Chapter 16

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Colby watched the sun come up, a smile gracing his lips as he remembered how close they'd come to losing Ashley tonight. He held his dad's dog tags tight, wishing his dad could have seen him fight. He grimaced as a doctor bandaged the bullet graze on his arm, but didn't make a sound of pain, because he knew if anyone else saw his injury, they wouldn't let him leave until he was treated properly. Ashley hadn't set Jenny down since she found her; the baby girl falling asleep in her arms.

"You need to sleep, Ash. Let's go back to the inn and get some rest. You're exhausted." Colby told her. He reached down to pick her up, but she held the baby closer. "Hey, we should get the little one to bed."
With reluctance, Ashley agreed to get Jenny in bed. They went to the bedroom, Ashley tucking Jenny into the crib. Then, she crashed into the bed, letting exhaustion wash over her. She felt the mattress dip, and Colby laid down next to her. She shifted closer to him until there was hardly any space between them. Her breath hitched when she felt his chest pressed against hers.
"This is nice." He murmured, smiling slightly as she placed her hand on his waist. He sighed lightly and smiled at her. Ashley leaned forward and kissed his cheek, pulling the quilt on the bed over them. They fell asleep in each other's arms, their minds racing over the events of the past couple of days, and thoughts of what lay ahead.

Owen's group lost more than thirty men, but they had done their job well. No children were harmed, and Eli's devotees bore the brunt of the casualties. After taking care of the wounded and burying the dead, it was decided to burn Eli's Church to the ground; it had been built for the glory of Eli and his cult, not the glory of God.
Once the church was consumed by fire and smoke, a group gathered in the parking lot, to figure out what to do going forward.
The next day, Owen and a few of his group addressed the remaining cult members.

"We aren't going to waste any more lives. Eli, you and your followers who are still loyal are to be banished! You will be given food and weapons, but you are no longer allowed in this settlement. Those with children, we decided you will be escorted to another settlement three days from here so you will be protected from the zombies and raiders. The orphaned children will remain here." Owen paused, watching the crowd. He saw the other townspeople, who had suffered under Eli's iron fist.

"We will rebuild to what we were before; a thriving community where all are welcome and safe."
Ashley breathed in the fresh fall air, letting Jenny crawl in the fallen leaves. Jenny giggled happily, picking them up with her chubby hands. Ashley laughed as Jenny threw them in her face.
Colby came up beside Ashley.
"How do you feel about staying here until spring?" He asked, kneeling so Jenny could crawl to him.
"I like it here. I think it'll be a lot safer this way." She responded. "We'll continue to Jackson when the weather warms up." Ashley sensed that Colby wanted to ask her something.
"Hey, Colby, what's up?" Ashley asked.
"If we get out early enough in the spring, can we make a detour?"
"Sure. Where are you thinking? Is it another settlement or something?" Ashley inquired.

Colby sighed, memories coming back he still didn't want to feel.
"My family made a promise before we were separated; there was this national park where we'd go camping. The night we got separated, we promised that we'd try to get to the area so we could find each other."

Ashley took Colby's hand affectionately.
"You've been holding out on finding your family all this time?"
"I know it's a long shot after this long, dad's dead...if the rest of my family is still alive I want to find them. If not, so I can say goodbye."

Colby answered. His voice began to crack.
"I'm sorry, Colby. I know what you've gone through. But I'll help you find them. You don't have to do this alone." Ashley assured him. Jenny squealed, breaking the quietness between them.
"Hey, Ash? We can find a way to bring Jenny with us too." Colby suggested. He pulled her closer to him, giving her an encouraging squeeze.
"Yeah. We can." Ashley smiled.

End of part 2

Part 3: Ashley, Colby, and baby Jenny have left Angel's Landing to continue their journey to Jackson. It's not just zombies they have to worry about; it's the elements and even other humans. An old enemy catches up to them and Colby miraculously finds someone from his past.

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