Chapter 1 Love

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Love is such a complicated feeling.

To buy one a gift could be considered love, to care, to be there, doing anything for them could be love.

But then using the word, love can give you power over another.

'I'm doing this because I love you,'

'If you love me then do it,'

This 'love' is no longer what it's used to be. It's being used as a reason so they can use it to their advantage, it's being used just to get what they want. Sure love can make you do things that you wouldn't particularly do, but this has gotten out of hand. It has transformed into something horrifying and terrible, always on your back, watching your every movement.

Even though you confront this ugly, grotesque monster, it hides behind it's mask. They have the audacity to hide behind a mask of which they call love. They make you think that this 'love' you are dealing with is what everyone deals with. This 'love' is 'normal'.

When really it's just




And possibly abuse

You are now no longer in control, this person have made you think they are superior and correct compared to you and you have to rely on them for help.

Or maybe you're now so deep in this hole of confusion you have no where else to go, no one else to talk to because they've blocked everyone out of your life.

You could even be giving the other person the benefit of doubt of what their doing is correct, this 'love' they have for you is the 'correct' way and that everyone does it like this. 

But it's not.

That thing that's happening to you right now isn't love.

Real love is different to that, much more different.

It isn't forced, there's nothing you have to do.

There's no horrible feeling, no sadness, none of that monstrosity.

This love is genuine, it's really there.

It makes you feel giddy and all happy, making you smile and even going red. This person doesn't push you to do anything and what you want to happen they'll support and be there for you.

That is love

They give you gifts that you never asked for and they know how to be there for you because they care about how you feel.

They care about your feelings and they know what you don't like doing.

It's a  feeling you can't forget and you know you'll be safe in their hands because they'll be there for you, their love is there for you.

So believe me when I say I've experienced it all.

I know what it feels like to be used but I know the feeling of having that connection with someone.

Love to me is something that can be so evil but yet so pure. Almost like a drug, tearing you apart but you can't stop because you demand more of it.

What a funny thing, this love 

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