Chapter 12

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Colby had to go on an early patrol the next morning and left before Ashley woke up. Ashley woke up to a crying Jenny, changing the baby's diaper and dressing her in a donated dress.

"Ready to go with me to work, baby girl?" Ashley said. As much as she tried to deny it, she knew she wanted to be Jenny's mother. She'd promised the dying woman she'd take care of Jenny,  and that's exactly what she would do.

Ashley made a quick breakfast of toast and jam, seeing a bottle of vitamins in the care package Martha had given her.
"Wouldn't hurt to take one." She said to herself, taking two pills and gulping down a glass of water.
She walked downstairs, Jenny in her arms.
As usual, it was hard getting dressed. The child kept squirming, wanting to play.
"Shhh..shh..." she cooed, rocking Jenny softly and rubbing her back.
"Don't worry, baby; me and Colby will always take care of you."

Ashley put Jenny in her sling, feeling the baby snuggle against her and sucking on her little fist. She walked to the factory, smiling when she noticed that someone had left a playpen next to her workstation.

"See, Jenny? Now you'll be right next to me!" Ashley plonked the baby down on the padded bottom of the playpen, watching her crawl around. Ashley suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over her, and she bent over, holding her stomach and closing her eyes tight. Was it because she was getting her period?
No. Something else was wrong. Her breathing increased and she felt a cold sweat break out on her body. Her hand shook uncontrollably as she grabbed the edge of the table. Tears ran down her face, and a few of the women huddled around her.
"Sit down, dear; you need some air."
"Get her a glass of water!" One of the other women said.

Ashley took a few wobbly steps, feeling hands reaching out to catch her.
"Get her to the infirmary." Another woman said, pushing Ashley toward the door. Ashley stood unsteadily, not really comprehending anything they were telling her.
What am I going to do? She thought. I'm too weak, too sick to move. What's happening to me?
"Where am I going?"She slurred.
Then she passed out.
Colby looked at the map he had been given. It was of the area around the settlement, places to scout for zombies and raiders. He realized he was alone; something was wrong. Most patrols would break into small groups, not leave someone alone.
He looked around but saw no one. Where the hell are they?!
His thoughts were interrupted when Owen ran up to him.

"Colby! You're headed to the dead zone! Come on! Stick by me and we'll head back!"
"What do you mean?"
"No one goes there! We managed to figure out years ago that the zombies like to cluster. The dead zone is where they are the most concentrated."

"I got assigned to scout it...." Colby said, and Owen froze in his tracks. He could see the confusion in his friend's eyes. His voice became soft and quiet, "Are you sure?"
Owen looked him in the eye, his voice hardening.
"Someone was going to make sure you didn't come home tonight."
"Eli was trying to get rid of you! He wants Ashley!"
"Ashley? That means she's in trouble...Oh God, what will happen to her?" Colby gasped.
"Eli's followers are everywhere. I'll have you hunker down somewhere. When our people are guarding the gate, we'll sneak you back into town." Owen explained, leading Colby through the woods. Eventually, they came to an old barn.
"Stay here! If any of Eli's followers asks I'll say I couldn't find you and they'll think the zombies got you. The other rebels and I are meeting tonight! We'll get to the bottom of what's going on."

Colby nodded and sat down on a bench, resting his head in his hands. He was scared beyond belief; this was bad news. He couldn't believe he had put Ashley in danger. Why didn't he just take her and Jenny and run? Instead, he'd decided to stay and take risks.

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