meet all of you! I do hope we can do this again" ghost (y/n) said, "agreed this was awesome!" Paintbrush (y/n) said carrying a painting she made and was gonna show it to ink later. The portals open to each (y/n) own universe, "bye everyone" error (y/n) said waving bye before going through her portal, soon everyone goes through each of their portals back to their universes. Doggo (y/n) lands back in Underswap,she walks in humming happily, she was glad to know that they're were actually others like her!


(WOOHOO! This is my 1k special! Sorry that it took so long, thank you all for following me and getting me this far I am so grateful! This will be the last page of this book and there will be a new art book coming out very soon!

What do you think of this cover? Should I change it? (I might idk-)

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