Something I wrote For The RP Lol

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This how Artemis met her love interest lol And then there's some stuff that happened later! All of this was for the Murder Mystery RP uwu

I had to go to bed then, so I finished it today. In the meantime Artemis took a nap lol

Artemis woke up from her nap.
"Oh gosh I only have 20 minutes left!"
She started to quickly get changed. She picked a white blouse, some ripped jeans and a red wool jacket that Dals siblings bought. She was really glad that they bought so many clothes. After that, she ran to the café and looked at her watch.
"Phew... I only have 3 minutes left..."
She said relieved. She zoned out for a moment.
"Hi Artemis!"
She jumped at the sudden hand on her shoulder.
"Oh my- H-hi Alora!"
She smiled at her.
"So, what are we gonna do today?"
Artemis asked curious.
"So the plan for the hang out is... Exploring! Come on now, I'm going to show you around the village!"
The blonde grabbed Artemis by her hand and dragged her towards the centre of the town. Artemis blushed at the sudden touch, but she didn't let go. She felt warm. *This is... Surprisingly nice..." She thought with a smile.
They arrived in the centre.
"Well, do you want to go to the library or the flower shop?"
Alora asked.
"Hm... Let's go to the flower shop first!"
She said smiling. They were still holding hands and Artemis' face was a blushing mess.
They went into the flower shop and were greeted by an elderly woman.
"Oh, hello Alora, sweetie!" The woman noticed Artemis. "I see you brought a friend with you today?"
She smiled at Artemis.
"Yeah!" Alora turned to Artemis. "This is my aunt Mary, she's the owner of the shop"
Artemis nodded.
"Hello miss, I'm Artemis"
Artemis introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, sweetie. Now, I suspect you came to the shop for some flowers? Take a look around, don't be shy!"
She said happily.
"Alright, thanks auntie!"
Alora turned to Artemis.
"Lets take a look at some of the flowers!"
She smiled at her. Artemis was blushing a lot and she nodded.
They went over to the shelfs. Artemis noticed some poppies on it.
"Hey, Artemis, you like poppies?"
Alora asked.
"Uh, yeah I do... They're my favourite flower..."
She answered shyly.
"Well, then wait here a second!"
She went over to Mary and said something to her. Mary nodded and went over to a shelf with some poppies. She got a few and put a ribbon on them. Then she handed them to Alora. The girl smiled and went over to Artemis.
"These are for you!"
Alora handed the flowers to Artemis with a grin. Artemis blushed furiously.
"O-oh- T-thank y-you...!"
She managed to mumble out.
"No problem! Now come on, let me show you the library!"
She grabbed Artemis' hand again.
"Bye auntie!"
Alora said walking out of the door.
"Goodbye! Please come again!"
Mary smiled.
Artemis and Alora exited the shop and headed for the library.
"I will show you a great spot! Come on!"
Alora said quietly when they entered. Artemis nodded smiling.
They went to a corner of the library, surrounded by shelves with fantasy and romance books. There was a small couch there.
"So this is the spot! You like it?"
Alora looked at Artemis.
"Yeah, it looks lovely! It also has fantasy, which is my favourite!"
Artemis smiled at Alora.
"Alright, take a book and we can sit on the couch!"
Artemis looked though the shelves. She saw "Hobbit" and decided to read it. Alora already sat down, so Artemis sat down beside her.
"What are you reading?"
Alora asked.
"Hobbit, it's one of my favourites. You?"
"Beren and Luthien, also by Tolkien! Looks like we both like his books, huh?"
Alora shifted over to Artemis.
"Yeah! It's kinda cool!"
Artemis looked over to Alora.
"Alright then, wanna talk about our favourite books and all?"
They talked for a while. After a while of reading, Artemis felt a weight on her shoulder. She looked over and saw Alora fell asleep. She blushed almost immediately. *OMG SHE FELL ASLEEP ON ME-* Artemis had a red face. She calmed herself after a moment. A yawn escaped her mouth. *Okay, I don't want to wake her up, so... Maybe, I will take a nap too?* She thought. She got comfortable and rested her head on the couch. She fell asleep with a slight smile on her face.

No one:
Me and Night freaking out over the fact that the Triple Threat crew characters are all lesbians:

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